Other urls found in this thread:

I highly doubt Sam Hydes IQ is even 10 yet he makes fun of people with an IQ lower than 100.

Also Baked Alaska was literally homeschooled and sheltered so that his parents could mold weird politics into him.

Thanks for your brilliant input.


If you're gonna try to make a point then it's best not to exaggerate too much. Not gonna argue that Baked isn't a weirdo.

It's not a joke, it is extremely unlikely that Lil B is of average or higher intelligence.

>I highly doubt Sam Hydes IQ is even 10
Someone with an IQ < 10 would have trouble even breathing and would be virtually braindead.

Lil b has more recognition and is more successful than Sam Hyde will ever be

>famous for being a literal fucking internet joke
Wow so admirable

haha niggers are stupid amirite fellow alt-right folks???

smash that donate button to see more tweets similar to this one

There is no way in hell Sam Hyde's IQ is anything higher than 100.

why do white people get so triggered and furious whenever black people bring up the racism they experience?

Lil B offered to take Sam up on that and Sam backed out cause he doesn't have the money, post the rest of the tweets.

Nigga got tested and his IQ is 188
Fucking tardos

He really shouldn't be making bets that he'll obviously lose. A smarter person would know that.

He's probably about 110. Sounds about right for a graphic design major.

Now which laws are these? Should we give black criminals a pass because they're black?

Fuck sam's ugly scraggly ass. Fucking dropped.
Task force nigga. Brandon is inspirational and a kind man. Watched a speech at our university.

lil b is a nigger that used to spam a forced meme on Sup Forums and all the underage idiots lapped it up.

Sam Hyde has never come across as an intellectual juggernaut himself. Isn't he wasting thousands of dollars on literally nothing these days?

Lil B is right on this one.

yes. video games and shit that nobody will buy.

Another hilarious joke from MDE!

Someone post the rest of the tweets

It's called a dare, not a joke.

I'd worry about lil b cursing sam, but it wouldn't even do much at this point in sam's life

damn he really paved the way for MDE

makes sense, sam hyde is just a white nigger so they have a lot in common.

Cot dayum. Sam a savage, yo.

Why do leftists always want to have the last word even if it makes them sound desperate and childlike?

leave the BasedGod alone

t. watches rick and morty

Seems about right.

Stats show this to be true.

~100 is the average in most developed nations

Because niggers are delusional

Real talk. Fuck this trannyfucker

And which were you referring to?

Did Sam donate to any charity of his choice?

the obvious exception being america

>taking on Based God
the man is a meme incarnate and possess insanely powerful meme magic. why would you ever do that?

>n-not so good
>gib m-me ma job back
>it's n-not fair, I c-cant afford health insurance!

This pathetic cuckold thinks he can take a spipe at a heavyweight like Lil B?

Is there anyone who encapsulates how pathetic the alt-right and drumpftards are than Sam Hyde?

Because blacks will never admit that years of stats like this exist.

25+ percent of all crimes committed, 50 percent of murders despite being 13 percent of the population, and blacks have the gall to say police are only arresting them at high rates because of racism?

You know he doesn't have 5k.

Just want to say that was really, really funny dude. Haha. Sam Hyde is VIRTUALLY BRAINDEAD! Probably has an IQ of 10 or something pfffft hahahaha! Sounds about right! That's just about accurate! He's so stupid it's like he practically can't even function! What a dummy!

Just wanted to say thank you. You made my night. "Sounds about right"....Hahahahaha!!

based on the mde tweet, hyde can't tell the difference between an individual and a population - he's obviously stupid

they won't if he got BTFO

He's trying to get attention because he's a Z lister while Lil B is a B lister

it's probably like half his net worth
which i guess isn't bad

Here come the tiggered lefties.

Because black people adont experience racism


THIS is the famous SAM HYDE!!?!?!?!

Reduced to BEGGING for his job back off of his SWORN ENEMY

Man, I bet they were laughing about that for weeks in Tims office.

When meme gods collide

Calm down, Sam.

You're almost as triggered as you were here.

Jesus christ. I'm selling my signed cap. fuck this guy


Check and mate

I love Lil B's satire, he's actually talented, funny, and well off financially.

Make fun of him all you want boys, it won't change shit. This tread is absolutely glorious!

Tim made Sam sound like a complete child. Classic.


Sam is fucking around with the wrong person. If lil b curses him there's no salvation.

This fucker said Glendale is where the ultra rich live? LMAO HE REALLY IS A RETARD

Lil B should put the Based Gods curse on Sam Hyde but i think we all know it would ultimately be pointless

this 1:00 long clip > sam hydes entire ''''''career''''''

Christ. Is Sam Hyde really 32? He sounds like an immature teenager. Fuck me.

>all these Sup Forums rejects defending this 3/4 retarded nigger
>lel he gonna put a curse on him xD
Please fuck off idiots


That is your god.

This. There goes my idol.


>racism they experience
they deserve it though.

Because if the niggers were actually living in racist country, mr. Little B here would be hidden under the rock, holding their incoherent mouths and hoping the racists won't find them there.

It was last month that some dindu went to Croatia, forgot that he isn't in Cucknited States, chimped out and got torn apart by a mob for his troubles.

Getting caught committing crimes isn't racism

why do math teachers get so triggered whenever retards say 2+2=5?

>replying to Based God's shitposts
really shows who has the lower IQ

This kek

>trying to start a feud with the based god
I understand Sam is a meme, but he doesn't possess the amount of magick that Lil B does. This is a mistake and comes at a time when Sam is at the peak of his irrelevance.

Are you aware how fucking gay you sound or not really?

spotted da crackkka ma nigga lil b is inteliggant as fuck reads books n all dat

>being this upset you're out of touch with culture

lmao @ u kiddo

Go back faggot. Sup Forums really is shit now.

wtf is "racism"

Oh my god based god

>sam hyde is a white nigger that used to spam a forced meme on Sup Forums and all the underage idiots lapped it up.

Lil B might actually be smarter than Sam Hyde.
Not only did Lil B pull off the whole 'irony as a lifestyle' schtick way better than Sam Hyde, he actually had an influenced on the rap genre.

>Also Baked Alaska was literally homeschooled and sheltered so that his parents could mold weird politics into him.
does that guy actually believe in anything? i think he just parrots that last thing he heard someone else say


Lil B I'm pretty sure has a 110 IQ. The guy is talented.

>irony as a lifestyle

im getting tired of sam and his shit lads. i used to like him but i dont know anymore.

>implying Lil B hasn't mastered time travel and will send back a curse on Sam and MDE to 2016 for his transgressions

>people calling lil b stupid
>same people not realising lil b is being ironic
>the irony

Samuel Hydenberg is just one step from being a nigger
>needs gibsmedat
>drives shitty cars
>starts twitter wars in vain hope to gain popularity
jej what a nigger

Are you saying traditional right wingers think they are smart? How is it alt-right to look down in black people?

>its a sam hyde bases his life on "being ironic" but cant see an obvious irony episode

no way tiny b is that smart

did no one tell him about how we're in post-irony/the new sincerity?

>needs gibsmedat

>56 posters
Who is this faggot that got made fun of by Sam Hyde and won’t atop trying to talk about how shitty and irrelevant he is? lol this is sad.


>cant afford medcare
>begs for patreon bux
>mde patrons dont get hyde wars shitty videos and have to donate to a separate patreon

Sorry but that guys posts are funnier than yours.

Just an observer.