This steaming pile of shit unironically won Best Picture

>this steaming pile of shit unironically won Best Picture


The fact that it won over Master and Commander is even more egregious

Because it was a massive critical and commercial success, it redefined how movies are made, and it successfully brought to screen an immensely popular book that was widely regarded as unfilmable?

>lesser of two weevils joke

Yeah great choice of alternate winner

Because it was popular. Which, granted, doesn't make sense, since even shit like Shakespeare in love can win.

>Shakespeare in love
Yeah, somebody got well fucking bribed for that. What a garbage fire that movie was.

The academy always gets it wrong. To me, the most egregious Oscar upset was Art Carney winning for Harry and Tonto in 1974 against Al Pacino in The Godfather, Part II and Jack Nicholson in Chinatown

It was feminist sjw numale shit that actually got eaten up by a mainstream audience, so the jewish libs in charge where basically creaming themselves.

>not a single important female character








Galadriel's feet.

The Academy thinks their choices have the capacity to influence how and what media is made, and they kind of do. Which is why you end up with an entire community of old folks with heads up their asses givings awards for quasi-political reasons.


She was onscreen for 20 minutes and didn't even show up in the film that won best picture.

yes she did



Did you pass out during the whole I AM NO MAN part?

Lol by that regard philsophers stone should have been nominated for best picture since it grossed more than fellowship

>>this steaming pile of shit
*leans into mic*

Hi r/movies

/takes massive bong hit

i think harry potter should be changed to harriet potter in the inevitable remake series