Is this actually good or is it just doing well because Harrison Ford (Star Wars Jew) is in it?
Is this actually good or is it just doing well because Harrison Ford (Star Wars Jew) is in it?
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it's actually pretty good, albeit not doing well at the box office
It's the best fucking movie In the last 5 years
it's a terrible piece of shit
and it's not doing good(top fucking kek)
It's amazing. But definitely plebfilter which is why it's not gonna be a blockbuster. More of a cult classic like the original.
You can literally see Harrison's Jew nose coming in as he gets older. LOL. Fucking dumb Jew. Star Wars is shit and so is your career.
>doing well
Yeah about that...
red and dit are down the hall and to the left
Aside from some good cinematography its pretty bad
However if you are a pseudo-intellectual you will definitely love it
Very very good. I rate it an 8.2/10 which is top tier for sci fi
i thought it was great.
That's not really saying much lol but agreed that it's a good movie. Ford isn't even in it that much desu but you can tell that the scenes he is in he puts a lot of effort in. like he and the Goose really cared about getting this right and it shows
Wow very original statement. I see why this film wasn't for you.
>not doing well at the box office
pick one
It's shit. Don't trust the $$$hills.
Can you read?
what's up you meme-loving fuck
>Good cinematography
It's not Deakins best work by a long shot. It was functional but nothing special
I mean thats arguable, I think he was on top of his game here, but it was certainly as good cinemetography as you were gunna get given the subject matter
I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I kind of want to rewatch it. Regardless of whether it was a good movie, I felt like it was worth seeing.
>this film wasn't for you
ofc it wasnt
i dont browse a certain website that starts with the letter r, unlike you
this movie is the exact kind of simplistic, safe and boring garbage that "people" like yourself love, so it's no wonder that its a hit among you
Harrison Ford only shows up for the last 1/3 of the movie, which is also the worst of it.
It's genuinely really great.
That's why I said good, not great
If anything a lot of it was too try hard to the point where I couldn't help but think about the conscious decisions that went into setting up a shot - really took me out of the film
It is a amazing film.
sadly, it not doing well.
Just saw it. Was a little boring at times, then again it was like a 2 and a half hour movie. There's no or little need for a few certain scenes in my opinion. I loved the cinematography, a lot of good establishing shots and juxtaposition. It gave me some Deus Ex vibes, especially for the interior and setting shots. Didn't care much for Harrison Ford, he reprising his role seems like fanservice. I liked it for what it was. I haven't seen the first one
Facts are reddit now?
Harrison doesn't pop up till around the 3/4 mark of the movie.
But I won't lie that him being used as promotional material isn't a shady tactic to draw people in.
It would have been better if it was all secretive and then boom, big reveal!
Not enough contrast or camera movement. The whole thing lacked that film like sheen of the first Blade Runner. Digital cameras have come a long way but this movie doesnt show it.
imagine being this big of a fucking trendbeater
There isba youtube prequel short with Jared Leto. It looks like its shot on lower tier video cameras which is fine because its just a shory for youtube and I remember thinking that but being ok with it for what it was.
The thing is the movie is actually pretty consistent with the fidelity of that video. Which was disappointing.
To me really the only flaw of the movie is the evil replicant killing the corner and policewoman
Do they not have cameras in he facility or anything?
Wallace owns the LAPD figuratively.
Thought the same thing. I eventually handwaved it away as her having the ability to disable electronics at will, but it bothered me too
>mfw Tears in Rain started playing at the final scene
It's a perfect fit too tonally with K's character arc.
will you fags stop shilling this turd movie
>liking and wanting to discuss a movie on a forum dedicated to movies is shilling
It's doing well because it's Blade Runner, not Ford. It's terrible by the way
Wrong on two counts.
>It is wonderful
>Its not doing well in the box office
>reddit again
Have you ever had an original thought go through your pea brain? Everything you said about the movie is objectively not true. You've obviously not seen it.
Ford is barely in it, the movie isn't doing "good," but it is kino.
I just saw Blade Runner after like 20 years and forgot how good of a movie it was. I don't think I even understood it as a kid. Gonna go see the sequel tomorrow.
That really got to me.
I'm only a recruit for the police and the amount of security I need to show just to get into the facilities, let alone be accepted into the program is overwhelming.
For something in the future where she just walked in and out like she owned the place was odd as fuck.
it's shit, not a single thing good about besides the visuals, which is just a rip off of Ghost in the shell which was already a rip off of the original blade runner
I know Sup Forums runs on hyperbole and contrarianism but at least be more clever
it's basically a retelling of the 1st bladerunner and instead of hunting the villain, they're the ones being hunted by the villain
It unironically is terrible though. What do you think is good about it?
>For something in the future where she just walked in and out like she owned the place was odd as fuck.
>like she owned the place
You said it buddy.
Almost everything is great about it. The people who hate it
1. Never saw it
2. are so confused that they think Wallace and "muh revolution" are actually key plot points and not things to move the plot along of K.
This, Wallace gets away with it all and the revolution never happens. K doesn't even listen to the rebel leader.
I think that makes the film better.
>can't even name one thing
I rest my case
>special effects were great
>soundtrack was great (Zimmer)
>gosling was a perfect choice
>Ford didn't phone in his performance
>JOI was a cute
>antagonist girl was a good villain
>film is shaping up to be 2017's pleb filter
You want me to make a big ass list?
roger deakins
the 3 way sex scene
Joi in the rain
Joi gliching out
the entire harpoon squence with the car
drone bombing while getting nails done
the furence sequence
the final fight between K and Luv
Luv raw emotion in the police station
Joi death sequence
the entire vegas sequence
the grub farm
embers transition
K freaking out with the memory sequece
most of those items would make a normal movie at least "hey, it worth a watch just for...."
And that is off the top of my head.
Really damn good honestly. I watched it, walked out of the theater, and realized I just watched something really special. If it ends up doing poorly, maybe we don't deserve anything better than capeshit.
This and Dunkirk are both shaping up to be great pleb filters
>muh no characters!!!
>muh slow pacing!!!!
did Deakins do that short? Because Villeneuve didn't direct it.
>Memory girl gets taken and gutted for spare DNA parts because K literally lead Wallace Corp. straight to her in the end.
>K literally lead Wallace Corp. straight to her in the end.
He wasn't being tracked at that point, so no.
naa, Wallace thinks all involved are fish food
I don't know who the dp was for the short. I just know it was either Ridley or Tony's son who directed it.
Then how did Daryl Hannah know he went there? There's got to be computer records or cameras.
Gets totally blown out by
can someone explain how these tests work? I didn't understand what was happening in those scenes
>muh muh muh reedit bogeymen!
Did Wallace actually own the Police? I must have missed that part.
>Then how did Daryl Hannah know he went there?
whut? She was in the first you mean Robin Wright?
The tone of the response?
I'm not 100% sure myself.
Figuratively yes. It a trope in both cyberpunk and Noir
They ask them trigger questions that are designed to throw off replicants and separate them from humans (at least in the first.)
Since we know he's a replicant here, the purpose of the questions is to make sure he hasn't gone rogue and is still obedient.
The movie was good not great. Not academy award worthy for any part of it. Not even for dp.
It was basically a slightly better Ghost in the Shell.
>can someone explain how these tests work?
It's a trimmed-down version of the auditing that Scientologists do to their worshippers. It's a quick and dirty way to make sure you're in baseline psychological health and don't have any lasting regrets.
Both Mother and It were far better than this
Do you mean his boss? She knew because he used a police car and was specifically tracking him through that. His car was destroyed in the outskirts, so I think he just stole some other car.
>/asp/ie likes plebe garbage
No surprise
I'm not even going to pretend I know what the fuck those questions mean but those scenes were the best, most original and creative parts of the movie. Too bad the rest of the movie was quite up to the same level.
>It was basically a slightly better Ghost in the Shell.
That underselling it awfully hard user.
Unless you are talking about the animated version which is a classic
>filling out captchas makes me feel like I'm taking a baseline test
One of those statements is true
mother! is arguable. It is laughable.
Holy shot all this time I was thinking Daryl Hanna was in House of Cards. LuL.
It's good. Not as good as the first one and at points shamelessly indulgent but if you liked the old Blade Runner chances are you're at least gonna like most of this one too.
I thought Ford was one of the least necessary parts of the movie. Obviously they needed him on board or else the studio would never have had the confidence to make it, but the third act could have been a lot stronger without him.
Maybe I'm looking too far into this but I loved the received significance of the symbolism of eyes in this
>Leto was blind
>many replicant cried
You're trying too hard
Best movie of 2017
Just got back from seeing it. 7 people left the theatre. Random people kept laughing at Harrison Fords lines even though they weren't jokes or quips in any way. And when it ended, some woman just said "FINALLY".
Honestly I loved it. But when I said 7 people left, I'm serious. And there were only maybe 30 people there. This movie clearly isn't doing well.
atmosphere, world building, score, sound/set/costume design and use of CGI where all top notch. Some of the acting seemed kind of plastic (but maybe that's me as it's a film about synthetic humans) and goslings performance was very subdued and flat and it's hard to tell if he's overdoing it sometimes. Harrison ford was fairly meh, I feel that his involvement in the story could have been better handled by being implied through audio logs and that type of thing, because I just couldn't take him seriously. Jared letos performance was fantastic though, easily one of the best in the film. Overall I found it to be an 8.9 out of 10 and it was the best film I've seen in years desu
I rank Dunkirk slightly above it but it's far and away #2 imo
And I loved IT and Baby Driver but those come off as flicks in comparison
Completely mediocre. The script is lazy, the "surprise" is so forced it becomes obvious, visually it has a few moments but is overall boring. Anything interesting it jacks from the original.
literally this also daily reminder that the only good pkd adaptation is A Scanner Darkly.
There were maybe 25-30 in my theater
Maybe it sucks because this means more capeshit instead of actual art but this is a true film
Was this it a fly over theater?
I would have left early if I was alone. I felt like I was being punished just sitting there waiting for it to end.
there were literally 15 people in my theater for 200, flyover state
nobody left though far as I can tell
My showing had only about three dozen people, and handful of them walked out. Those that stayed were almost completely silent throughout. Save for the scene where Jared Leto stabs a replicant in the womb.
But the entire plot engine of the film was finding the child he conceived with Rachael. Makes sense for one (or both) of the parents to be involved to ground everything with a character we already know.
Not going to lie, I laughed at a few things that weren't jokes. I let out an audible chuckle when K was hesitant to move Joi onto the stick. There's two groups of people trying to track him down and he would rather get caught than turn off his waifu's cloud backup.
>Unless you are talking about the animated version
Nope. I'm talking about the film version, which I just saw a couple of weeks ago.
The movies are very similar and B.R. 2049 certainly wasn't much better in the visuals. It just has a better pedigree behind the camera so people will tend to believe the visuals are better when really they are about the same.