He's not wrong



reminder that when he walked around berlin in costume old german women came up to him and thanked him for returning

>tfw they all agree with him til they realize hes LITERALLY HITLER and then are scared

The movie is great (never read the book). It makes fun of Hitler, and the people making fun of him, and the people making fun of them in this closed loop of irony.

It's fucking great.

So somebody actually made a comedy film about Hitler that isn't biased or desperate? I don't believe you.

"Look who's back." A German movie. Google it, you can watch it online.

There is bias

Hitler shoots a dog in one scene to make him the bad guy

they did try to pull off the "muh evil nazism!" but the whole movie show you how great the world would've been with Hitler on it

The film is incredibly biased and blue pilled. The point of the film showing how easy it is for "extreme" right-wing ideologies to take over and how "scary" and "hateful" such ideology are.

Watch it on Netflix. I thought it'd be cringey or something but the actor did a superb job.

This is true, but it's also a comedic point.

Basically this.

Seriously, how have people on Sup Forums not seen this? I'm not even a stormfag.

If you thought they portrayed Nazism as "good" you completely missed the point of the film. It's bluepilled anti-rightwing garbage.

Well, the book did a good job of showing how competent he actually was, without gloryfing him.

Best scene is when he walks in on the NPD, and wrecks them. For good reason, even.
After that, he goes on to take jabs and shots at the establishment, more or less giving everyone their just desserts.

It's not a film about nazism. It's about how Hitler was a great orator and how it'd be even easier for him to rise to power with modern technology. The comedy is that the audience will at times agree with Hitler.

I dislike it when people make the point that Hitler only rose to power because he was a captivating speaker because it implies he could be shilling any ideology and the German people would have loved it. People who say that are also willingly calling themselves sheep which is rather ironic.

It has nothing to do with Nazism, they're just using Hitler to show how easily people buy into the cult of personality. Even after seventy years of having it drilled into their heads about how Hitler is the most evil person ever, people are still happy and excited to see Hitler the man.

Jesus we doing semantics tonight.

Just watch the damn movie. Part of why the people like him is because he says what's on their minds, but since he's Hitler it's okay because only Hitler would hate poor refugees.

>entire movie is in some shitskin language

fuck no. other nations are so cringey. give up your shit language and stop memeing; learn english.

isn't german the largest heritage group in the USA?

It's was a pretty good watch. It was really interesting to see how real people in Germany reacted and discussed current events in interview during the second act.

OY VEY GOYIM! Don't you see how fast you involuntarily agree with literally Hitler?! Better be sure to automatically oppose anything which even sounds or looks remotely right-wing just to be sure. Don't trust your own judgement. EVERYTHING from the right is bad, bad, bad!

Prawda level of propaganda.

The book is better. Not a Nazi like you crazy fucks, but the book doesn't force itself into the whole "Adolf Hitler was a very naughty man" shit

My least favorite thing the movie added. That and changing the guy who discovers him into an obnoxious numale cuck.

For real though the movie is rather excellent in its own way.

Krass, Alter!

Is the movie good? I've only read the book.

Is the damn thing Sup Forums approved or not? i got too many movies to watch and need to select.

Also is The Wave redpilled? a fellow Hue recommende me it in a chat on a flashgame website for children when i was preaching about nat soc.