Ultimate Blade Runner thread to unite all the Blade Runner discussions! Post criticisms, subtext interpretations, waifus, etc, both for the original and 2049.
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Ultimate Blade Runner thread to unite all the Blade Runner discussions! Post criticisms, subtext interpretations, waifus, etc, both for the original and 2049.
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So was he a replicant or not?
Was there a hidden meaning behind this, or was it just supposed to sound cool?
>still watching RLM
That's far from baseline.
You're way off the fucking baseline user. I can only give you 48 hours, and after that, it's out of my hands.
Perfect balance between real sets and digital effects. I don't think I picked up on one piece of CG that took me out of the movie
I really want to rewatch but doubt I will get chance at a theatre again.
So many jay fantastic effects like the holoWaifu 3 way, birthday party memory creation and that opening shot of orange Vegas was just jaw dropping.
If you can't tell I loved the movie, maybe the story will show a couple of issues on multiple viewings but atm it's easily my favourite movie of 2017
Leto has an unique ability to make everything he says sound like complete nonsence
It comes from a poem titled Pale Fire by Nabakov, the guy who did Lolita.
not really sure about the 'cells' or 'a tall white fountain plays' part, but the parts about being 'distinct' and isolated away from everyone else pretty obviously parallel Joe K. Those lines may have been part of what led Joe to believe he was special, along with encouragement from Joi.
in the end they used a different shoot for this scene and it was about 3-5 seconds only
Just wondering if anyone can remember exactly what it was that made K do his actions at the end? What made him decide that despite not being the special child he would still help Deckard, and then fake his death? Is he just finally "believing in miracles"?
I just felt that this was missing the tears in the rain style connection between why a replicant would do something human.
Quite pungent my dear.
Over the course of the movie he regained his humanity that was stripped from him.
Beyond that, he's a fugitive at that point anyways, and he came a -long- way to get where he was, a man finishes shit when it's that far along.
"The most human thing we can do is dying for a good cause", Remeber that?
He wants to be a real human bean
Seriously don't understand people who didn't like the OST.
It's not like Vangelis one was nonstop 10/10. Sure it had great moments (like in roof scene) but it wasn't absolute godly perfection
Yeah visuals were 10/10
>You're off the rails K, you have got 48 hours to sort yourself out otherwise you are off the case.
>I'm going to need your badge and your gun...... And your other gun
Jesus was this overused trope really necessary?
>Perfect balance between real sets and digital effects
K meeting the giant Joi projection was actually accomplished with mostly physical effects. They had a bunch of fog in the room and actually projected the Joi image, it's how the lighting actually bounces around correctly in that scene.
Were the eyes of that purple Joi a reference to the busted eye of that murdered morgue worker who's name I've forgotten?
>calls this boring and wonder woman is one of the best film he had seen all year. are you fucking kidding me!! REEEEE
Will we witness age of digital 3d waifus by our own eyes?
Coco and no
>"The most human thing we can do is dying for a good cause", Remeber that?
>He wants to be a real human bean
But that would mean he kills Deckard and then releases Ana or someshit right - to help the "cause" (i.e. the replicant uprising).
The only connecting scene I remember between him being told by the rebel leaders that he wasn't the child was when he stares at Joi's massive commercial - which would make you think he realises his life is a lie and he loved a mass produced product.
Really wanted love this movie and liked many parts but something is missing.
Original has immortal scenes like Tyrell/Batty conversation and of course the Batty monologue. New one was fine but didn't quite reach the same peaks imo.
What's the bottom?
it's STD
He's a human.
Unless you're telling me Tyrell literally made an Adam and Eve replicant
>I wanna ask you a few questions
>tell me about Bane, why does he wear the mask?
But his good cause and the uprising's good cause are the same
He feels no loyalty to them
I fucking better, I swear to Allah, I'm not dying without having my virginity lost to a digital waifu.
nigga we are already there
Are not*
>Original has immortal scenes like Tyrell/Batty conversation and of course the Batty monologue. New one was fine but didn't quite reach the same peaks imo.
Couldn't agree more. See my comment It was absolutely missing that critical scene where K finally realises what it means to be a real person.
What exactly happened to Las Vegas
armond white is ALWASY right tbbh
>box office disaster
>mfw I was watching it
>tfw niggers who came with two fucking bowls of popcorn and anticipated M. Bay tier movie left after one hour
>they gonna tell others it's not worth watching
>enjoy your sequel in another 30 years
But dude whats his good cause?
Not trying to be retarded but what was it that made him wanna save Deckard? Shit Deckard barely even has a connection to his daughter, we don't see him really lament for his lost daughter.
Batty saves Deckard cuz he finally comes to terms with his mortality and realises his new genuine experiences are what makes him a person.
Idk I feel like K didn't have that moment of truth at all.
I disagree, I thought there were plenty of those moments. Heck, the whole movie could be viewed as K's struggle to want to feel more human and his programming. They just didn't have a scene in which K talks about his feelings as it would have been too campy anyway.
>the audience was full of teenagers, most of whom couldn't sit still and one shouted that the movie was boring at the end
>get mad when fans say you only review/like capeshit
>decide to call one of the only non-capeshit movies of the year boring and too long
fuck me i'm close to giving up on RLM
Fuck this marvel sellout
What a horrid way to experience a movie. Are rude audiences an American thing? I've gone to several viewings in Europe and the most we had was some teenagers giggling at the nude statues.
Can anons share what happened in their cinema when watching BR2049? I'd like to build a general picture of its reception
Personally, the only time the audience did anything was when Ford poured whiskey on the floor and everyone started laughing for some reason.
What happened to those guys, were they always plebs?
I really need a porn actress like her to.. sort myself.
Only time the audience did anything in my viewing*
I gave up on those fags when they shit on Rogue One
They're Marvel-fan-tier film critics disguising themself as more.
Is this american thing?
I was actually seeing it in a cinema in the UK. Generally everyone walks out of the theatre in silence no matter the quality of the movie, this was the first time I've ever heard someone react negatively to the ending of a movie.
>Villeneuve teases the theme of the movie won't be "Are replicants pretty much human?" but "Does it matter?" instead
>expect them to show how equal and cool the replicants are
>get a story about how a replicant wants to feel like the "chosen one" and wants to feel special
>turns out to be a nobody
>replicants are like us because their lives have no purpose too
I feel like maybe I'm reaching a little there but that's what I took from this movie, especially the scene with the giant JOI where K realises his relationship meant nothing because hundreds of other people were experiencing the same thing.
Nuclear weapons + building a city in the middle of the desert
the fuck do you burgers put up with?
Went friday at 8pm showing and theatre was packed with everybody silent and enjoying the film for what it was
I saw it in a Dolby Cinema at 10:30 tonight. It was only about a third full, but everyone stayed till the end of the credits and general consensus was that it was very enjoyable, from what discussion I heard. Only audible reaction I heard was a chuckle when K said the librarian guy was probably a cute baby.
Nothing happened as far as the audience is concerned, I'm thankful I got to experience the movie in silence and everyone was polite. It's not always the case.
Same here. Couple of folks laughed during that scene, but everyone was quiet. The only other scene where people reacted was when Deckard said "Her eyes were green" to Leto. Bunch of "OOOOOHHHH"s from people.
It was p much respectful silence throughout, except for a few chuckles in the scene where Can't Help Falling in Love is playing and Ford goes "I like this song"
A sun of rubber was convulsed and set;
And blood-black nothingness began to spin
A system of cells interlinked within
Cells interlinked within cells interlinked
Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.
He over-acts and under-acts at the same time. I don't know how he does it.
Tell me
Yeah thats what I got. People in this thread seem to be referencing plenty of moments where K is apparently desperately searching for his humanity but I seem to have missed them.
>I gave up on those fags when they shit on Rogue One
Rogue one WAS shit though
>when tears in rain starts to play
fuck that got me
No one left, and I heard a lot of people saying that they liked it a lot, but my mates didn't because they're plebs
Quiet for the whole movie so sound at all from the audience, then what sounded like impressed mumbling when it was over.
This was in Copenhagen.
I loved the first and hated this one though.
This movie is too kino for normies and too hollywood for fans.
>Rogue one WAS shit though
I thought Rogue One was great and easily the best SW film. But then again I'm not really a Star Wars fan so that probably plays a part.
Everyone were hooked. Some even awkardly started clapping at the end but stopped because no one followed.
I think it was less about him having humanity, cuz even if he was Deckard's child wouldn't he have at least still been part-replicant?
It felt more like K seeing himself having a purpose in life, which was terrifying at first, but then he became determined up until he met the replicant resistance.
When that robot told him Deckard had a daughter you saw the light in his eyes just completely fucking die out, like he knew he was just another robot made by Wallace and he truly had no purpose, even the way he went against the resistance's orders to kill Deckard because he knew whatever they said didn't matter
You liked boring 1 dimensional characters delivering deadpan lines?
Asking third time, pls respond.
Is seeing it in imax significantly better experience?
It's expensive, I wear glasses, imax plays it at 9:15 pm, and the following day i go to work. Is it worth it?
>go to a late night show
>theatre is almost empty
>group of 5 people leave in the middle of the movie
>get home, find out dozens of people on Sup Forums had the same experience
is this the greatest pleb filter of all time?
What about his unicorn dreams and the origami?
it was garbage kino im.o tbvh
just find a nice theater with a big screen and good sound
imax doesn't matter
I went to a late night screening and the guy in front of me started snoring about 2 hours in. No clapping/laughing/random shouts.
Most of the cinema were students and the general consensus I heard while walking out was that it was good but too long.
No I just enjoyed spaceship battles in IMAX. I don't go into Star Wars films expecting some deep, meaningful experience.
mother! is this year's pleb-filter, but BR2049 comes close
>lying in the snow, looking up at the sky, flakes falling on your face
>"The most human thing we can do is dying for a good cause"
>be proud of what you accomplished and pass away
When I go out let me go out like this. Fucking peaceful.
>Is seeing it in imax significantly better experience?
The sound fucking shakes you in IMAX. And it's worth it for the city shots alone.
Plus the IMAX countdown is Blade Runner-themed for this so that's 10 seconds of experience you'll never have again lel
It's never disclosed in the film what he is and I appreciate Villeneuve doing that, especially after senile Ridley kept yelling "NO HE IS A REPLICANT NO MYSTERIES ALLOWED, EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED, WATCH MY NEW ALIEN MOVIE WHERE I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING AND LEAVE NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION"
21:30 yesterday? I was there
a typical nihilist numale dream fest
kys if you enjoyed it
When the hell did theatres stop early morning showings? I wanted to catch this again next week during the morning to minimize the amount of plebs, but the earliest showing at every theatre is at noon.
I guess I had a better experience than most anons in the thread. I'm in the UK. Audience was mostly 40s and 50s, with some groups of 20s. No teenagers. Literally every seat was full, which I was happy to see.
Everyone was totally silent, except for a handful of laughs like the "beautiful baby" line and Deckard feeding whisky to his dog. Someone started sniffling and tearing up audibly during the "Tears in Rain" scene, and it was me
Who instituted the origami? Gaff, right?
Was Gaff on Tyrell payroll?
>be Britbong
>can't remember a single cinema experience where people were cunts
I got to see a remastered version of Akira in a special screening once.
The place was completely packed and nobody in the audience made a sound. That film has a bit near the end where there is no sound at all for like a minute.
And the whole place was completely silent with it, everybody was totally engaged.
I can't even imagine American cinemas, bunch of clapping, cheering, talking and snack munching.
Imperial at 14:30 Friday the 6th.
Aaaaa aand back to where I begun. Thanks.
I think I'll give imax a shot, I haven't seen a movie innit yet
>Rogue One
Jyn was poorly portrayed by Felicity Jones. Her performance felt really flat. I feel like there was just a lack of central drive to her character, she lacked the hard edge and sharp wit that was supposed to be her character. Poorly cast IMO. I was disappointed in some of the writing in reference to building her character, which contributed to the confusion.
Not forgetting force monk and his chinese buddy is there just to sell tickets to china.
well it was either gonna be that or real human bean
Ah ok I saw it yesterday in Park bio but same reactions as yours
I mean, idk, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
K does shit during the movie because he feels like he is a special one who had doubts about just being another replicant - its why he starts to disobeys orders and sort of does what he wants - he is searching for his truth.
He realises its not him. Then there is that scene with the massive hologram of Joi where he realises he just loved a mass produced commercial product.
Somehow that makes him realise he has to save Deckard and re-unite him with his daughter? I mean wouldn't that just make him say "love is a joke fuck this I'm gonna go bang that hooker".
>Sup Forumsyp calling other people nihilists
Only time I've ever heard clapping and cheering in a cinema was at the premiere of The Force Awakens in Leicester Square. The movie sucked but the audience made it a lot more fun.
>watched the first viewing at 10am on the Thursday
>all the kids are at school and shit
>only people in the audience were the ones who really wanted to see it
Just gotta time it better bro
I think this wasnt as much about having humanity but more about what makes being human special in the first place.
K was more than willing to see himself as human, they surely didnt make those holo-waifus for replicants, he just kinda wanted to be more than just that.
spiste en flæskestegssandwich bagefter
det var ret kino
he was a real human bean