Tfw Zombieland 2 will never happen

>tfw Zombieland 2 will never happen



I liked it so much I saw it two nights in a row. The repeat viewing made me realize there wasn't much going on beside jokes, but personally I found the jokes really good.

Sh-shut up. It was perfect.

Had a girl ask me to go see this and we did. Was to autistic to realize she liked me as more than a friend until people we worked with told me...Now shes off somewhere being a single mother to two boys.


Looks like you dodged a bullet senpai

emma stone was such a bitch in that movie

she was the hottest i've ever seen her in a movie though

I hated her character.
>my sister and I are super capable and have survived the zombie apocalypse with ease
>lol! Let's turn on all the power in this amusement park, attract a bunch of zombies doing it and get stuck on a ride like a couple of dumbasses!

>unlikeable characters
>unmotivated behaviour
>running nu-zombies
>and characters that are amazingly good at survival doing something both unnecessary and incredibly stupid like start up an amusement park for laughs

This movie was utter shit and you should be ashamed for liking it.

>Zombieland 2 will never happen
well, she might have a couple of problems when it comes to running away from zombies



zombieland? more like jews and zombies: the movie


what are you talking about? did you watch dawn of the dead?

love that scene that was done in slo-mo where's she's running dressed as an indian holding a spear and bouncing up and down running.

i wonder how many takes were done and if those vids have been saved and savored by said director/cameraman.

good god that scene was incredible
curious if weinstein got a piece of that action

Yea never could date a girl with ear gages and random tats. just setting up for drama with those chicks


Good. Redditland was horrible in every way.

Charlie don't surf, and zombies don't run.

>did you watch dawn of the dead?

Yes, and I also watched the shit-tier girl-power infested dumpster fire of a remake. Which is probably the one you're talking about because you only sprouted pubes like, three months ago.

I put 'like' in there because I know you, like, post-millennials, like, can't understand language, like, without it.