Here's what I'm thinking: western society and western morality stems from Christianity. However in the last hundred years, our civilization has effectively out-grown this religion to be more open and prosperous economically, culturally, exc. Christianity is no longer text-book western morality i.e. gays and biracial couples are actually seen as individuals with rights. Men and women being promiscuous doesn't get you stoned, you can read and watch whatever art you want, freedom of speech, exc. In essence we're becoming more secular, and one of the things that make it easier is that Christianity is ADAPTING to western culture. While most Christians will still hate you for being gay or marrying a black dude, they won't kill you for it. Evangelicals still exist but they're slowly losing their fascist grip on American law and politics. The shit we put up with is minuscule to the strides we've made to make a better society that protects the rights of everyone, not just Protestants and Catholics.
Now look at Islam. It's easy to justify the belief that Muslims are inherently violent, because not only have Muslims been responsible for terrorism in the past, but also because you can cite the religious doctrine as the root cause very easily if you read the book.
However, you can also cite instances in the book where the doctrine being taught is not only compatible with western morality but can also make improvements. For example, when Mohammad's cousin gawks at a woman, he doesn't tell her to cover up; he tells him to avert his eyes. That's the proper response to sexism; challenge the one who committed the crime.
Now obviously Islamic holy text has as many incongruences as the Bible, but this is an ASSET. The Westboro Baptists and everyone else can preach to the letter of the book and still be saying different things. What I'm saying is, these holy texts are very FLEXIBLE.
Continued below
Gabriel Parker
What I'm saying is, these holy texts are very FLEXIBLE. And this flexibility has enabled Christianity to adapt despite being a historically violent missionary religion.
So why should it be different for Islam? What would it require for Islam to adapt to western culture? My answer is this: Western culture needs to acknowledge moderate Muslims who DO accept western values as TRUE Muslims. Fuck what the book says: a practicing Christian who follows the Bible to the letter would be absolutely no different from a terrorist. Same for Islam.
Do you know what converted western Christianity from extremism to being moderate? Their identity as Christians was DEPENDENT on moderate values, such as love, compassion, and tolerance even for sinners. If you told Christians that they were violent and not worth supporting they'd make you eat led because that's their IDENTITY. You won't get Muslims to abandon their identity; the only solution is to change what it MEANS to be a Muslim. If they believe that to be a true Muslim they must kill, they will kill. They will stifle and they will conquer. But if they believe that true Islam is tolerant and loving? They will aspire to be these things.
Tl; dr Fuck what the holy book says, support the narrative that true Muslims support western values. Do to Islam what secular society did yo Christianity. Muslims who want to be "true" Muslims will convert peacefully. Fuck missionary religions.
Matthew Peterson
Anyway I've been thinking about this for a long time but I have no one to really talk to about it; either people will think I'm a bigot or a Islamic apologist either way. So I want to talk about this here and ask and answer questions. It's easier to own up to being a religious bigot since I'm agnostic-deist but still
Samuel Stewart
No one wants to talk about this. Dammit I got put on a watch list for fucking nothing.
Carson Murphy
Most of Sup Forums is a bunch of christcucks. They'd literally watch jesus fuck their girlfriends/wives *if they could get one*. The only difference between Islam and Christianity is a few hundred years of maturity. That's it. That's all. Muslims can operate in a modern society perfectly well as long as they abandon most of their religion just like the christfags have. Many do. Some don't. It's those "some" that cause problems that Sup Forums whines about because it's out of their safe space.
Jackson Flores
Okay so what I'm saying is comprehendible, that's a relief. At least peddling the narrative that "real Muslims," mesh with the west. is there a way that this wouldn't work?
Zachary Diaz
Nah cunt, theologically Christianity is a much more peaceful religion than Islam.
>pasta related The trick behind the apparent inconsistency of the Quran and why the radical Muslims are always correct: Like no other holy book among the world religions, the Quran contains an abundance of contradictory expressions. What is forbidden in one place is expressly demanded in another, and vice versa. However, the contradictory quality of the Quran is only an apparent one. It falls apart abruptly when one recognizes the very carefully protected secret hidden within the architecture of the Quran. For the Quranic Suras (chapters) are not arranged chronologically, but rather according to their length – and the newer Suras (from Muhammad’s violent later phase when he was in Medina) override the older ones from his era in Mecca that were comparatively more peaceful. However, this secret is guarded by Islamic scholars very closely as if it were a holy grail – and is aired only on particular occasions. (An Essay from Michael Mannheimer, Germany, March 23, 2010 )
Oliver Jenkins
You'll have to explain how Christianity is more peaceful, not just theologically but historically as well. To my knowledge, the Abrahamic religions have all been rolling in the mud together for awhile, while taking out the smaller pagan religions along the way.
Thomas Cruz
Dog breed plz?
John Jones
I'd be surprised if it wasn't a shepherd. German shepherds can come with silver coats.