Why didn't he open them?

Why didn't he open them?

They were waiving delinquent tax notices in his face.

What movie?

He just didn't.

This is truly one of the weirdest celebrity stories around. He was a fucking Brando-tier weirdo.

He wasn't a weirdo, he just hated the fucking shit out of David S. Goyer. Rightfully so.

Because he is lazy nigger.

....OK. Imagine that you're an actor, though, an actor who has already agreed to contractually perform your part. There are a million cunts in every profession. Be a professional, do your job and move on.

I've heard he was heavily addicted to heroin

He knew how much Blade 3 was gonna suck so he just stopped caring

If you've ever smoked weed and laid back you know why.

He thought the script was shit and didn't have any confidence in Goyer but was contractually obligated to do the movie so he decided to be a pain in the ass.

is it because he took a nap?

Wesley Snipes was an immature ass hole who thought too highly of himself. Glad his career ended.


no, closed eye visuals and a rushing sensation

patton described him as being stoned as fuck the entire time

Goyer was being a fucking faggot.

90s born reddit queer detected

This and he wanted Blade to end. Even got Patton Oswald all pissy which is great

Blade Trinity: Ryan Reynolds Commentary Track Edition

Goyer wasn’t a big fan of his either. The commentary track is just Goyer talking shit about Snipes for 90 minutes. Th animosity’s weird, because I thought Goyer had written every Blade movie up to that point. Maybe being a director instead of a screenwriter went to his head, but then again, Snipes is supposed to be big diva too.

>he wanted Blade to end
Fuck you cunt.

>closed eye visuals

I'm surprised Disney hasn't been in talks to introducing Blade into their MCU. It would be complete shit (A PG 13 blade) but it would make money and be an excuse to have another black super hero.

>This and he wanted Blade to end.
Is that true? If that's the case then that explains why he wouldn't open his eyes. Him opening them there was to show that Blade was still alive after the final fight.

It’s true, though. After killing Dracula (and every other vampire on earth by the movie’s own logic) at the end of Trinity, there’s not a whole lot left for Blade to do. It would make sense for him to die. Granted, Wesley shouldn’t have been such a bitch about it.

The shot of him riding off at the end was also obviously a double.

They say on the DVD commentary that Blade was supposed to die, and Whistler’s daughter Jessica Biel was supposed to get a spinoff movie where she and Ryan Reynolds hunted werewolves, but the studio got cold feet about potentially not having more Blade movies and forced Goyer to change the ending. Wesley wasn’t having it, so he kept his eyes closed, thinking that would be enough to get his way.

The faggot goyer tried to write him out of his own movie, he had a right to be angry.

>reddit humor

This is also true. Wesley Snipes disappears for huge chunks of the movie. I barely even remember him being in the second act.

That is one impressive get, but I don’t understand what you mean. Is something reddit humor if it actually happened?

they acquired the licence a year ago or something

Blade would work better as a tv series but I wouldn't trust Netflix or ABC to make it. It would also be very difficult to include Blade and his supernatural enemies into the MCU or into the Netflixuniverse

It wouldnt make money, youngfags dont care about blade and they wouldnt be able to make the vampires any kind of real threat. Id love to see another blade closer to the original story for the 3rd movie. R rated post apocalyptic old man blade.

The Netflix universe has magical ninjas who can teleport, fly and come back from the dead. Vampires are the next logical step.

Wesley only came down for close up shots, his stand-in and stunt double were in every other scene. He told Goyer to quit and Goyer said nou because all of his close ups were filmed. Wesley then only communicated to Goyer with post-it notes from then on.

Also, the majority of Ryan's lines were supposed to be Wesley's but Wesley was being a cunt and did the bare minimum

yes lil guy

The Spike series was pretty good but they couldn't afford it. I'm sure financing wouldn't be a problem for Di$ney

yeah I can't wait for vampire quips

Snipes is blade. It will never work without him. fuck that sticky fingaz faggot.

>The Spike series was pretty good
Kill yourself

Blade Trinity will always be a mystery. How do you have two intensely visually creative and appealing directors like Norrington and Del Toro make Blade movies, only to cap it off with a director who has no directing experience at all?

Most of the enemies in the MCU aren't even a real threat. When you have heavy hitters like Thor, Hulk, and Doctor Strange, the "opposing" enemies of Captain America and Iron Man just seem like street level mooks.

>implying vampire quips never happened in Blade before

Yeah blade doesn't fit in there you stupid faggot.

They were supposedly chummy before Trinity. They did a commentary together for Blade II. Snipes was pissed at him because the original concept of Blade III was scrapped and they were forced to include Biel and Reynolds and Goyer went along with it.

That makes sense. Right after that Blade gets up and attacks the doctors and you never see his face so that was obviously shot with his stand in. He wanted Blade to be confirmed dead there.

He was a last minute replacement. It was originally supposed to be directed by the German director that did Downfall but he dropped out when New Line demanded script changes and Goyer just kind of swooped in and got it.

I want a new Blade movie. Just don't include it in the MCU and make it R. We need a decent vampire movie

Kill yourself faggot

Goddamn it, that could have been great.

nah the kraut was meant to replace the original director but couldn't worm his way out of a contract for a german movie he was making

Yeah this pretty much.

don't mind him. Thats what happen when retards spouts meme all day and become brain damaged monkey incapable of original thoughts, throwing le shitty ironic bait everywhere in hope of validation

It what happens when faggots post garbage as facts.

>ywn see prime mid-2000’s Jessica Biel fight werewolves while sharing on-screen sexual tension with Ryan Reynolds

This is the movie I never knew I wanted.

Blade was virtually unknown until the Snipes movies, and without Snipes the character has limited appeal.

if it's good weed, it's possible

Ryan Reynolds is incapable of producing sexual tension.

Whatever dude.

Fun fact: Ryan based his character in Blade 3 off his interpretation of Deadpool. He's had a deadpool boner since getting to Hollywood 2 decades ago.

The only good part of Blade Trinity is seeing Parker Posey trying not to laugh when Reynolds goes off-script and calls her a “cock juggling thundercunt.”

>Fun fact
Fuck off.


They didn't address him as Blade.

>The commentary track is just Goyer talking shit about Snipes for 90 minutes.
Is it really? I need to listen to that.

.....OK imagine that you're an actor. your livelihood is dependent upon your reputation. your reputation is heavily based on the performances you give in your films. and some retard screenwriter who has never directed a movie is now directing a movie that you're in (that only exists because the previous movies in its series did so well - in part because of your decisions as an actor and your own star power). and now this newbie director is trying to get you do some stupid shit for a scene you're in. you disagree with his decision, so you don't comply with it. grow some balls pussy.

Wow, people really believe this shit. "He is our guy, he loves Deadpool".

Because they wanted to write Blade out of his own movie series. Despite the terrible scripts, Blade made the first two movies work. Then they want to get rid of him, tone his movie down because it was "too dark", and make shitty spinoffs that no one was interested in. Blade just couldn't wake up from his nightmare.

The was obsessed with the character for years, make of that what you will faggot.

Yeah i will. A great marketing move. "No guys i totally knew Deadpool in Wolverine sucked, ha ha, check out my new movie, no kids allowed xD"

Based on what I understand the original concept was, I can understand, as it was much darker and better

>opening your eyes is "some stupid shit for a scene you're in"

Kill yourself faggot

not an argument

Luckily you're not on reddit.

>le reddit
embarrassing at this point

Now that you've destroyed most of the site? Thats an interesting opinion.

what are you even going on about? the reddit boogeyman? have you ever had an independent thought in your life or do you always let randoms on the internet dictate what you should think?

Having been here long enough to see the destruction wrought by the rise of the 90s born queer im perfecty caple of seeing the truth for what it is.

>t. 90's born queer