My dad is redpilled and we were discussing the situation in Europe...

My dad is redpilled and we were discussing the situation in Europe. I said that Germany is completely lost to Muslims and leftists but he said they can still turn it around because "Those fuckers are completely crazy, if they get backed into a corner they will set the world on fire."

Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Germany is already lost stop dreaming cunt

What do you think?

>Is he right?
Nope. All real Germans died during the war.

The Weimar Republic was pretty bad... that led to fascism.

It's completely uncertain atm, but there is resistance:

And Trump will win

You guys, we are doing fine.
Deal with your own damn problems.
We aren't some shitty third world country.

No, not at all.

Thesr newer generationa of Germans are cucked as fuck, and more stupid and fed some crazy amount of propaganda.

They can't even be proud of their country or ancestry without going to jail for it

Just look at how bad it is in Germany though. Look at this video. This is how a German man reacts when told the simple fact that in the middle east they execute gays by throwing them off roofs. There is mountains of video evidence that proves this. He becomes so angry at hearing the truth that he has a physical reaction. To be at that level of psychological subversion is something truly spectacular. It doesn't leave me with much hope for the German people.

Germany is fine.

>My dad is redpilled and we were discussing the situation in Europe

Your dads never been to europe

Your dad is right.

Hail Victory Brothers!

t. Muhammad

so are you telling me
>merkel the absolute madwoman
>sacrificed cucked germany to resurrect the greater reich

Germany is not fine.

No. The best Germans died in WW2.

i know a lot of mid 20´s guys. they where raised as feminists, some used to have antifa tendencies (lord of flies pretty much). they are waking up m8

It's possible to turn it around but I don't buy his Germans assessment.

>yfw its all part of the plan to get all the muzzies here to make it easier to round them up and holocaust them

I hate to say it and it's a crying shame but the real men honestly died in the war, or were executed.

Germany is so cucked it's unbelievable but one rule of the universe is for every action there's an opposite action. When Germany uncucks it will be glorious.

Nope, the new generations in Germany have been trained to be completely pliant and submissive. Beta as fuck. No fire in their bellies. Same with Japan.

The real saviour potential for Europe is in England and France. England (and the Anglosphere) is leading atm, but France is the sleeping giant.

No. Hes retarded, this isnt 1940

The real Germans are now in the US.

>t. Kevin Justin Meier, Hartz IV Empfänger.

Why do people idolize the Teutons?

You realize that their only relevant """""crusade"""" was against white Baltic pagans?

>The real genocide

It wouldnt be possible to turn anything around once enough diversity has taken power and position.. And thats already happened. Trump is just a last hope, a kind of desperate final gasp for breath. What we have is a new problem which came as a response to the old problems.. this will never end.


good times create weak men
weak men create bad times
bad times create strong men
strong men create good times

Current Germany is pretty much like Weimar.
The general opinion changed so much in Germany recently.
AFD just started 3 years ago and is already more successful than the NSDAP.
Soon being called a racist will lose it's shock effect, just like it was with the word 'communist' in the 80s.

I don't think France is sleeping, I think it is in a coma.


You fucking joking there?

All the patriotic Germans are dead.

Mfw I have to defend germany in a discussion with germans.

Every single time I meet one he is full of self hatred and completely brainwashed. My University profesors even said they don't teach history the right way over there.
I once had a replacement German History teacher and he was apologising every few sentences for WWII.

what does it all mean hans

Yeah man when white people snap we are the best at killing

This. Its a constant curve of bad times strong men, good times weak men. We are currently at the end of good times weak men, but things are changing. We or our children have some rough times ahead.

Your dad may be right. They're white, therefore they have the power to change the world.


And they got #rekt by bunch of slavs afterwards

Nah, they're waking up. Public opinion is turning fast. They already have a tradition of secularism, which is an advantage here. It's a lot easier to criticise Islam as an atheist than it is to as a Christian (muh be nice, muh religious rights, muh similar hocus pocus beliefs). The 'Prine Minister' (glorified home minister, but still an important guy) Vallis is changing the official tone of the government. The burkini ban. All the attacks of the past 2 years. Trust me, France is about to catch up to England.

is Sup Forums just full of memes nowadays

He is retardet.
5% muslims 95% not muslim and we are compleatly lost?

WTF? You need som serius education.

Fuck off Abo, Germany is still best country in the world

He's right, the jews had virtually grinded Germany into the dust with the Weimar Republic but then Hitler got WOKE and turned Germany into a powerhouse.

Then he declared war on the de Rothschilds, which caused the Bank to call for everyone to smash the reich and condemned Hitler when just a handful of years earlier many world leaders and leaders of industry were praising the turnaround he had wrought.

learn to read hans, i was the the one saying you cucks are too far gone

and judging by your other faggot friends here
im pretty certain im the right one here

More like 15% muslim. And your "men" and women have no chance against the superior people of Allah.
Surrender, kuffar.

>Mein kampf was the most sold book in Germany by far when thi immigration got bad.
>They gathered faster than Americans did for Trump MUCH faster and without Sup Forums's help.
>Burned down about 1/3th of immigration centres
Etc etc they are truly übermenschen like dragon ball z portrayed. Once they get pissed of their hair turns blond and they fuck shit up.

>superior people of Allah
What does it feel like to be a muzzie?

>Responding to a small dicked Jew.


>5% muslims
You know that means they will be the majority a single generation hence.

i disagree about japan. the samurai is laying dormant for when china/korea oversteps their boundaries. they're still rabidly denying nanking and other assorted war crimes.
my fucking sides. besides germany/sweden, france is probably the most cucked country in europe. the lack of french on Sup Forums despite their country being so big is a testament to that. once saw a frog say that if a FRexit type vote ever came about, not even 20% would vote out.

Trust me they are little bitches too

Ahhh, I don't know, Germans have been fed a diet of lies and shaming since they were born, kind of like bending back a bow more and more and more and at some point if that bowstring slips out of (((their))) fingers, there is going to be some serious shit

there is no Christian as devout as the reformed sinner, and no sinner as debased as the fallen preacher.

I think they still have enough of the good stuff left to pull the world's asshole out through its mouth one more time.

>red pilled
>thinks there is still germanistan

You know the drill.


East Germans really love an authoritarian leader don't they?

I know a former nazi. He's old as fuck. He lives in US. He and his group got surrounded by US and Russians.

They surrendered to US instead of suffering at the hands of the russians.

Day late and a reichmark short, comraden.

t. Gillette Abdi

Yes, but when something doesn't work they flip out, they can't face the irrational

I don't know actually.
My guess is that this country is slowly slipping in South Africa toer condotions.
Most of my student friends are ignorant as fuck.
My working class friends on the other hand are pretty much "redpilled".
But you never can tell how it works out with germans.

the majority doesn't have any trouble so they don't feel that they need the hitler AFD to change something. If things goes full shit we will see a big change. It's not like we are sweden and want this shit but we all have a too good life.

keep telling yourself that slav shit

white middle class dude without any real shitskin contact.... People need more real live redpills and not some online comments

He is remembering a time near the fall of the Berlin wall. Unless the neo nazi movement over there is much stronger than I think it is France and Britain may end up being their liberator on the day of the Crusade

Show them this.

you mean all real jews and faggot traitors.... haha yeah

Fucking right we are. Niggers don't even come around these parts.

The K types were killed off leaving a generation of Libby cunts

No, western europeans are cowards and cucks.
If things get REALLY bad, they'll just pack their shit and try to relocate to another country.

Don't expect any resistance from them.

but all the real germans raped their half of Poland. we live in you.

Do you speak german?

No, but those Amish down the street speak some PA dutch.

True but east europe is still shitskin tier. Taking all the shekels from the EU but if something happen "no no we are a proud and free nation we don't want any shitskins"

>the lack of french on Sup Forums despite their country being so big is a testament to that

You can't imagine how we hate to speak english, this is the main reason.

>if a FRexit type vote ever came about, not even 20% would vote out.

It's a 50/50 actually.

That said, we are rather cucked in general.

Frogs don't browse Sup Forums cause most of them are shitter in English and the average Ukrainian peasant. Don't be mistaken they have they're own anti-establishment info channels.

A sain wave of nationalism is tacking over. The entire EU could turn to better with the rise of based Orban, Hofer and LePen. A great union of nationalist countries, working on the turbaheads problem once for all.

The younger Germans are starting to realize something is wrong.

There are still enough older generation Germans to teach them what's wrong and show them the way to fix it.

and after 20 years when the nationals fixed the shit people are voting liberal again because muuh progressiv

trust me, the vast majority of us would be more than happy to leave

We got absolutely nothing out of it either, every single penny you gave us ended up in the pockets of our corrupt politicians.

So you are not a german. Fuck off.
The amish are based though

Germans are a hardy people, they have recovered from economic collapse beautifully twice in the last century. The main issue is they need to get over themselves and go genocidal again.

That an instant happening isn't gonna happen. It needs time.

Lets just say that in the next few generations , germany's anime will be top notch

won 5th crusade, christianised pagan east after relocation to Europe

That can only happen if our economy collapses. If it doesn't Germans are to preoccupied with wörk and don't think about politics.

we are germans naw

Of course he's right. Don't tell me you guys forgot the great kraut chimpout of 39?

And also terrorist attacks. It sucks to say, I guess, but Germany really needs some attack to be able to uncuck itself.

No, there is no precedent for this

>and go genocidal again
So you guys can firebomb our cities again?
Go fix your own lousy excuse for a country first.
>60% white

>So you are not a german. Fuck off.

I knew that was coming and it's funny you pull that line out. Tell that to all the shitskins that speak German at a toddler level. What it means to be German will be forgotten soon enough unless you get mad Hans. Do it one more time, for the world.


Stop importing niggers you fucking mongoloid rape babies. Seriously, the real Germans still exist and need to put a stop to this.

Reality hits them the hardest.

>(lord of flies pretty much)
what do you mean by this? genuine question

Working on it. The kikes have been pretty effective here too.


My dad's more red pilled than me. He says out loud "the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" he also talks about how when he was a kid him and his friends would beat up the kids from some Jewish school.

why do you hate english so, pierre?
why are you so cucked too? it's always been this way, lots of brown in france for a long time now.

With some of these geniuses you really have to point out that those are able-bodied men in their 20s and will outnumber our age group in just a few years if we don't fucking stop it now. They don't get those thoughts themselves because the media drives the narrative in other directions.