Why was Luv crying in most of her scenes?

Why was Luv crying in most of her scenes?

Because she was under the direct control of Leto and didn't like it but had to go along which is why she cried in the birthing/killing and kissed goose just before attempting to kill him

I legit believe she was in love with K

Dana Dearmond and lexi belle in the Parody when?

>kisses him
>"I'm the best."
What did she mean by this?

yes but why?

because "real human bean"

Why the whole
>Do your fucking job
Line then?

Do Porn companies have the capability to recreate the superimpose scene?

she experiences emotions consistent with the repulsiveness of her acts, and despite the repulsiveness of her acts

She looks like a daughter of Ford and Young

better than any CGI he might be in love with, and better than the police commander

They were both replicants that had to kill? Shared that

K was shunned by humans for being a skinjob and shunned by replicants for being a blade runner which is why he had an AI waifu but Luv was all he could possibly have realistically but even that was a failure because she had to kill him.


Was anyone else really hoping she ended up being Deckard and Rachel's daughter?

I don't know how they'd explain it in the plot but it'd be subversive as fuck for K to kill the mystery child he's been searching for

She had such a large role in the movie I thought that must've been the case until the reveal of the real daughter

I was thinking this too.

I think it would be really funny if they just shot the scene twice and made one layer a little transparent

because that user was wrong lol

i had that thought when her death scene was shot in such a notable way

the camera lingered on her for quite a while

I was hoping for this, simply to ensure the division survived. Eliminate the child who should never have existed.

Instead, we've got the Kwisatz Haderach with a crippling immune disorder.

She wanted to be Wallace's perfect angel and had a superiority complex to other replicants