Thoughts on Woody Allen and his films...

Thoughts on Woody Allen and his films? I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time and some of his films such as Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Crimes and Misdemeanors are considered to be some of the best films ever made but I don't really see his movies get a lot of attention here.

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it's universally agreed he makes great films and the only people who dislike them are blue pilled contrarian white knight brainlets who can't separate an artist from his personal life.

>I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time
is he? or did jews just meme each other into being famous by all promoting and congratulating each other while excluding real americans

>I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time
This is something only normies and plebs say who are uninitiated in cinema.

However, he is one of the most prolific filmmakers of all time, and has indeed made some great films. If you take the time to actually go through his filmography, though, you'll notice that MOST of his films are actually downright mediocre.

>I don't really see his movies get a lot of attention here.
That's because kids these days only care to discuss meme/normie movies on Sup Forums, and pretty much the only thing they know about Allen is "muh creepy jewish pedophile xD"

>"I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls"

I don't think the mods will like that you are trying to talk about movies. This is a for memes and capeshit.

I love Annie Hall so much. His old stand up records are fantastic too.