Dutch national elections in march

>dutch national elections in march
>party politicians are coming out with their agendas
>PVV led by Wilders (pic related) highest in the polls
>Wilders is now calling for seasonal referendums
>wants to move The Netherlands towards a Swiss political model of direct democracy

literally the greatest leader the country might have since the days of the Dutch Republic

Based Geert!

>mfw looking at comments on news sites about the referendums statement
>"that would be horror"
>"that would cost money!"
>"the people shouldn't have this much influence"

>>"the people shouldn't have this much influence"
The left doesn't particularly like the white working class (and hasn't for a while). If we're honest, they're quite afraid of them.

geert's fucking awesome

let's hope the white working class get their asses in gear and vote this election, we need his party to get as big as possible to force other parties to work with him

>>"that would cost money!"

oy vey and turning the Netherlands into Africa/Arabia totally wouldn't

Every tax dollar spent freeing Europe from globalism and neoliberalism is a dollar well spent.

fuckin checked

not to mention, Geert wants out of the EU and the EU costs us billions already

also, this thread is getting some decent digits, Kek be praised

In Israel jews kill muslims for sport

In Europe the jews will arrest whites for talking badly about muslims

why does this guy hate wind?

Hey Neder bros who was that based homo who hated Islam and got assassinated?

Dagelijkse herrinering dat mensen voor Snotneus stemmen omdat hij niet naar zijn achterban luistert. Linkschen zijn gestoord.

when he was a child, a cloud came down and pulled on young Geerts hair, which fucked his hair up permanently. He was bullied all throughout his childhood and to this day has an everlasting hatred of the winds

Pim Fortuyn

Groot Nederland, no EU.
How wonderful it would be.
PVV and NVU ruling together too

Pim Fortuyn

His brother, who went slightly insane after the assassination, died a few days ago trying to escape from the mental hospital. The killer meanwhile has been out for a while.

well you see goy the EU makes the Netherlands money

by flooding the country with cheap labor and lowering wages and living standards while raising housing prices we effectively make billions for globalist jewish bankers while their corporations are (temporary) registered as Dutch companies. So technically even though the country is going to shit, a few jews are making huge profits.

isn't that great?

Amazed my socks off

he's come a long way since the night's watch

we're actually the country that gets the least back relative to how much we pay into the EU


If u think wilders is all that great, not even gonna put effort in you. Hes like a fraction of pim fortuyn who wouldve been truly a gr8 leader, but he is rip and now we only have spineless fags and roeptoetert wilders

Is he pro gun and anti EU?

Also what is this model of direct democracy you speak of?

This image is simply to garner attention to this post in hopes of a answer.


>wants to move The Netherlands towards a Swiss political model of direct democracy

i like this political system but there are so many shit skins in the netherlands now its unbelievable the good thing is they rarely can be bothered to vote

After fikki fikki fest in Germany, he tried to make pepper spray legal.
Yeah it's not guns, but he was the only one pushing for a self defense product to be made legal and readily available.
Other parties worked together to shoot him down on that though.

>good luck Trips-quad user.

>not even gonna put effort in you
>roeptoetert wilders

sandnigger detected

he is anti EU, not sure about his stance on guns but it wouldn't surprise me if he's pro-fun
the Swiss model is based on the people's participation through referendums and such

well, he quite literally wants to kick them all out

I'm okay with it as long as it goes our way. Democracy is a pretty shitty concept in general and will fail the Swiss soon. Whatever is best for the white natives essentially

>fucking CTR mods deleted the thread where I got 7 quints for Trump to rule the world

>fucking mods hate Pepe

That was Pim Fortuyn. He was like an older Milo who got into politics. The guy used to talk about how much he liked to drill Moroccan bum.

Jews are not white user.

Ik hoop op een PVV VVD coalitie. Ik heb mijn hele leven VVD gestemd en dat heeft me altijd goed gedaan, Rutte heeft me niet teleurgesteld, maar ik denk dat wij Nederland een iets ongenuanceerdere mening nodig hebben, die het land de goede kant op stuurt. Mijn enige puntje van kritiek op Wilders is zijn linkse economische beleid, maar ik denk dat hij vooral zijn stemmers tevreden wil houden met dat eeuwige "oude mensen krijgen geld" riedeltje van hem.



why is wilder's an economic leftist? and how does he even leads his party with everything that comes along with it when he is under constant police protection?

Sorry, ik ben geen zielige tokkie die niets in zijn leven heeft opgespaard. Ik werk hard en wil zoveel mogelijk geld houden.

Ik denk dat wij Nederland een iets ongenuanceerdere mening nodig hebben
Daarom hoop ik dat Yernaz Ramautarsing zich verkiesbaar gaat stellen.

can he kick out the ones that are considered dutch by the state?

The NVU will never be a serious party. I actually live in its main area of operations and they barely get 1% of the votes in their home town in the municipal elections. Old style neonazis will never wield power, their image has been damaged too much. Tfw though when this guy lives like 3km away from me

He, to be fair, buys votes from the poor and stupid by promising more money to them. More for elderly is one of the biggest. (although that wouldn't be too bad as it would create jobs)

Things (((Based))) Wilders won't do:
>repeal three amnesties to illegals Dutch government gave out
>non-Western immigrants without Dutch citizenship who currently work or leech of welfare
>confiscate citizenship from criminal immigrants
>ban Islam
>close mosques
>ban Judaism for racial hatred of others
Vote Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij

yes, because most of them have dual passports/nationality

>stemmen op een partij die geen zak om haar eigen partijprogramma geeft sinds Rita Verdonk eruit is gegooid


Wat een smoelwerk heeft die man.

>vote for a literal meme party

you don't know anything about the dutch political system

Haha dit is aas. Het is een linkse partij sinds Rutte aan het roer staat, Verdonk was de laatste echte VVDer. Stem dan VNL droeftoeter.

Because his electorate is from the lower and middle class, healthcare workers, police officers, industry workers, etc. They don't like to hear about "the free market".

Hij heeft van nature een beetje een tuinkaboutergezicht, helaas is dat uit de mode. Maar wat doen we eraan?

Can't wait to get my dutch nationality and vote for my boi Geert.

Does he want a nederxit ? That would be retarded and I would not vote for him (for the sake of NL economy based on high tech, research and trade/logistics)

I just want Netherlands not to be cucked like my home country

Well, most people don't like to hear about the free market since the financial crisis of 2008.

Kek, ik ben nog eens op n lezing van m geweest en ik praat nog wel eens tegen m op Feestboek, hij heeft best goede ideeën, alleen nogal gefixeerd op het Randiaanse gedachtegoed.

How the fuck do you know about one of the most niche parties of the Dutch political system, Iwan? Just curious.

What country is that? Morocco?

Managed to get support for Dutch families and shorter Sunday hours. Stay mad, atheistkek

>Nexit would be retarded

get the fuck out of my country you foreign piece of shit

He's a FAGGOT!!!

I'm a christian, the SGP simply has no plans for actually ruling. They're not pragmatic, they're dogmatic and it is actively hurting out country, since a lot of conservative votes are wasted on them

I heard Erdogan likes to fuck goats


Omdat dat eigenlijk helemaal niet waar is. De lokale VVD heeft in mijn gemeente de komst van een AZC in de buurt van mijn huis voorkomen. Wie overigens dacht "o, laat ik al die vluchtelingen in een bos dumpen want dan integreren ze zo goed met als enige buren een villawijk met grote hekken er om heen" is trouwens niet goed snik.

Rutte is inderdaad een softie, maar financieel gezien wel veel rechtser dan Wilders. In VNL zie ik geen toekomst. Jan Roos, alsjeblieft zeg. Politiek vereist meer dan halfdoordachte retoriek.

That's not that bad at all. What would be stupid is staying as a netto payer when other netto payers are leaning towards leaving as well. You really dont want to stay in the sinking ship - we already pay the most per capita which is terrible.

Nah not a sandnigger, just offspring of greek genocide 100 y ago. And when ya think you got rid of the mudslimes western governments let them in in bulk quantities. Now if that isnt cuck society


Your mom is a very lucky girl then :^)

It's true.

After the UK, if you guys left the EU, that would be it. The Dutch economy contributes too much to allow Germany to shoulder the rest.

Please let this happen. The EjU needs to die.

Holy fuck, was just reading about this guy. Absolutely based. I would want any saviour of Canada to emulate this man. Good luck Dutchbros! I will now be following your politics very closely

Roos is een clown ja, maar schrijf hem niet zo snel af. Hij heeft dat referendum wel laten zien dat hij tenminste campagne kan voeren. Met Rutte weet je dat je een waardeloos product krijgt, Roos heeft zichzelf nog niet laten zien als politicus. Belangrijker nog, met Paars+ in het vooruitzicht is het juist nu cruciaal om niet op het kartel van de gevestigde partijen te stemmen. Herriner je de jaren 90 nog? Erger kan het toch niet worden, zeker niet met die vergrijzing nu.


Disgusting :^)

don't be so upset, turkshit

> third world countries looking at Switzerland for guidance
> about time you morons
t. Swiss on vacations

I'm a Turk because I don't want a degenerate homosexual to be the leader of an important western nation?

Nice dick-sucking logic there, you AIDS-ridden BBC-worshipping faglord :^)

Ik ben het ergens met je eens, maar ik ben ook niet van plan om op de VVD te stemmen, maar op de PVV. Zoals eerder gezegd.

Andere ID trouwens, ik ben overgestapt op mobiel omdat ik zo ga boarden.

we can smell your disgusting turkshit aroma

fuck off back to turkey and stay there, third worlder

>a passionate defender of degeneracy


Pictured is a jew with dyed hair.

fuck off turkroach

>he just loves the taste of semen


You want this guy to descide our politics.

>one guy will vote

besides, he already votes for a political party today, so that argument is retarded

Kleine herinnering: er is nog nooit in de gehele Nederlandse parlementaire geschiedenis een l kabinet geweest zonder CDA, PvdA of VVD of een voorganger (SDAP, PvdV, KVP, ARP etc.) daarvan. Die ratten zijn goed in dit spel

t. tokkie

Je verdient het om terminale kanker te krijgen. VVDers moeten uitgeroeid worden. Liever SP socialisme net PVV nationalisme. Vieze liberale anuslikker.

that word has lost all its meaning

I guess you prefer the term "cokkie" :^)

i really don't understand why you're so assblasted that you keep posting in this thread, turkshit

go get a job or something

There many like him. And now he votes 1 time in 4 years for a proffesional who will descide for him.
You might invest your time in researching politics but many dont.
I would like to have a person that studies politics 40 hours a week making the descisions.

>I would like the establishment to make my decisions for me because thinking is hard

fuck off you little slave, referenda work fine in switzerland and they'd work fine here

we won every EU referendum, from the EU constitution referenda to the Ukraine deal to Brexit

The people aren't as stupid as the media leads you to believe


lmao oh the irony of this coming from a fag defender

Is it a national tradition to colour you're skin orange if you're dutch?

gotta represent that monarchy, user

oranje boven

Your father has taught you well, son.

Because the working class feel the hot breath of immigration. Like Germany, refugees are working for under a euro an hour. How can that be good for locals working the same jobs?
The left has been using the white working class as scapegoats for far too many problems, they blame them for the rise in nationalism and right wing votes and they're working against the working classes needs. The working class, at least here, has been leaning left for decades. Not anymore.

The left know what the majority of a lot of european countries really think (anti EU, anti immigrant). They don't want real democracy because the answers make them butthurt like Brexit did.
Keep strong dutchbros you guys have always been cool

Haha work for under an euro hahaha.

Enlighten me user. What work?

I know. That's the main reason I am against democracy in most aspects. Jews are great at subverting it even though it feels like they are losing their grip on it lately

I dont know about swiss but what i do know is that you need to invest time in research to make major descisions. Like should we support a war or not. You need to understand the situation, the costs, the investment, the international politics. This is too much for someone who works all day comes home and watches sbs6, dwdd or pauw.
I dont think all people are stupid. I just think people who do politics as a profession are smarter.

Also don't you think referenda give the 'establishment' more reason to waste their time indoctrinate us and sending propaganda

>Like should we support a war or not

Geert explicitly said that things such as going to war would not be valid topics. They would be legislative actions, not executive actions.

Again, you are projecting your own ignorance on other people.

Law leads to execution
So the problem remains, do you want a person who does not understand the situation very well to make a descision about it

>still thinking about the individual

a national referendum would have millions of potential voters you fucking idiot

>the people shouldnt have this much influence!

We cannot allow these leftist pigs to win.

they are already infiltrating this place


Yes and 99% of them aren't politicians.