Name one significant difference between the two.

[spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

Hardmode: No Holocaust

Other urls found in this thread:

race =/= religion

Communism killed more people and it wasnt even intentional killing


Name one significant difference between the two.

[spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

Hardmode: No Dialectics

Commiz are red
Nazis are blu
No fug u

Free market

When China killed so much ppl?

>Nationalism vs. Globalism
>Communism > Socialism
Also, the USSR was a very successful nation, and I honestly feel that we must either fully embrace our race and culture, or abandon it completely and unite as one people under the communist flag.

>if you kill your enemies they win

>muh freemarket
Same basis that in a communist economy it is based around, personal greed and materialism. Both ideologies are fundamentally materialistic. National Socialism and Fascism (to a lesser degree) are meant to rise the human spirit above that, in the same way that religions of the past have, to help nations and people's rediscover their own importance and the need to carry on under their traditional God's

Make like a flag and leaf

Uncle Joe and Chairman Mao love cleansing """""their""""" own people

>ask for a difference
>gets one
>spergs out about it

Private ownership of the means of production
anti globalist
not jewish
anti egalitarianism
conservative/family based (traditional) morality

Gommunism is all for the government. Fascism is all for your people. The choice is pretty obvious.

>gives a "difference"
>I refute
>w-wow you must have autism or something

Nazis were cooler.

>confusing communism with Stalinism

Communism is defined as a completely STATELESS society (by Marx, Trotsky, et al). Lenin/Stalin, Mao created transition regimes, with the purpose of overthrowing the capitalist state, taking power and eventually abolishing the state to achieve communism. Of course, the transition never occurred in any of these regimes (absolute power corrupts and all).

So, that is one massive difference.

>muh special brand of communism has never been tried
Just stop

you didn't refute anything retard.

Controlled Market and Free Market are opposites, there for a difference.

You're kinda thick mate.

>confusing communism with Stalinism

Communism is defined as a stateless society. There is no government in communism. Read

It isn't a "special brand", it is the only definition of communism.

Communism with free market and cheap manpower=superpawar

OP asked for things that were DIFFERENT, not the same.

>claim that a free market is a difference
>I directly address this by stating that the underlying mechanism is the same and thus any difference is simply a matter of convenience.
In a thousand years time will it matter if a capitalist country had a freemarket or state capitalism? All they'll be remember for their materialism and not their philosophy, their architecture, their literature, or in any way for their contribution to human achievement let alone will those materialistic nations stand the tests of time. You're the thick one you "daft cunt".

Oh fuck off you pilpul kike

>Hardmode: No Holocaust
Wouldn't that just be normal mode?

stalin wasn't right

You are a rambling cunt

No control is not the same as total control.

How is that such a difficult concept for you to grasp?

How difficult is it for YOU to grasp that your concepts of "control" and "total control" aren't even arguments let alone are they accurate.

Chinese people eat fetuses

You cant compare us to them


I'm not even a believer in communism, I think it's a completely unrealistic fantasy.

But at least I understand political philosophies and I'm not a politically illiterate retard like yourself. OP asked for a difference, I gave one.

I think living in your own arsehole has turned you into a full retard mate.

I can try and make it easy for you but I doubt you'll grasp it even then.

One system advocates that the state interferes

The other advocates that it doesn't.

Nazism (in paper and reality) is a medieval thinking which revolves around loyalty to one leader and has a strong base in excluding (or enslaving) all "non-aryan". One of it's main goals was expanding german territory so "aryan" germans could have more space.

Communism in paper does not make any distinction for race, sex or nation (as a principle, is an internationalist movement), it's purpose is giving everyone the same base opportunity of development regardless of where were they born or who are they sons of. Advancement is given by individual merit, and merit as measured in how much your work benefit's the community. In it's most advanced version is stateless and everyone is the state, decisions are done by everyone in a well organised structure. Needless to say, you need a very well educated (and educated in a particular way) society to achieve that, and there is a transition called socialism. That transition failed miserably in the USSR and elsewhere, for reasons well beyond the mere corruption of their leaders (that, of course, played an important role). Western powers funding the nazi party, as well as talibans, are good examples of how much external pressure played a role to it. Anyway, as you can see today, Russia is not a communist country, not by far, but still has many of the worse problems it had when it was socialist. So maybe is the society more than the system what fails...

Is this what people really believe in the UK? Holy shit. Cuck Island natives getting restless.

Well, let's see, fuckers.

>invented by Jews
>essentially a method of the rule by the least talented over the most talented
>has repeatedly led to the deaths of millions of its own people due to sheer kikery
>communism does not economics
>massive starvation always follows communism
>communism sought to annihilate all forms of traditional European culture and lifestyle and introduce globalism
>basically, a depopulation method that also has a side effect of desensitizing and breaking down the average man

>invented by hardcore goys
>essentially has AS ITS MISSION STATEMENT the eradication of communism and communists in all of their degenerate and beta cuck forms
>every time fascists come to power, the economy starts booming and production reaches all time highs, while there is a massive increase in birthrates
>fascism sought to protect European culture and traditions, of all forms, at all costs
>fascism fought a crusade against communism that probably saved Cuck Island
>basically a radical affirmation and defense of the natural order

No difference at all, goy.

>he thinks a socalist bubble economy is a good thing

A national socialist society will unite the classes of people through culture, history, ethnicity and race rather than subjugating everyone to the "proletariat" and its cronies. The people are subjugated to themselves and each other, not to ideology.

The communist seeks to unite people based on class, the national socialist seeks to unite people in spite of class. The "national" part is more important than the "socialist" part.

The difference between communism and socialism is that the nazi promoted a radical nationalism baced on "race".Communists also promoted a narrow minded nationalism , but which was based on "nationality"(we are the greatest nation".."we have the most beautifull country"..."we are the best at every sport" etc..see North Korea or comunist Romania before '89).
In economics, both political systems need to implement a socialist centralized economy system.In comunism there is no such thing as "individual merit".This exist only in democratic capitalism.Both are criminal political regims.

Nice leftist propaganda.

That isn't even close to real communism though. After y'all got BTFOed during the great crusade against communism (thank you for your sacrifice) the commies had to find a way to convert you with an uprising. Using national pride to defend communist orthodoxy was a Stalinist ploy which worked well. In the end, the uprising came anyway.


Thanks I wrote it myself.

Basically, the national pride thing was invented by Stalin to get people to fight for his morally bankrupt empire during the Great European Crusade against Communism (1941-1945). The Romanians fought in the crusade but Stalin's trick was used against them to pacify them afterward. That, and Stalin's other trick, the gulag.

Commies= Internationalism and no free enterprise
NatSoc = Nationalism and Corporatism and free enterprise providing it isn't usurus to the native population.

>wage controls
>price controls
>sales controls
>employment controls
>production subsidies
>distributed profits

>free enterprise


No true.There is no such thing as national communism orthodoxy.Communist was a materialist-dialectic ideology.They kind of destroyed churches and killed and turtured priests(not all).

National Socialism is German supremacist

Soviet Communism is Russian supremacist

Not*--made a typo

>successful nation
>held together only through military power and suppression of the truth
>fell apart a matter of years after openness was embraced
>killed millions of its own countrymen and impoverished most of the rest

>Corrects No to Not
>ignores " turtured "

Nazis were german ethno-nationalists
Soviets were russian idealist internationalists

there you go, one of many many differences.

hahah, this, fucking /thread

>Soon the Jew became the leader of the battle against himself. I am speaking figuratively when I say “against himself” because the “great master of lies” always succeeds in making himself seem innocent and throwing the blame on others. Since he had the audacity to lead the masses himself, it never occurred to the people that this could be the most legendary fraud of all time...

>Without being aware of it, the laborer is put to work for the very power that he believes he is fighting against. He is led to believe he is acting against capitalism, and therefore he is easily made to fight for capitalism. The cry is heard against international capital, but the real target is the national economy. The current economy must be destroyed so that the international stock exchange can replace it on the corpse-strewn battlefield, with Jewish financial world interests.

>To achieve his goal, the Jew proceeds as follows: he creeps up on the workers in order to win their confidence, pretending to have compassion for their poverty and circumstances or even anger at their miserable lot in life. He is careful to study all the real or even their imagined problems. Then he arouses the desire for change. With infinite shrewdness, he stirs up the urge for (((SOCIAL JUSTICE))), an innate desire that is sleeping within every Aryan. Once the fire is burning, the Jew turns it into hatred toward those more fortunate and puts the stamp of a very special World-Concept on the battle; he builds a philosophy designed to correct social injustice. He founds the Marxist doctrine.

>Name one significant difference between the two
national socialism made Christianity the official state religion, while communism made it illegal.

>Positive Christianity in the 3rd Reich
>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler will never forsake God
>Hitler defending Christianity
>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany
>How Hitler became an islamic pagan occultist atheist christ-killing kike

this. i love that shills keep repeating this cuckservative meme that NAZIS = COMMUNISMS, since it gives us the chance to redpill people hard. If we had to keep bringing this topic up ourselves it would be way harder to generate interest. I'm not afraid to gloat about this, because the shills are so pleb-tier they can't stop themselves.

>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
-- Adolf Hitler 1938

>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)

"The relative ease with which a young communist could be converted into a Nazi or vice versa was well known, best of all to the propagandists of the two parties. The communists and Nazis clashed more frequently with each other than with other parties simply because they competed for the same type of mind and reserved for each other the hatred of the heretic. Their practice showed how closely they are related. To both, the real enemy, the man with whom they had nothing in common, was the liberal of the old type. While to the Nazi the communist and to the communist the Nazi, and to both the socialist, are potential recruits made of the right timber, they both know that there can be no compromise between them and those who really believe in individual freedom."

- Friedrich von Hayek

Stalin has a much manlier moustache

pretty much, they are the 2 sides of the same jewish shekel

national socialism believes in race and nationalism.

communism is a globalist equalitarian ideology.

also either this is bait or OP is one of the most retarded creatures alive. either way kill yourself