What the fuck happened to the Left?

Democrats used to be the party of "Cool". Now they've been reduced to preachy sanctimonious stiffs akin to conservatives in the early 2000s going around declaring wars on fucking cartoon frogs.

Did this shift start to occur as soon as Jon Stewart retired?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm an actual left winger and the Democrats make me want to kill myself.

The Democrats aren't even left wing. I have a theory the whole SJW movement is a conspiracy to distract people from the one real privilege that exists: wealth and class. If people are talking about trannies or blacks, they aren't talking about getting the rich to pay their fair share.

All the SJW bullshit is great for getting corporate donors to the Democrats, but all it means is increasingly preachy white-guilt rhetoric. No big company ever felt threatened by letting trannies into women's bathrooms. That in turn fueled obnoxious SJW types demanding more and more meaningless lip service to their delusions. These people are much worse than the Christians because they think anyone who disagrees isn't just wrong but evil.

It's like this. Back in the day the two parties were less extremist. The Democrats had their puppet John Stewart and comedy central, and basically came off as a group of nice funny people who just want freedom albeit hating the military and other things. They always had the dark underbelly but no normies saw it until this election when they put one of the key players in their disgusting machine in the spotlight. However the Republicans have always stood for more or less the same thing so there's really no shift in perception.

Soon the Democratic party will split, moving into the vacuum created by the disintegration of the Republican party.

Yep, SJWs are mindless consumers.

political parties and politicians are like diapers
they must be changed often
and for the same reason
>Robin Williams

a party in power to long becomes drunk on its own power and eventually spirals into self assured sanctimony when it begins to believe it's own rhetoric

>getting the rich to pay their fair share.
THE RICH ALREADY PAY THE MAJORITY OF THE TAXES. WHAT WE NEED IS TO do is get rid of patents, that way apple cant sue me for ripping off their design and selling it at a much more competitive price

SJWs are the left's Tea Party. Bullshit movements made to discredit us, built by rich assholes on the opposition.

There's a black guy on YouTube who makes a good chunk of money from making videos about privilege and all that. Someone called him out over his wealth (he wears studded earrings, has a gold watch) and told him his wealth, his class puts him in an extremely privileged position. The dindu made a response video saying how money doesn't equal power/privilege and that a poor white homeless man still has more privilege than him. Rich people ABSOLUTELY use liberalism as a way to morally justify their own privilege.

It happened when people born in the mid-90s grew up and realized that the left were a bunch of queers

Yup. Even the nogs have switched sides

Egalitarianism has it's roots in communism. Just because they call it something else doesn't mean it's changed one bit.

the Iraq war and Blairites

Notice how the left also wants to make you believe that government control of the market it works. It doesn't, it never has. The only way to fix muh wealth gap is to free the market and end government meddling in all aspects of our lives.

The pendulum swinging. They'll be back to being hip again some day.

>Democrats used to be the party of "Cool".

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's not a coincidence that the vast majority of SJWs are upper(-middle) class.

The wealthy have been waging a war upon the poor and working classes since time immemorial, and this is just the latest phase.

BLM and Feminists sabotaged and spurned Bernie Sanders in favor of a completely establishment robot that will absolutely maintain the wealthy's grip on our throats.

Feminists are easy enough to understand, but BLM has egregiously sinned in rejecting the one candidate who actually gave a flying fuck about black lives and who in fact marched in their favor and was arrested in support of their cause, in favor of a candidate who served under racists in her youth.

History even shows us this happening back in the 18th century when wealthy whites used their common white with poor whites to convince poor whites help them oppress enslaved blacks.

Whenever you see movements like these that work to divide us, you'll almost invariably find moneyed interests behind them, looming in the shadows.

I don't know, the Tea Party never did anything to me but make me think twice about taxes in the United States. SJW's are a global subversion, it infects every country. They are actively diminishing every single sphere of my life, everywhere I go, everything I do.

I was as far left as you can get about as recent as 2012. Something changed after that which made shifting to this position a necessity. Until this current form of "liberal" is completely destroyed, I won't have anything to do with it.

Trump 2016. MAGA. White people are the shit. Europe is the best. Europe is white. Western civilization is great. White identity is a good thing for white people. Nationalism isn't inherently bad. Race realism is respectable as a science and should be taken seriously. Hitler had some good points. The Nazis weren't pure evil. Racism isn't that big of a deal. The Holocaust has been exaggerated significantly.

Until the left can grapple with these views in a rational way without hysterical cries of victimhood and purging threats, they can fuck off. Actually, that's far softer a treatment than they really deserve. They're intellectual and ethical criminals supporting an unjust society based on lies. They're trash. And they make up most of society right now.

Until they embrace the truth, they might as well be fucking subhumans.

>Did this shift start to occur as soon as the Daily Show replaced Craig Kilborn with Jon Stewart and the Daily Show became a mouthpiece of a large segment of the American "progressive" left?

Yeah, pretty much.

I wonder how true this is, SJWs don't seem to be a big enough market to support SJW-marketed games and movies.

Now think about how in the world the Tea Party is still even remembered--mostly as a joke by the mainstream--and consider how in the world the Social Justice Virus has spread so far and so fast.

It's the moneyed interests, I'm telling you!

in America yes they were the "cool" party

>Establishment gets complacent and corrupt


I don't even know if traditional rightwing vs leftwing is even a worthwhile way to describe political parties anymore.

The primary conflict appears to be globalists vs nationalists combined with authoritarian and libertarian leanings.

I would classify most major werstern parties as authoritarian globalists. Right or left makes little difference to how they behave. You have someone like Trump who is authoritarian nationalist but his policies do not conform to strictly right or left, you could not consider him a centrist either, he has policies that would be considered far right and others that would be considered quite leftwing at times.

confirmed. patent office must be blown up.

let's meme it



Keep crying wolf and sooner or later people stop believing you

>. I have a theory the whole SJW movement is a conspiracy to distract people from the one real privilege that exists: wealth and clas

This, so much this.

I have been telling people this for ages. Wealth and class are literally the only thing that matters in our consumer society. This is never highlighted because it would unite everybody in a common movement against the wealthy elite. They prefer to divide the proles into factions and keep them fighting among themselves, too busy to look up and see who the real enemy is.

Hitler was really onto something with this speech


of course it is, people like fucking Soros are a thing.

But the left aren't egalitarians. They have a defined pyramid of who is worth what, ranging from Muslims at the very top, followed by blacks, trannies, women, etc and straight white men at the bottom.

Honestly think they rate straight working class men at the bottom. One up is straight upper class men


No one ma- party should have too much power. The conservatives will have their day in the sun again, then everyone will get pissed, forget how fucked up liberals got and try the Democrats again. It's a cycle.


This, it's not left vs right, it's top and bottom against the middle.

>it's never highlighted

I'm pretty sure that's what the tea party and the occupy movements were. Remember how both those turned out?

>muh fair share
Kill yourself commie, the only unfair share of wealth comes from government interference.

Not the only Éirfag

I'm glad we are now owned by Hiro who cannot even think far enough ahead to plan something like that.

>Mr. Nagaski, our revenue tanked again, for 32 successive months now. We really need to do something about this.
>Nani? :3c

They're not a huge or profitable market, but they're vocal enough that ignoring or angering them can be perceived as risking profit. They are, however, mindless consumers and generally incapable of creating anything themselves.

Yo are literally reaping what you sow, faggot. This IS Leftism. Marxist class struggle can be applied to anything.

Gender? You get feminism. The eternal idea of upper class (male) oppressing lower class (female) requiring that females be given control of everything.

Race? You get Progressive Multicutluralism, the idea of upper class (white) oppressing lower class (everyone else) requiring that blacks and sandniggers be given control of everything.

YOU are the one who is inconsistently applying your own ideology here. You have stuck to the one thing that matters to you because, hey, you're FUCKING A WHITE MALE ARE YOU SERIOUS.

That's the irony that all of you fucking faggots don't get: They are RIGHT. If you accept leftist premises, the SJWs are right. That is why the only way to combat them is to completely reject the premise, reject that class struggle is what matters. What matters is your race, your nation, your people.

The Fascists understood this, which is why they had to die: You cannot win class struggle, because class is innate. There will ALWAYS be an upper class, but they are not necessarily evil, any more than the kid in high school who had better shoes than you was evil. It is the international hyenas, the bankers, the moneylenders, the rootless clique of predator financial interests who are evil. It is THEY who must be rejected, and the tool by which to reject them is national and racial solidarity, divorced from the idiotic notion of attacking people within your own nation simply for making money. The only time this has ever been done successfully was through Fascism.

It is never Henry Ford or Bill Gates who destroys a country, it is the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Soroses, who plunder entire nations because they have none of their own.

Well said.

They became saturated with post-modernism.

They have no control over their spending habits and as long as it is only a few websites trying to profit from that demography, it is still worth it.


>This IS Leftism

Kinda funny how all the lefties that have some rationality left in them always eventually end at the
>Wait, this isn't the leftism I wanted!
point because they didn't truly understand what they were supporting.

they became the establishment, jon already had ridiculous sjw tendencies towards the end of his daily show career, could barely watch it anymore. and with the mullato in charge now it's not even funny anymore.

this but
>YOU are the one who is inconsistently applying your own ideology here.
not all leftism is created equal, it's still a spectrum. just like the right.

I remember the only highlights they ever got were when everyone on msm was calling them total retards 24/7.

Liberals literally just don't get jokes. They try to make everything a secret Nazi conspiracy against them. Anti semitic redheads with threatening hands/paws, Nazi frogs. They literally shake when they read tweets.

It's not easy being liberal.

Left before
>Bush passes patriot act
>NPR, PBS, (((Jon Liebowitz))) among the only critics of the war in 2003. Right wingers opinions on the war at this time are in hindsight retarded.
>Social media explodes spearheaded by leftists, geeks tending to lean left.
>Religious and moral conservatives become continually more and more hated due to their continual jesus freak shit, skyrocketing teen pregnancy rates, disowning gay/non-religious kids, taking away muh vidya games, and insistance they are the moral protectors of society.
>Right afterwards continually shows lack of internet savvy, infamous Sup Forums hackers on steroid news report from fox.

Then it all changed

>Obama takes office, leftists lose their edge, proceed to bootlick the shit out of their glorious leader to avoid losing ground to the right.
>Turns out left, claiming to hate torture, was ok with everything bush did. Obama even continued bushes secret PRISM program.
>Right wing presence on social media gets bigger and bigger.
>Left wing SJWs become self-proclaimed moral authorities of the day, take away our vidya games, shut down gay rights protests, push prudish as fuck shit about consent during seuxality, come up with a bunch of absolutely retarded linguistic terms and become offended when people don't already understand their retarded shit.
>SJWs randomly proclaim retarded shit like how racism is defined as discrimination by a majority group against a minority group. Thus making bigotry against majority groups OK, so long as it's used in the fight against systemic equality, the ends justify the means.
>Left increases shows lack of internet savy, declares pepe the frog white supremacist

Basically the moment they got into power their heads climbed entirely up their own asshole and they fail to have any self-reflection. Also the two parties are more similar than we all think, both retards and fascists in their own ways, and some people just weren't aware of this, or were willingly deluding themselves.

Honestly, it's just tough to make jokes when you're the one in power. Can't criticize yourself very effectively, and still be funny.

> I have a theory the whole SJW movement is a conspiracy to distract people from the one real privilege that exists: wealth and class.

Congrats, you're not a retard, unlike every other fucking leftist.

'White privilege' and other concoctions of the new left are a direct result of the 1% and the ultra rich manipulating their little minions in academia to switch their culpability for the problems in the world onto white males. You might notice this all started after OWS.

You also might now notice that the 1% and their minions in academics usually share a certain ethnicity.

That was a beautiful read. May Kek bless you burgerbro. Kek's speed in the coming darkness.

Lets put it this way.

You can go to an unmoderated, uncensored place on the internet to talk about right wing politics. You really can't when it comes to left wing politics.

I think that says a lot.

You're next


This happened waaaay before that. I was beginning to feel like Jon Stewart had worn out his welcome like 5 years before he retired; he actually somehow managed to become even more of a sanctimonious cunt AFTER he and Colbert succeeded in memeing Barack into office.

He called Harry Truman a war criminal for dropping the bombs.
He is a champagne socialist of the highest order.

This user should run for President if Trump doesn't win

>Did this shift start to occur as soon as Jon Stewart retired?
Stewart himself changed, he was the leader of "cool" liberal movement fighting against the authoritarian right in the 2000s and everyone was behind him, but that fight got won, and nobody knew what to do with their time. So the left just kept getting lefter and he and all the other liberal comedians, corrupted by the power they amassed to change public opinion on politics, turned into the new fascist left.

They have always been insufferable cunts, it was just less obvious before the Dems got into office because, by chance, they happened to be right about things like the Iraq war.

That post is not that brilliant.

You natsoc faggots need to go back to crip chan.

Hitler was a kike and NSDAP was controlled by the Weimar kikes to create Israel.

Fuck your false gods

>Democrats against Iraq war

Ayyy lmao, they were against the war they voted for?

The left was against the war, especially outside of America, the democrats weren't.

The fact that you even just said that makes you antichrist.
>Attacking innocent christians.
>You're evil.

Which is exactly what the MSM wanted. They minimized and mocked a legitimate group out of existence.

Reagan did it. I have a feeling Trump will be good at it, he can do self depricating humor. Leftists take themselves so fucking seriously

>What the fuck happened to the Left


We seriously need to genocide the christcucks, niggers, kikes, and muslims.

We can start with killing every single nigger and kike on earth.

Third Way politics killed the left in the US.

It basically consists of distracting progressives with social issues while pushing a thoroughly neoliberal economic agenda.

(pic very much related)

We are going to kill you on the day of the rope too.

>calls post not brilliant
>proceeds to lob ad hominems at a reply to the post, not even the post itself
>brings up Hitler, who wasn't mentioned
>doesn't attempt to refute any of the points made in the original post

Bravo. You sure showed him.

/leftypol/ on fucken suicide watch.

That's a sign of weakness and insecurity. If you cant get a laugh out of your own expense then you're barely living. I take life a bit too seriously, i can be a fucking retard when it comes to humor from others, but I'm never so above myself that I cant take the piss outta myself. I used to be and I was a worse person then. I was also far more left leaning then. Huh, gets the grey matter all fired up.

You are correct of course. I should more accurately speak of Marxism, but you understand what I mean.

they were punching up with bush, and have been punching down for 8 years now with obama

Sup Forums-tier shit is now the counterculture with only upwards to go, and the fourth estate is a left-wing hive

watch the fifth estate become progressively more and more right-wing if Trump doesn't win. if he does, then i don't know what the fuck will happen, to be honest. unchartered waters as far as i know. i can only imagine it would lead to another Reagan era, which gives way to another Bush/Clinton struggle, then finally back to another period of SJWism and regressive leftist bullshit 40 years from now.

The rich arent taxed as much as in europe

fucking BOOM

>Egalitarianism has it's roots in communism
Egalitarianism is an ideal extracted out of the Declaration of Independence

Blairite politics with Keynesianism infiltrating academia and dominating over the Austrian School as a means to destroy the middle class creating a state dependant underclass aka Brave New World.

Hillary had a open goal to the Presidency, she had it all but for the most important thing, her health, sanity and timing.

this is great. Who's the original author?

>preachy sanctimonious stiffs
Hate to break it to you, they have always been that way. You just noticed. It does take a while to figure it out. They are worse than any conservative I have ever know. Back in the 90 this bitch, Al Gore's wife tried to censor music. Year later her wacko husband was Clintons VP pick. I knew shit was not right with these people. They are exactly like witch burning puritans. Same mind set.

>Did this shift start to occur as soon as Jon Stewart retired?

Jon Stewart was shit after Obama took office. And honestly, he was probably shit when Dubya was in office too, but I was too immature to realize it.

They've been cunts since the mid 90s at least. They've just had social media to make things worse.

Hail, brother!

Here have a song by Eigill Skallagrimson
(this my mother said)
Funny isn't it, I try to find his best dråpa but only finding idiots reading it, thinkin it's just poems... Anyways this was the most badass motherfucker you found. Pic related, this iceland.. just random hey I am the great (x47) grandaughter of Eigill

They are realizing that we are a threat to them, and that we are the future, everywhere, not just the us. Your pic there... I watched this guy like in 03 and so......

Lefty/pol/ neckbeard detected. Socialists have always been about identity politics. Radical jews were behind the "civil rights" movement and the agitation of negroes.

White people are becoming a minority in the USA so the DNC now uses identity and race politics to remain relevant and keep getting dem votes.

People must either adapt to the God-Emperor and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN or become 3rd class citizens in their own nations victimized by non-representative governments like what's happening in Europe.

>I'm a total fucking retard who doesn't have the slightest clue what class means

It occurred as soon as the left;

1. Aligned with corporate interests and allowed themselves to be made the establishment and have their ideals cherry picked to serve the 1%

Think Brexit and Open Borders. They completely abandoned their former base (the poor and working class) and sold them out to make rich people a bit richer and adopted trickle down economic theory.

2. Being the establishment, they also adopted the mantle of the Moral Majority. They embraced suppression of free speech, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-liberal ideologies like Islam because they shifted to identity politics rather than economics (since they had decided to abandoned the poor and hungry and needed a new scapegoat). This means they can't be transgressive or rebellious. That's left up to the Right.

3. Some of them going Full Marxist has made them seem like complete buffoons, in the same way creationist satan fearing christian loonies in the 80's looked - Instead of Shape Shifting Satanists Raping Our Babies In Daycare, we got Micro-Aggressions and Rape Culture. Instead of talking snakes and bleeding rocks, we got Transgenderism, the ability to use your feelings to morph into a member of the opposite sex.

Hillary is the candidate for the big banks. They donated more to her than any candidate in history. Hillary is a warmonger. She has been endorsed by almost the entire neocon establishment. Just think about that. The Democrats nominated someone who got almost all the neocons to switch parties! It is just crazy.

Roger Scruton.

>muh no true leftism has never been tried before!!!


Brexit was the nail in the coffin in regards to anyone who doubts this.

One of the reasons they lost was the image of extraordinarily rich English people literally spitting on poor people because they desperately wanted to maintain a slight economic advantage at the massive expensive of their poorer countrymen.

After the loss, you immediately saw the Blairites, the wealthy upper middle class contingent of the Labor party, calling for the head of Corbyn, who represented the Unions...Because he didn't campaign enough (and most likely himself voted Leave). Even though it was made clear to them that their established base was leaving in droves, because the economic improvement that the extremely wealthy and champagne socialists were enjoying was NOT trickling down to the poor and working class. It was only getting worse for them.

Instead of going to their constituents and demonstrating what they could do to improve their lives, they simply harangued them about being Racists just because they didn't enjoy having their neighborhoods flooded with aggressive third worlders.

Kek. In the United States, tax revenue isn't used for anything except paying back the interest on loans to the Federal Reserve. Trufax, every year when the budget is decided the Federal Reserve prints money equal to the amount decided upon and loans it to the government. The government then taxes MORE than that amount from the people and uses it to pay back the kikes. This same group of bankers also regularly prints money and hands it out in the billions to banks, investment firms and anyone else they feel like giving it to. If you taxed it, they'd just print more.

Taxing the rich is a meme, it exists to trick you into thinking that you can legislate equality. Corporate taxes are higher in the US than just about anywhere else in the world, yet supposedly corporations run everything. Wow, I wonder why.

Learn to separate actual businessmen from professional usurers. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers do not give a single shit how much money you tax them, because all money is just an IOU to their friends at the Federal Reserve.

You want to solve the problem? Start at the top instead of demanding that doctors and small business owners get their balls crushed in a vice while George Soros howls in laughter and bets another ten billion dollars on the collapse of western society.

> Trump who is authoritarian nationalist
He's not authoritarian in the slightest. Enforcing laws that are already on the books is not authoritarian. It's the job. He's a big state's rights and separation of powers guy. He talks about repealing Obama's illegal executive orders all the time.

This is what we actually need to stop. The cycle. Its a vicious beast and you're completely right that it will just come back again. Trump is a stopgap,things wont or at least shouldnt get worse under him, but they wont be solved completely. The user above made the point that we all need to stop fucking clawing at our own countrymen's throats over disagreements.

Dialogue as it stands currently is way too fucking volatile to get anything done. Any sort of compromise is currently seen as absolute heresy from their respective sides. I dont see Trump mending that,but it would be absolutely incredible if he could. The problem with that is that (((they))) thrive off keeping us at each other's throats. If that's threatened at all by him, they'll go with the nuclear option and off him. And with the political climate as it is, that will spark irreparable damage and calamity. Meaningful discourse wont even be able to begin to recover for decades if that happens. Something like that requires efforts not from a single leader who can be removed and replaced on their whim, but from leaders around the globe, together regardless of political ideas,and yeah I know that's even more unlikely.

All countries are afflicted with the discourse problem to varying extents, fixing them individually would be a tremendously difficult task, while if multiple leaders were to make this effort to try and get people to actually sit down and fucking talk to each other, to try and understand one another, it would have much more of an impact. And once people actually start talking to each other, that's when they'll find the common foe. Not their neighbors, but the ones at the tippity top pitting them against one another.

Did they ever actually argue that anywhere in their post though? OP asked what happened to the left, they answered. Good god this thread has a lot of retards in it.

> Corporate taxes are higher in the US than just about anywhere else in the world, yet supposedly corporations run everything.
The biggest corporations don't pay taxes at all, the small businesses and those who don't have the favor of the government have to shoulder that burden.

On this thread:
>people who really think that as society is divided in classes or by wealth when actually it's just a statistic tool for analysis, and ignoring completely the individual component on it.
>people who believe in marxism and its variations even though it is proven that it doesn't work, even to the point of being logically inconsistent

The problem of the left is very simple: they think somehow that they or someone is meant to design society for us. They think of themselves as social engineers when in reality no one should nor can do it in a way that does not create unintended consequences.

Also, the alt-right is just a variation on the left, as conservatism is: just because you want to control different things doesn't mean you're morally superior nor isn't subject to the same problems.

There are still some cool Lefties. Pic related.