Based Kate Upton

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I understand that you don't like if people sit during the national anthem.
But what's wrong with kneeing?

In my opinion that is even more respectfull than standing (e.g. you knee in churches before God). And if it's good for God, shouldn't it be good for the anthem as well?

I really do hate niggers

I don't even know who Kate Upton is. No one gives a shit what some greasy vagina thinks about the NFL. Take your celebrity worship elsewhere faggot.

If you say that your purpose in kneeling is to honor America, then cool
If you say that your purpose in kneeling is to "stand in solidarity with Kaepernick/black people/anything else," fuck you, join the military, and see what happens

>blacks riot in the streets because of police violence

Sup Forumsfags: Look at these animals. Why can't they just protest peacefully?

>blacks literally just sit or kneel in quiet silence during anthem

Sup Forumsfags: No, no, no! Not like that!

All you faggots do is complain.

It might be borderline acceptable if you have your hand on your heart like the nigga in the middle does. But it's clear the others just don't give a shit.

Didn't Jeter give her aids or herpes or something?

>Dolphins don't respect the flag
>Get BTFO by a manlet meme QB playing on a bum leg

I understand what you're saying. I think it's because it feels unnatural to just sit on a lawn like that. Everyone associate's standing with honoring the flag, probably because of conditioning from grade school. If you were caught sitting, you'd get scolded and told to "stand up, and place your hand over your heart".

plenty of veterans defend these NFL players right to protest

quit being faggots

Why aren't these pieces of field equipment picking cotton in chains?

>(((protect our freedom)))

>the problem Sup Forums has with BLM is that riot, not that they're entire viewpoint and message is based upon lies and misinformation from a white guy pretending to be black who is funded by George Soros


because the North stomped your asses into the ground and freed the slaves

Why do they do the anthem for sports anyway?

Yeah guys, didn't you see that liberal comic strip saying wwii vets defend them? Shitlords...

Who gives a shit what veterans think? Are you a vet? I don't know anyone else who goes around trying to prove a point by saying "Veterans think x". Literally not one gives a shit. Why don't you tell us what McDonald's employees think while your at it.

>beaners actually say me gusta

Because even though our teams fight eachother and represent our places of birth we are all united by the flag in the end.

>be disrespectful by rioting
>be disrespectful by shitting on our vets

Sorry, i just really needed to correct the record there :)


It'd be fine if it was a just cause but it's a fucking retarded one based on no logic and pushed by evil globalists like Soros.

Are you 12?

point is you're whining like a little bitch about this. you sound like those landwhale tumblr users

>be black
>be criminal
>be shot
>have other blackies kneel for you in sporting events

Great response fuck face. Go suck some more veteran dick faggot.

That's where you go to register complaints/concerns with the 49ers.

Can someone make a copypasta for us to slap into the body field so we can try and get this guy fired? There has to be a clause in his contract for behavior that shames his team.

so police should be allowed to get away with murder? thats what this is about. there are cops in jail on murder charges right now and you want to act like there isnt a problem in this country with the militarization of our police. if they want respect from the people show us respect first

ok tough guy lol

And plenty veterans don't. Check. Mate.

Quit being a whining enabling faggot. If we don't call the chimps out on their antics, they'll think their behavior is acceptable.

>B A S E D

Kate is best girl for Sup Forums

same for police. if we dont call the pigs out n their antics, they'll think their murder of citizens is acceptable.

checkmate game set match scott point

Veteran here
I don't support them and the only people who are veterans that I know supporting these people are black.
Your argument is completely invalid.
If you want to use race as an excuse for your people acting niggardly, you deserve what you get.

>Liberals get mad if anyone stands up for the anthem during Trump's presidency

i'm a veteran and i don't appreciate jigaboo ball chasers protesting me.

Veteran here. i support them

Why does you being a veteran matter at all in this conversation? Why do you veterans insist on telling everyone your a veteran? It's like that joke about cross fitters having to tell everyone within 5 mins that they do cross fit.

They're complete faggots but it's not like you are compelled by law to stand for the anthem.

This is what I put in.

I find Kaepernicks actions on 9/11 disgraceful and disrespectful to this nation's hero soldiers who defend our freedom, and the police officers who protect our lives. I will never purchase another ticket to a 49ers game, ppv program, or any 49ers merchandise as long as he remains on your team.

>B A S E D

best girl



The nigs have right to not stand.
>protecting our freedom everyday
Do sheeples actually believe that meme?
How is invading innocent countries and funding rebels and terrorists to create civil war mean protecting freedom

i think liberals will Jonestown if trump is elected

Your Welcome

yeah they're going to release a player that has one of the highest selling jerseys. fucktard

Hey goy, I'm a veteran. You're welcome for my service.

Except putting down armed, unruly, and aggressive Nigs who resist arrest is a public service that ought to be applauded. Accidents like how those two gun owners were shot by trigger happy cops were indeed tragic and unfortunate. Too bad chimps will blanket cry for every single instance regardless of circumstances and merit of each case.

Nope, you're not required by law, but wearing that uniform makes you a representative of the team... the team that's paying him a shit ton of money to throw a ball around and run fast in the hopes of getting people to buy tix and merch.

freedom also means freedom to disagree with retarded protests, kike. you're acting like we're china or something because some girl made an IG post saying these people are trash, which they are.

>protecting freedom
i wonder how FREE a country is without its armed forces PROTECTING them

you stupid mongolian waste of space

i dont give a fuck about them kneeling or whatever but i just dont like niggers period and i would never waste time watching a bunch of shit skin lowlife sum bag nigger trash toss around a fucking ball only blue pilled normie shit pays any attention to those niggers and their bullshit sport

the first ammendment isn't being questioned

it's the lack of basic respect of the American ideal & the blood/toil of those who suffered for it to continue to exist - if you hate America don't get paid by Americans playing an american game

This. There is no other country in the world that would allow him to be a multi millionaire for chasing a ball on some grass.

Look I predicted his words. I am His puppet master and he is a lil dick-mouthed traitor

Then it's sure gonna suck for them when patriotic citizens stop buying their shit and they end up flipping burgers eh? (In a perfect world, maybe...)

You're welcome.

cops are not judge jury and executioner and resisting arrest is not a crime punishable by death. fighting a cop is though because you can take their gun. but if you refuse to cooperate with cops that doesnt warrant them shooting you. its your right to say fuck the police.

why are my country"men" so cucked

Veteran here. Send them back to Africa.

>Do sheeples actually believe that meme?
it is repeated so many times that it's become part of the zombie subconscious. here mainly a newfag thing.

>the problem Sup Forums has with BLM is not that they're entire viewpoint and message is based upon lies and misinformation from a white guy pretending to be black who is funded by George Soros, but because they are black and and Sup Forums hates niggers


ironic that you dont think it will come to blood again, citizen vs the government

If that was their intent they I'd agree but IRRC these coons were doing it specifically to stand in solidarity with some other coons disrespecting of the national anthem

But they watch the NFL anyway.
Honestly, Fuck This Guy. Doesn't mean I'm going to boycott pizza

>violent or inebriated
>resists arrest
>gets shot

somehow law abiding Americans are cucked? for supporting the police? wtf am i reading

CTR shill plz leave

>b-b-b-buh you said do it another way
no, I said the whole movement is shit, and niggers should leave the country.


Someone post that pic where she has her arms behind her back, wearing a sexy ass vest-thing. It's gotta be the hottest pick in the world.

mental gymnastics

how is it violent if you refuse to cooperate with police? are u supposed to suck them off and ask for more? fucking pussy

Stop patting yourself on the back. You're a just a welfare queen who was too stupid to get a real job.


they arent kneeling
kneeling is when both knees are on the ground

the only option is to stand during anthem, unless you are elderly or infirm

you should beat these niggers for disrespecting the US

Nation trators. Hang them.

He never kneeled during the anthem, dipshit. He would do it right before going on the field.

I have the same thoughts as her but for the independence of this country the flag and national anthem is to show respect to our forefathers that let us have this country. If you don't respect that then you're not an American.

stop breaking the law you degenerate fuck

Also trump will win

Kek wills it

I was Army EOD and had a lot of fun in Afghanistan. I lived the dream.


uphold the law you degenerate fuck

>imagine when muhammads in fifa tournaments kneel for not letting in more rapefugees

>B A S E D





There are cops in jail because the criminal justice system works correctly, retard. The subhumans these subhumans are "honoring" were proven criminals who threatened lives and were killed in self defense.

>physically resisting arrest
>uphold the law

choose one faggot

>kneeling is universally a sign of respect, of deference. Men literally kneel when they propose marriage.
>somehow this shows disrespect
Can niggers do anything right?

Good for you. While you were driving around robots, I was in college making something of myself. Tell me this: Why do veterans seem to think that their political opinions are somehow more significant than anyone else's? Without having a traditional liberal arts education (Math, Science, Social Science) what are you basing your opinions on?

>invade countries
>"protect themselves"

Brainwashing working as planned.

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No. Their freedom was hard fought. If you want to burn an american flag while shouting allahu ackbar, then you should have the freedom to do so. Being able to express disrespect and dissatisfaction with America is the most American thing you can do.

can't blame you for not reading my post what with your squinty gook eyes

try again

That's not why they are kneeling.. they are shunning it and instead applying it to nigger lives matter bullshit.

Why did I think she was a Brit?

That's just propaganda you were fed to justify the subversion of America across all media. In reality we realized the need to suppress anti-American sentiment from within mere decades after America's founding. Jews don't like that after seeing what it did to Communism.

Veteran that does CrossFit here. CrossFit is no joke.

I joined the Army after graduating from UCLA. My opinion is more significant than yours because you're frightened weakling. You made something of yourself because you graduated from college? I wish you realized what a fucking joke that is. I've been in combat. I know more about myself and being a man than you do.

They are kneeling to specifically protest the United States and its anthem to support black lives matter and a fucking subversive, ungrateful sand nigger. Fuck you.

No you're not. Veterans don't use other veterans as a flippant political scapegoat. You're just a fucking nigger.

Veteran here. I agree.

If you suppress people's opinions you're no better than the Left.

You need to set the precedent for other people to have free speech so you can practice it yourself.

After graduating from UCLA? How old are you? You know nothing about me. I am reasonably successful for my age and live a good life, I am also a democrat and left leaning socially. Yes, graduating from college is making something of yourself. I like how you right wingers always always try to minimize a college education. It takes 4 years to get a Bachelors and what 3 months to get into the Military? That's great that you've been in combat, what does that have to with your knowledge of economics, science, or social policy?

Shut up worm!

Only faggot teams kneel.

>tfw NFC East doesn't fall for the BLM meme

abdul u must drive traktor
abdul u mus drv traktor