What is your stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

What is your stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

I'm asking because my gf is going to have an abortion this week.

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bitch needs some nutrients that baby is gonna come out retarded.

Look man, I would save the baby, in ten years when he/she turns ten, it will make perfect sense. Human life, is human life.

I used that picture because that woman has the same build (except belly) and facial structure as my gf. I imagine that's what she would look like if we had decided to keep the baby.

Abortion is minority population control. If it weren't for abortion, the American pavement ape population would be DOUBLE what it currently is.
For this reason alone, I'm pro choice

for the woman
no kid obviously
and mostly, dont have sex if you dont want kids

> I would save the baby,
But what about the fetus?

Abortion is not great because from a philosophical standpoint there is no genuine way to claim that the life of a foetus is worth less than that of a fully grown human. You can only pretend it is by making claims such as "the foetus does not count as a person as it is dependent on the mother", realistically through if you had a situation where one persons life was dependent on someone else temporarily most would say that they should do all they can to keep the person alive. There is an arbitrary double standard in the law in regards to this as abortion is legal yet murder is illegal. Because this is an obvious inconsistency I would argue that abortion shouldn't be encouraged, however I am understanding of individuals who are simply not prepared or ready for children but a pregnancy occurs by complete accident. You can't expect the unprepared not to fuck due to how sexually liberated modern society is nowadays, so this is just an unfortunate consequence where I would argue that we should bite the bullet and allow exceptions of abortions for as if you force them to have an unwanted kid it will just fuck their life up more.

I am sure the father, Jalil, would want a say in whether his baby dies.

>if we had decided
Lol. She made you think you had a vote?

Her mistake to make.

If it's yours take responsibility and try to talk her out of it and marry her.

make her keep the baby you fucking cuck

>realistically through if you had a situation where one persons life was dependent on someone else temporarily most would say that they should do all they can to keep the person alive.

I don't support that argument because it can be used for refugees. Society can't and shouldn't take responsibility for all lives the same, they are not all equally valuable.

There is a special place in hell for you people

A rose by any other name is still a rose. Call it whatever the fuck you want.

>my gf is going to have an abortion this week

Whose child was it?

>its her choice
>you are responsible for her actions though
>and you need to forever be legally tied to this woman
this is the most cucked answer in the whole thread.

Your child could grow into a human as thoughtful and complex as you, your girlfriend or me. To literally refuse a human life because it inconveniences you is monstrous. If a new born child was left at your door would you murder it? Have the child and put it up for adoption at the least but there is never ever justification in taking a humans chance at life. Think of every wonderful moment of your life and then imagine having all that taken from you, replaced with a void.

I honest implore you OP, DO NOT abort your child, they have so much potential, so much to experience, do not deny them that.

Exactly. I find it ironic that nationalists are almost always pro-choice when vast majority of abortions are chosen by minorities.

As for me, I find abortion a necessary evil. Yes, it is ending a life. Even potential life is still life.

However, the societal degeneration that results from having a plethora of unwanted babies justifies abortions.

Murder in the first.

At what point does it become a baby?

the soul enters/forms at around weeks 12-13

so bitch has until week 11


Ooops, I meant pro-life. sorry

She'll suffer psychological damage from the guilt t if she goes through also as soon as a child is born women are naturally flushed with love hormones so she'd instantly overcome any wariness she may have.

I think for certain people they should be mandatory.

Yeah I agree with that in principle, I was just outlining what the general view on it is.
One thing to consider through is the fact that in cases of abortion the parents have caused the foetus to be in a situation where they are dependent on the mother. If one person was dependent on another through no fault of the healthy person then it is easier to argue that they have no right to claim that the other person should sustain their life. Imagine a situation in which person 'A' stabs person 'B', if the only way that person B could survive was by medically attaching themselves to person A temporarily in order to continue proper blood circulation. In this case it would be harder to argue that person A doesn't have a duty to help person B. And of course, the implication of that for refugees is that if you have caused a society to be refugees then you should take them in.
I still think through that even if you accept the argument from abortion you don't have to agree in its application to refugees because you can deny collective responsibility. For instance, the fact that not every single individual caused the refugee crisis means that it would be unfair to make every single individual bear the consequences of taking them in as taking them in affects everyone in that society. Also you could argue against it with the tyranny of the minority argument, that the actions of some individuals shouldn't mean the rest should suffer as a result just because those individuals happen to operate in the same society. Societies and states's responsibilities don't directly translate in the same way that individual responsibility does.

Keep it though seriously lad. Would you had wanted your mother to abort you? Or your girlfriend's mother to have aborted her?

It's the perfect alternative to condoms

ITT: angry poorfags that get stuck with dumpster-grade kiddies

Conception obviously, that's the point it stops being merely sex cells, if you argue with this you're merely trying to walk around the fact that you don't care about life.

This desu.

If it is his, it is his responsibility for sticking it in.

He has no responsibility for her actions from this point onwards, but still for his own. He made a kid, he should endeavour to raise it in it's biological family.

legally he doesn't get a say, so colgate was merely pointing out that legally it's her mistake, and marriage and kids are the purpose of life senpai.

Got my gf pregnant, so we didn't do an abortion and guess what, now we have a son...
So I guess that it really was a child in there...
If she does an abortion drop her, the worst degeneracy there is. Murder is better

Exactly this.

This. Get rid of her in any case.

sure, if you get a paternity test and its your kid then take care of it. but youre an idiot to marry a girl for no other reason than because shes birthing a child that may be yours.

fetus=human bean; woman's person ends at the placenta, however I would enforce aborting everything with defects since reliable diagnostics for such conditions have been available for some time now, especially so considering mean age of womens' first births has been steadily increasing, with all the risks associated

no comment on subhuman record rates of abortions, not a problem here if we count out the relatively small headcounts of local gyppos

3 months

both white?
if so, dont do it you fucking babykiller.

I think abortion should be mandatory if you're not married.


Yes, we're both white. I have brown eyes, though.

If his mum aborted him he simply wouldn't be here, that's not a proper argument to help someone decide desu

Before 3 months the fetus can't feel pain and haven't developed enough to be called a baby.

But in the end all it matters is

Newborn child =/= Fetus still in development,
One is fully developed while the other can't feel pain or store memories yet, depending of the stage/week.

You guys gonna fuck a bunch before she does it, since you cant get her pregnant?

You should probably kill her too. Women make babies so it's really just a form of contraception.

No fat retard. Think about how humans evolved then go shoot yourself in the face

Abortion should only be legal if a person is raped and gets impregnated. If you get impregnated by accident in 2016 then you should not be reproducing. We don't need more baby killers.

Also, if you two don't want babies then tell her to take Depo shots, best thing there is and it also stops periods

No idea if norway has them, though


Get married. Raise the kid. It's yours. Don't be immature and pass the buck. You were man enough to have sex. Now be man enough to raise the child.

Don't abort that kid.

That girl is cute

I don't really care about abortion. Not my problem and tfw no gf

You'll regret it. Trust me. You'll never be the same afterwards. (In a bad way).

A healthy, white baby? Go fuck yourself. Not your body. Not your life to take. Don't have sex if you don't want kids. This doesn't even go anywhere near into religious territory, it's just morally wrong to destroy life, especially your own.

A nigger or zika baby? Fire up the vacuum, doctor.

>wahhh man up and provide for me

The cry of a single mother. Fuck off.

If you are not going to love it or have enough money for it than abort. also focus on contraception, it baffles me that people still get accidentally knocked up after 2 abortions

Don't minorities have more kids anyway?

>no genuine way to claim that the life of a foetus is worth less than that of a fully grown human

Right, they're equivalent. You can use the Catholic's argument, that /future human life is a good/, and to interfere with either is to do wrong, which I respect.

But what's to stop you from turning it around, that /killing people is only as bad as abortion/? Because who have you wronged once even an adult is dead? No-one, they're not there anymore. Only the Catholic formulation prevents this.

Enjoy hell

marry her and raise your child or terminate her if she terminates you're offspring

This desu.

Who the fuck still accidentally have childrens in 2016, there are so many things you can do to prevent it, there are even ways to have raw sex and still not get her pregnant.

strongly in favour

not because of any progressive bullshit
consider the average person that gets an abortion

do you want them to breed?

The average white, Norwegian person is way better than the global, average brown person.

So really abortion just boils down to racism and muh pure white race

>implying I'm a mother and not a single guy who understands the concept of responsibility

Buttmad bong detected

yes, and?
the point of this thread isn't "we're both
white Norwegians, should my gf get an abortion?", it's "what's your stance on abortion?".

outlaw or even just restrict abortion, and the proportion of degenerates (whether white or not) will increase tenfold in a generation.
degenerate parents have degenerate kids, with very few exceptions.

I am against abortion as a general thing.

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

Its ok if its a nigger

> my gf is going to have an abortion this week.
>see flag

good goy

It's wrong since it teaches a person to be irresponsible as fuck.

Nice copy-pasta, brit.

dont end that babys life before it gets started

If someone can't properly raise a kid, why bring it into the world?

Also, this is a get out of jail free card for you. A chick is usually physically stuck with the kid for life. And if they give it a shitty one that perpetuates with future generations.

>there is no genuine way to claim that the life of a foetus is worth less than that of a fully grown human
try raising the foetus into adulthood

Responsiblity is unnecessary. Everyone's burden should be as light as possible. There should be no limits on abortion

>I imagine that's what she would look like if we had decided to keep the baby
Same model here with her baby.
You fucked up, OP. This is why white people are getting cucked.

I believe in the abortion of bad decision making mothers, by the force of a fucking ice pick. Fucking hollow cunt nobodies suddenly have an opinion once they're identified by the satanic media when it put light onto their pitch black existence. I have no sympathy for killing the becoming child. Any who does is nothing more than a tone for the wrong.

>everyone should get off lightly
>responsibility is unnecessary

That doesn't make sense. As an example, How in the world do you think societies stay bound together? Everyone has personal responsibilities. To shirk their responsibilities would cause the system to crash.

To this example with OP, him and his gf were irresponsible and caused a child to be conceived. It's his parental obligation to care for the child instead of killing it. By letting him get off 'lightly' would teach him that his actions have no consequences. And this would also encourage further degeneracy down the line.

abortion is a blood sacrifice used to fuel satan.

Unless the baby is retarded or was a product of rape

Its minority control so im fine with it

I wanted to have an abortion and the woman didn't and after 3 years with my kid I can say 100 percent that I was wrong. Don't do it. Grow up, take responsibility and enjoy a natural and healthy phase of life.

On one hand abortion is murder and its a sick society we live in that there are no legal repercussions.

On the other hand, judging by your post, you are probably a degenerate shit who shouldn't be allowed to have children in the first place, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Should be illegal for whites, mandatory for shitskins.

It kinda still is even in those situations.

>Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual
>ritual murders
No it isn't.

Human sacrifice requires a living human being, a fetus hasn't even been born yet so it's not a living human being. That's why it can't be murder either.

>(the unborn)
The unborn senior citizen? The unborn teenager? That makes no sense.

> value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
Ridiculous. The embryo doesn't have any consciousness until the last few weeks before it is born.

>you're seeing a demon,
That's pretty gay, drama queen.

When you say soul, do you mean consciousness?

Abortion clinics are temples to Moloch where child sacrifice is practiced. Evil is as evil does and
Hillary is evil's high priestess here on earth.

she is murdering your offspring

You need to stop her.

>it can't be murder either
but it can be murder
kill a pregnant woman and you'll be prosecuted for two counts of murder

>To literally refuse a human life because it inconveniences you is monstrous.
Not if you stop it before life starts.

>If a new born child was left at your door would you murder it?
That would immoral an illegal. What if a fetus was left at your door? 10 weeks. What then? It would not even be a living being yet.

>Have the child and put it up for adoption at the least but there is never ever justification in taking a humans chance at life.
An human what? A human being? You become a human being when you are born.

I see a lot of abortion-doctor killers who think by avoiding saying the word "being" that it is somehow no longer implied.

>Think of every wonderful moment of your life and then imagine having all that taken from you, replaced with a void.
It would be far more accurate to say a void remaining a void with no imagining involved.

>Abortion clinics are temples to Moloch where child sacrifice is practiced. Evil is as evil does and
>Hillary is evil's high priestess here on earth.

{{{insanity intensifies}}}

>but it can be murder kill a pregnant woman and you'll be prosecuted for two counts of murder

Only in red states where the Republican legislatures are gaming the abortion laws with boiler plate SPN bills.

That picture tries to trigger some fetishes in me

Who said it belongs to him :^)

Abortion is wrong in any circumstance, and for any reason. Unless the mother AND babys life is in danger.

>On one hand abortion is murder
The fact is, abortion is not murder. Falsely claiming it is does not change the truth.

Reasonable sauerkraut is reasonable.

But I think that if the mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy, she should also have the right to have an abortion.

Existing life should always take precedence over potential life.

You're a fucking retard.

Life starts at conception. The SECOND the stem cell begins replicating is when life starts. The definition of life is to metabolize and reproduce, which is what the child's cells are doing. When you rip the fetus out, it quickly dies. The cells stop reproducing. The life force leaves.

it is a matter that should not be legislated, it can be regulated per health and safety standards of local hospitals

My support for it is tacit, I advocate for contraception to prevent the need for an abortion.

If it's a mongoloid then waste that motherfucker ASAP!

If it's from Muslim parents then kidnap the mother and forcibly give her an abortion