Pretty much Captain America with wings

>Pretty much Captain America with wings
>No protection other than to fly really really fast
Why do writers dislike him?

Because he's not Captain America with wings. Just some normal guy who flies fast with no personality.

He's only cool when he's Archangel. His main power is like a dozen X-men's secondary power.

How is he similar to Captain America? I can't think of anything they have in common.

He should be the gay one not Iceman

Also he's not a cyborg angel that can heal and has a catch phrase "heroes never die"

White males with blonde hair, I guess

Blonde white guys

Peak human and blonde.

He's not a leader like Cap

He's more of a Tonny Stark minus the the tech

I ship him with havok who is more similar to Cap

>Peak Human
since when?

>peak human
Not as "peak" as Cap.

He's boring as fuck.

Was he born with wings or did they just suddenly appear as a teenager like other mutant powers do?

What do you think, user?

Apocalypse Archangel
Angsty edgy Archangel

Since always.

Ever since Iceman became gay

angel definetly fills the void and slowly replacing Iceman as the go to straight guy

Never really overtly like him bit O don't hate him either

I just with he has a better power set

But I*

>I just with he has a better power set
Which powerset? There's Angel, Death, and Life(seed).

Post the page where he no-sells the Phoenix. Shit was cash

Life seed should have Mercy tier powers