What is this state?
Never heard of. What happened here?
What is this state?
Never heard of. What happened here?
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Help me to understand
It's just a state, what are you talking about specifically, Abdul?
Looks like theres a horse and a tree. Looks comfy tbhq famalam.
Guns, potatoes.
It's like Montana Lite
What it's interesting. What makes them proud.
I just found an image of a giant potato
Its on potato bags.
It's a sparsely populated, rural state. Mostly farming. They are known for their potatoes and I believe it's their biggest farming industry. It's all most others think of when thinking of Idaho. There is a prominent brand of potatoes called "Idaho Potatoes" sold in most grocery stores.
Potatoes, Mormons in the south east
Porn search said they like big boob teen lesbians and no BBC
Sounds like good quality women
Idahoan here.
what exactly is your question?
It is quite beautiful. It's an underrated state, especially if you like the out doors.
I have a buddy who manufactures homemade soaps there. He's loaded but he doesn't like to talk about it. He loves talking about alcohol, though.
I went there once and shot a buck.
It's one of the most prominent sites of the beginning of the gold rush, and the Injuns there weren't faggots like the ones closer to Washington's sound.
You guys are like a shitty west coast version of New Hampshire.
Don't indulge him. He just what's to invade your beautiful state. I make sure never to tell anyone where I'm from because fuck off, we're full.
Also: tell my gamgam hello.
We want to know what the fuck you are putting in those potatoes
Rural, low population, beautiful scenery, mormons in the south, good people.
>what makes them proud?
State laws, produce (potatoes), not being Washington or Oregon, guns, low crime rate
American/British men are crazy for black cocks. Women... eh, not so much.
Potatoes happen there that's about it
Wtf, you have a 83,569 sq mi and you tell me that's is all potatoes?
Idaho invented potatoes and backwoods militias
Obongo is trying to turn it into the Little Levant. Imported shitskins popping up everywhere.
no we're Utah and Montana's bastard child
last public lynching Idaho had was in 1995
our capital is Tree in french
things that make me proud:
>government is so weak in most cases its not even there
>the yearly 'Buy a Truck, get a Gun' sale
>i live 20 miles from a forest to which I could realistically never been seen by humans again. I could also get to canada without ever having to see the sky
>the southern half is desert scrubland so people don't vacation here
>the people that do vacation here stay in the mountains so i don't have to see them
>the minorities here assimilate well, and even our muslims are gun toting flag waving bastards. mostly because of the amount of guns
>low, low LOW cost of living. low wages to go with it
its a damn shame education in K-12 is so vastly underfunded. would be a perfect state otherwise
No restriction on homeschooling, looking to move there eventually, just gotta get Trump elected!
>trump will make a difference
Look sven either mover or don't no president is going to fundamentally change Idaho.
That being said, you'd probably be home in cuckisodda en.wikipedia.org
Also known as the only state that didn't vote for Reagan in 1984.
Tree in french is Arbre
its bwah
No, bois is wood
Its the poor Utah. Its very meh overall.
I live in northern Utah so I visit there often. Its good for dirtbiking and snowmobiling, and thats about it. My mom always said "get a good job so you don't have to live in Idaho"
and i said tree is bwah. acknowledge that before i put you in a bathroom in a minnesotan airport
no blacks here. cannot say the same for utah
Ezra pound was born there
>minorities assimilate well
>90% white state
If I had to guess like all other states the shitskins are in the cities and from what you're saying you never go to those places
>acknowledge that before i put you in a bathroom in a minnesotan airport
Jesus man, give the guy a break.
Quite lying about muslims assimilating here you ketchum faggot. All muslims need to be removed from America, Europe, and Australia. Deus lo Potatoe.
> minorities assimilate well
So raping little girls at knife point is common?
All the blacks in Utah are adopted. I grew up here, and I never saw a black person until middle school. There are hardly any blacks in northern Utah.
There was a black kid that went to my high school who was like THE black kid of the school. When he and his white friends shoplifted, or went and vandalized shit, literally only he got caught, simply because he was identifiable as the black kid.
I live about 10 minutes from Boise in Meridian, and over half the state's population lives in Ada County. the non-white are mostly mexicans and they stay in nampa/caldwell which is in commute range of boise
our muslims are mostly bosnian refugees from that yugoslavia stuff that happened in the mid 90s. though there is an excellent egyptian restaurant near where i work staffed by a mohammed. makes great coffee
yeah, he'll be killed if he walks. twin falls has a several thousand foot gorge and a river to wash away evidence
Most of idaho is mountains.
We have the largest wilderness not counting alaska.
Also, micron is here, the last remaining DRAM manufacturer in the US.
We have an organized militia system where each county has its own battalion and training schedule. The idaho lightfoot militia is the most sophisticated and well trained in the nation.
>You never noticed all the somalians ans syrians
>All refugees welcome
I hope jamal gives you aids faggot
i bet you live in rural oregon. you're just jealous that we're not attached to portland
Known for potatoes, mostly white state with farmers and ranchers, just received the most Syrian refugees of any state in their town of boise
Dont worry. We have all 5 mosques under constant surveillance. Only two of them are sunni, so they are the only potential issue.