What would he think of his company if he were alive today?
What would he think of his company if he were alive today?
who cares what some old faggot thinks
Probably hate all the niggers in it
Didnt he really hate jews? Or was that Ford
I het hed be pretty upset
I think he would like his own company, since he would be happy to see himself alive again.
He looks jewish.
He'd probably enjoy all the money, but be slightly disappointed in the lack of ethics.
is that hitler without the mustache?
He’d be bummed about how EPCOT turned out
>its a Sup Forums tier racist thread
Theres only rumors, probably put there by the liberals when they decided to undo his legacy and turned Disney into the progressive shithole that it is now.
There is no concrete evidence he was ever a racist except from films like Song of the South and the wartime propaganda cartoons.
Are the Jews gone yet?
hahahah i saw that on family guys too hahahaha
Epcot was a retarded idea anyway
>anti-semitic racist's company is now led by a Jewish person
Poetic justice
Some rumors that he didn't like jews, yet there were plenty who worked for him during his lifetime, no concrete evidence.
Thought this was reviewbrah from the thumbnail
>makes fun of someone for watching Family Guy
>but obviously knows the joke user referenced
So you've decided to call the kettle black?
Not really though.
Probably be disgusted by the child rape.
Honestly, given what I know about Walt and how he felt about technology, he would be totally on board with CG animation and 3D. Aside from a few things here and there, like Epcot as another user mentioned, I think he'd be mostly alright with how things are currently going.
Walt was friends with Leni Reifenstahl, who made Triumph of the Will and other Nazi propaganda films. She visited America and Disney.
I'm sure he would hate it with all of his heart.
He was a pedophile though
He would probably have a bigger problem with all of the feminists in power.
Just because he was a pedo don't mean he was ok with child rape.
No he wasn't. Show proof or fuck off. You argue like a jew.
He might've liked Eisner and probably hate Iger.
Well, there was that whole thing with the girl who voiced Alice in Wonderland, and this timeless quote from one of his most trusted animators.
Turbojews themselves in Israel admit there's no validity to that claim.
>trusted by anywone
That's best left in the Disney Vault, user.
Kek, if you think Hollywood has a problem with rape and pedophilia today that's literally nothing compared to the first half of the 20th century. It was extremely common for male actors, producers, directors to abuse actresses. Read up on some Judy Garland for a notable case.
He had this grand idea for a community of the future that would work as a place to display the technology of the future, and it just turned out to be a glorified food court
He looks like an older reportoftheweek
I can't imagine he'd be too thrilled with Disney buying Marvel, Star Wars, and Avatar so they could shift into this multi-media juggernaut instead of a company that makes cartoons
He is not just any old animator. He was one of the nine old men.
She was literally groped by the munchkins.
Not proof.
>old hollywood guy x was a pedo and rapist bc he was a old hollywood guy
Ok m8.....
One of the who?
The way it should be. A group of only men get so much fucking shit done in a short amount of time.
Get Out!
Better times
Walt hired a female animator like two years after that rejection letter. Retta Scott worked on Man's hunting dogs in Bambi in addition to doing story work on the film. Plus you had Mary Blair's design work throughout the mid-40s to 50s on stuff like Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland.
You really are dumb aren't you.
This is absolutely true.
You're talking about a man that created a secret bar in Disneyland where rich people who were members could buy booze... then bugged the tables.
Disney had no ethics.
Honestly, Disney was ruining the lives of child stars long before The Disney Channel existed.
>In the mid-1950s, Driscoll's acting career began to decline, and he turned primarily to guest appearances on anthology TV series. He became addicted to narcotics and was sentenced to prison for illicit drug use. After his release, he focused his attention on the avant-garde art scene. In ill health due to his substance abuse, and with his funds depleted, he died in 1968, fewer than four weeks after his 31st birthday.
Walt said he'd give Hitler a tour of Disneyland.
He was willing to give Khrushchev one but he refused to close the park just for him.
A cell painter, and an inbetweener of actual animation doesn't really count, and you know it. She got the grunt work.
Would he hate how Mickey Mouse ruined copyright laws and destroyed the common inheritance of man, or did he play a part in it?
Why do you think NASA is such a joke now
Don't forget about how Disney succeeded in taking a name (Princess Aurora) that was already in the public domain out of the public domain, just because Mattel was going to make a CGI Barbie princess movie where barbie was going to be named Princess Aurora .
damn, reviewbrah got old
I think the guy who helped bring Sleeping Beauty and Fantasia to the big screen would be disappointed in the absence of any real artistic vision.
What would Walt think of Kingdom Hearts?
>Mattel was going to make a CGI Barbie princess movie
Thank fucking god this didnt happen.
he was friends with leni riefenstahl lmao
Disneyland was built so he'd be closer to the supply of puerto-rican children he feasted on.
"Two bombs wasn't enough"
It's amazing to me how much of a monopoly Disney is and how ridiculous it is that they keep getting away with it.
they can't keep getting away with it.