>Budget $185 million
>Box office $12 million
>Budget $185 million
>Box office $12 million
Other urls found in this thread:
>Budget=$316 million
Guess you thought Age of Ultron was kino then?
It was
Well it does have a high rating on RT and thats what you plebs said means is kino right? or are you changing your stories now?
The MLP movie is doing relatively well compared to it and that speaks volumes
Christ the marvel shills are real aren't they?
This is why RT is shit. The percentage is just a "liked or didn't like" meter. Binary ratings lose a lot of information
This is why I only use imdb
It has a 6.7/10.
pajeet plz.
This movie sucked, the only interesting moment was when the Vision appeared
how do we stop them? OGF and Silence are probably the best films released this decade
why did it flop? did it have SJW stuff?
it didn't and that just might be the reason why
avatar is the greatest film of all time
none at all. villeneuve doesnt do pandering to brainlets.
good one
The box office is at +30 million right now and the film is only two days out.
Yes it's not a grand financial success, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is undoubtedly one of the best films of the year
SJW literally hate it and write articles against the film
but all SJW pandering movies flop
but why would it matter if SJW dont watch movies?
Because /ourguy/ armond white exposed its dishonesty
Only non-whites (brown people, niggers, kikes, spics etc.) and women don't like this movie I've found
that makes me enjoy it even more
rip when
SJWs don't play games either #gamergate xd
>domestic $31M
>foreign $50M
I saw this yesterday and the theater was full. Watch more kino americucs.
. K is so hopelessly alienated that his only relief is to employ a hologram, Joi (pouty Ana de Armas), who willingly goes from domestic servant to sex worker. In the most interesting stunt, Joi and a hooker-spy named Luv (Sylvia Hoeks) form an interlink to dupe K into simulating physical intimacy.
Does Armond have double checking of his reviews?
It's too smart for modern audiences, they like comfortable movies with lots of quips, Bladerunner makes me scared & bored
It's a slow paced sci-fi film for people who want to "think", it was never going to be a success. I hope they don't lose money on it though.
>but all SJW pandering movies flop
>It is undoubtedly one of the best films of the year.
>Best film of the year.
>Best film.
Says no one ever.
Im non white and i enjoyed it
are you ok?
>Kino doesn't sell
what else is new
Take your meds user
>"Blade Runner 2049 is a gorgeous, evocative film...... but liberation doesn't have quite the same effect when it’s done by white people, for other white people"
>Rating: Rotten
This shit drives me mad as fuck.
>So you will be directing a new adaptation of Dune ?
>It's not decided yet ? There are a lot of things going on, there are rumors about a new James Bond...
>A few years ago, when i started to work on a project, nobody would hear about it until it was finished, until you had to promote the movie and the release date was official. I loved that. Now i have to talk about something that doesn't exist yet. Dune is a project in writing. I will read the first draft of the scenario in the coming weeks. Will it work ? Are we going to agree on a scenario with the production ?
>You don't know
>It's a movie that can go in many directions. I have a precise idea of what i want, so if the project goes that way, i will do it but if it doesn't i will pass and do other things.
Stop saying SJW in every sentence, fuckwit.
81 Million you illiterate fuckkk
>the adderall fueled idiot masses aren't interesting in a 3 hour atmospheric noir science-fiction film
>#gamergate xd
Why add this to your post
Commercial failure is the true sign of kino.
SJWs are writting hit pieces about the flick, that's why Correct The Record (aka Marvel) shills are shitting on the movie here too
here some more jewish clickbait
they really like their outrage culture, don't they?
I'm starting to think this kind of stuff is next level false flag kikery designed to get flyover rubes to consume products out of spite.
It is in a way
Eli Roth did it(more like clamoring about how anti sjw it is) for The Green Inferno and that movie ended up being garbage and tricked most of us;_;
Then consider yourself the minority. You're already are as it is.
81mil? is that good?
Half-white here, my black dick's still diamonds
I completely seriously think that more than a half of a traffic these reviewers get is from mad fuckbois like you
It'll probably break even with disc sales.
>Internationally, Blade Runner met overseas expectations, debuting with an estimated $50.2 million from 63 markets, 61% of its international footprint, capturing the #1 spot in 45 of those markets. The film's opening in the UK led the way with an estimated $8 million, on par with Interstellar and ~15% ahead of Mad Max: Fury Road.
Americucks confirmed to be chinktier turboplebs.
Honestly this isnt too bad for a film like this.
im pajeet and loved this movie and i fucking love the original so fuck you you racist bigot fascist fuck
us lads are going again from london, yu americans need to step your re-viewing game up this film needs to be seen multiple times
>The film's opening in the UK led the way with an estimated $8 million, on par with Interstellar
>villeneuve isn't the new nolan
Hey guys, what would be the SJW's reaction if instead of Gosling we had a woman?
>Rating anything out of 4
>>Budget $185 million
What the hell is these budgets today? Of course that would never make a profit. With inflation, Blade Runner 82 would cost $71.24 million. The new film cost 2.5 times higher than the original.
Same shit happened with RoboCop and Ghostbusters. The budget, with inflation, was often twice the original.
surely you just replied to the wrong post ..
only flopping in america
americans once again prove how brainlet they are
Holy shit muricans confirmed for idiots.
Ameriplebs are the worst
Does it matter if it flops in murica?
It will make the bucks back on international sales anyway so who cares.
Worst of the capeshit except when wedon ruins justice league
Those numbers are domestic tho.
You just have a ring of production companies that overcharge each other. Then the production company can say that they made no profit so no taxes on that.
It would have done better in America if it had at least one black main character in it. Should've made Gosling's character black, played by Idris Elba or some other popular black guy.
America has had enough of full-white films.
Haha user ;)
>Multiple plotlines that go seemingly nowhere
>Awful ending
>Runtime could easily be reduced by ~30 minutes by trimming most of the scenes where literally nothing happens
>The 'antagonist' doesn't play much of a role in the film whatsoever
>Predictable, boring plot
>Cameo from Harrison Ford just for the sake of it
>His boss is a strong woman
>Most dangerous threat in the movie is a woman
>Leader of the replicant resistance movement is a woman
>Twist of the movie is that he's totally unremarkable, a glorified courier, who exists to support the real messiah figure, who is a woman
>Film's background consciously focuses on how women are used and exploited by others (giant nude holograms, replicant sex slaves, Leto values new model female replicants on their capability to produce viable children for him and plans to use them as as slave force to increase replicant production)
>Director is well known for placing women in important spots in his films and has explored these topics in his previous work
If you can't see that this film actually broaches some feminist themes and topics, and confuse what literally happens to characters in the plot as endorsement of that kind of behavior, then you're fucking silly.
I don't know who greenlit this shit. Who on Earth thought a Blade Runner sequel would net a profit on close to a 200 million dollar budget is completely off their rocker. The original movie is a cult classic, not a mainstream hit.
Same thing with that new Twin Peaks series. Who on Earth thought that writing Lynch a blank check and letting run hog wild for 18 episodes would return their investment. It's madness.
That being said, I'm happy it happened in both of these cases, because these products are both solid additions to the originals.
Sci-fi doesn't do well in the US. And no, popcorn munching dreck like Star Trek and Star Wars isn't Sci-Fi. Dune also bombed in the US, but found success in Japan and Western Europe.
Was it me, or were the people that were openly racist/specist against Replicants effectively skinheads?
Fuck! I guess I can't call it a shit movie on Sup Forums now? Because it's shit.
It was apparently anti-SJW for portraying an ideal woman as a holographic girlfriend who was programmed to love K. Brainlets couldn't understand why K would want that sort of woman (because they could never be that sort of woman) and so the film must be sexist. Even though nearly all of the movie's plot and action that K doesn't do himself is accomplished by female characters, who often operate beyond his knowledge.
armond white said it was shit so you can
>is black
stop nigger worshipping
POC woman here, I love it!
no they were just Russians
True sci fi kino isn't for normies or plebs. Stick with star wars and capeshit faggots.
you're not.
Cyberpunk not really a mainstream movie genre, they would have made 5 shitty comedy movies and couldve made ten times the money.
>8.1- imdb
>4.0/5 - letterboxd
>8.2/10 with all critics on RT
>8.7 - imdb
>4.3/5 - letterboxd
>8.2/10 with all critics on RT
yes I am and heterosexual btw
Its doing well abroad though.
What kind of retarded ass braindead argument forming is that?
Godfather is also a critically acclaimed filmed loved by everyone, is it then on par with TFA?
How fucking dumb can one be
Is Godfather scifi now? Also The Godfather isn't some obscure or mentally taxing film you fucking pleb, and neither is Blade Runner 2049. They're entry level high brow cinema.
>tfw just as cyberpunk was about to creep into mainstream, it failed
Same thing happened to the new deus ex, big budget mainstream release, flopped
This but unironically
Now do Solaris, Stalker and 2001. I'm sure they are all just like TFA too. The retarded shit I have to read everyday, jesus christ
thank god cyber punk is flopping keep normies away from it.
I guess just looking at figures on the Friday opening (?) itself shows the difference in volume of fan base. This is the case of needing to look into the middle range performance on the market.
Why? Did he say stick to Solaris and 2001 or is this some sort of attempt at saving face?
For once my home of the UK doesn't have trash taste when it comes to entertainment.
Has Sup Forums reached a consensus yet? kino or not?
also torrent when
It's kino.