Thoughts on Woody Allen and his films...

Thoughts on Woody Allen and his films? I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time and some of his films such as Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Crimes and Misdemeanors are considered to be some of the best films ever made but I don't really see his movies get a lot of attention here.

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it's universally agreed he makes great films and the only people who dislike them are blue pilled contrarian white knight brainlets who can't separate an artist from his personal life.

>I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time
is he? or did jews just meme each other into being famous by all promoting and congratulating each other while excluding real americans

>I know he's one of the greatest directors of all time
This is something only normies and plebs say who are uninitiated in cinema.

However, he is one of the most prolific filmmakers of all time, and has indeed made some great films. If you take the time to actually go through his filmography, though, you'll notice that MOST of his films are actually downright mediocre.

>I don't really see his movies get a lot of attention here.
That's because kids these days only care to discuss meme/normie movies on Sup Forums, and pretty much the only thing they know about Allen is "muh creepy jewish pedophile xD"

>"I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls"

I don't think the mods will like that you are trying to talk about movies. This is a for memes and capeshit.

I love Annie Hall so much. His old stand up records are fantastic too.

His style is pure jewish humor and I dislike it. Not because I dislike jews (which I do) but because it's simply not my cup of tea.

Wtf is jewish humor?


Passive, socially anxious beta male blaming everyone other than his mother for his misfortunes.

>blue pilled contrarian white knight brainlets who can't separate an artist from his personal life.
He's never even done anything that wasn't complete bullshit.

And kind of cynical, yes. It's like can't recognise Coen or Allen movies from the first 10 minutes. Top giggle.

>If you take the time to actually go through his filmography, though, you'll notice that MOST of his films are actually downright mediocre.
That's what happens when you make a film (sometimes two) every single year. The fact he still puts out great films is still a great accomplishment.


What's with his obsession with New York? It's an overrated dump and it always has been. There's nothing special about it.

>he's one of the greatest directors of all time

he's not. sheeple just say that because they're parroting what they think others expect them to say.

>Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Crimes and Misdemeanors are considered to be some of the best films

only by women and queers who think amount of circular yammering equals quality.

This isn't even constructive criticism. It's just the ramblings.of someone who wants something to criticize. I don't quite understand why some people take the time and effort just to shitpost on something no one really cares about


>unable to refute truth
>scream shitpost instead

queer triggered by truth detected

I love his early comedy era, Take the Money and Run and Love and Death are fantastic

This is literally the greatest romance film I've ever seen. I like the realistic quality that isn't grossly exaggerated like in most films. It's just the perfect blend of comedy and slice of life. The Christopher Walken scene alone is hysterically funny.and makes it worth watching. I'm also strangely attracted to Shelley Duvall's ugly ass in it.

Just report and move on

The soundtracks of his films are literally god tier

>constructive criticism

imbecile (You)

I hate this fucking beta fucker

This fucker pushed the beta cuckold meme look at him, for fuck's sake!

He is a beta cuckold and wants to push this shit marxist propaganda that intellectuals are skelly betas and not massive fit testosterone beasts like in reality

This scene fucking kills me.


Ok, you made a thread about Woody Allen

Here is what you will get
>Sup Forumstards hating him because he's a jew
>Sup Forumstards hating him because he's a jew but they'll say it's because he's a pedophile
>somebody whipping out that Orson Welles quote
>he's an overrated hack
>he's underrated visionary
>discussion of the best looking actresses in his movies
>general lack of replies because he hasn't made a film recently and there are no memes surrounding him

The problem with Allen is that he pushes the beta cuckold nu male meme, I think he's responsible toc reate the beta cuckold nu male high estrogen low test phenomenon

Jesus Christ, you probably bring up Sup Forums in every ducking thread you obsessed weirdo.

I still really enjoy midnight in Paris. It's really comfy
Only movie I've every liked Owen Wilson in

I saw zelig and whats up tiger lilly when i was a kid and liked it i guess

he still churns out something like two movies a year on average, surprisingly sometimes some of them are good, but the grand majority are shite

I'm looking forward to his movie with Elle Fanning

>liking a manlet kike pedophile
Someone post the Welles quote on him, absolutely spot on.

best scene


>liking a manlet kike pedophile
Manlet yes
kike yes (although Atheist kike)
pedophile no. It was proven he wasn't and there is no hard evidence to be able to say otherwise. It was obviously Farrow just being butthurt about Woody leaving her for her adopted chink daughter. She even used her blood daughter to get back at Woody. The lengths women will go to.

I really like how people ITT talk about Allen as if he is an underrated visionary. He is rated just fine. He is not even that great as a director, he is just adequate. His writing is distinct and good but even that sometimes feels trite sometimes.

ITT teenagers and Sup Forumstards who haven't seen more than one or two of Allen's films pretend they know stuff

Fucking plebs shitting up the board.

>He is not even that great as a director, he is just adequate.
He started paying more attention to the look of his movies after Annie Hall where he worked with Gordon Willis. Before that it was point and shoot shit.


He's is often considered to be one of the greatest film makers.His influence alone has made such a huge impact on cinema.

>He is rated just fine. He is not even that great as a director
lmao get a load of this brainlet

I can agree with this, but only his very late works have a good look IMO.
As I said, he is a good writer, actually great, but many of his films are recycling the same elements. But that's as a writer, not as a director as far as I am concerned

for me it's blue jasmine

the only good woody allen movie

Same, although I like Owen Wilson in other stuff. This despite the fact that I browse Sup Forums.

>I've only seen Blue Jasmine

The best Woody movies are the ones he stars in.

dubs, quads, and dubs.

he likes to selfinsert too much