xfiles trailer is here
i repeat
xfiles trailer is here
Xfiles trailer is here
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Jeff Winger isn’t coming back?
it was all a ruse mulder
Legit got goosebumps. But I'm a die hard Files fan so
Is season 10 any good?
up untill the half of the trailer if you didnt had told me that it was x files i would have sworn that it was half life
gillian's wig is so fucking bad
>reboot early 90s essential Sup Forumscore
>reboot early 90s essential comfycore pop
I hate this
get HYPE
no. it fucks up all the meta plot and turns it into aliens = good guys coming to warn us about global warming, humans = bad guys killing and stealing their tech to be evil Gmen
wonder why they're no longer obscuring the ayys in shadows like in the original series
stop it you stupid fuck
Only pay attention to that if you give that much shit about the conspiracy thing (which never really made any sense and was already turning itself 180 all the time during the main run of the show). If you don't, it's ok. It's got only one really awful episode and one really good, with two decent ones and other two that are kinda meh.
My only hope for this is that notMulder and notScully only show up in the first episode to tie things up with the last one and then fuck off forever. It's a fucking bummer that there'll be no Doggett again, but I hope they at least drop his name and acknowledge him somehow.
Also, dat Langley
>yfw The Lone Gunmen will be contacting Mulder via EVP
I mean it will never ever happen in a mytharc story, but for a few seconds I thought that's what was going on with Langley
What's the song that starts in the middle? In your head etc
I'm guessing it's some shitty cover of Zombie by The Cranberries.
Was that an ayylmao at the beginning?
yeah and at the end
wonder if they'll speak
Not really. The mythology gets completely fucked.
On the other hand, it has one of the best episodes of the show (and tv) in it.
>The mythology gets completely fucked.
>Implying it already wasn't after season 5/the movie
I don't get people bitching about this when it's something they had already done in the old show over and over again.
Fox still hasn't realized that they need to get rid of Chris Carter. His scrips read like it's still the early 90's. All the mythology episodes from season 10 were complete garbage.
What does Langly says in that bit of the trailer? I couldn't understand.
they communicate via telepathy
it's like you cant into aliums
Who was the guy at the end?
I was hoping it'd be Spender
1:50 was pretty spooky
The mythology wasn't fucked though. Convoluted =/= tarnishing everything that came before
"Mulder, they know that we know"
Oh shit, young CGB Spender.
>knee files
yeah but considering it seems like they're just standing around having a conversation, they'd have to convey their speech to the audience somehow
or just ignore the telepathy because the show plays fast and loose with the aliens anyway
fuck off Sup Forums
>Fox still hasn't realized that they need to get rid of Chris Carter.
I actually think he's a great showrunner, and occasionally, a good director. He didn't write anything good past season 3 or 4, I'd say.
It must be a long time since you've watched it. They've shat all over everything that came before several times during the run of the show. For instance, Samantha.
literally me
this looks even worse than the last season jesus christ. why the fuck are they focusing so much on the myth arc bullshit
Why did that show have to be so shit? I really wanted to like it.
It's just the trailer because it's what hypes most of the audience. They already said it was gonna be about 50/50
Because myth arc is unironically best arc, until they got rid of the syndicate...
It wasn't. The episodes written by Vince were great at the very least
What the fuck? This actually exists after the abortion that was the the last relaunch?
How is it even possible that in the decade since X-Files left Carter & Co. haven't realized what made the show work? Season 10 was like they took everything that ruined X-Files and made it worse.
only 2 are mytharc, this trailer is mostly episode 1
desu the new guy wasnt that bad, its just we obviously dont want him and the girl to take over
im just glad we get new episodes, the last season ended at the worst cliffhanger
any meme episodes by darin morgan? only thing it might be worth it for
No, they weren't. It was a fucking shitty show and you know it. It was just the lowest kind of comedy in the worst way and turned the characters so fucking useless, you'd wonder why Mulder would ever go to them in the first place.
And for fuck's sake, that Bill Clinton episode.
all part of the soft disclosure my friend
>after the abortion that was the the last relaunch
Because of Reyes, who ironically, is the one who returns. Doggett did great in season 8 and that one was actually better than seasons 6 & 7 with Mulder.
I sincerely doubt it. The only reason we got a new Darin episode last time was because it was a completed script he wrote for the cancelled Kolchak reboot that was sitting in his drawer for years.
Even better.
I'm talking about the Season 10 mini from last year
aw man.
Its obvious they are going to kill off the original cast and replace them with X files the next generation ya dork
This was always spooky as fuck
Oh, right. Like I said here I hope they only include them to continue the plot of the cliffhanger from last season and then they just fuck off forever.
is this a movie?
hate the dramatic music
>desu the new guy wasnt that bad, its just we obviously dont want him and the girl to take over
They were fucking atrocious
>The writing staff for the eleventh season consists of Chris Carter, Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan, James Wong, and newcomers who were all previously part of The X-Files production staff
will there be more twin peaks episodes?
literally the only good thing from that season
made me laugh quite a bit
>Scully doing a Mega Man slide, flipping the table and shooting at guys in ski masks
better fill it with new characters instead of ruining old ones like Reyes
>James Wong
Oh fug yes!
The classic era had a kind of noir style, the new ones are so different.
I wish they finish this mess already.
>the field where I died
I respect your right for your taste and opinions
Reddit Files
somebody kill Chris Carter
There's one of those episodes that isn't like the others.
Also: Squeeze, Tooms, Beyond The Sea, E.B.E., Die Hand Die Verletzt, Home, Little Green Men, Blood.
season six was the last good season
Season six was shit, so was 7. Season 8 was better than both so technically, it was the last good season.
i met david this weekend. he was visiting his daughter in hanover for homecoming. cool dude honestly.
I always liked the conspiracy shit though, the mystery about it was great. On the other hand, yes, they started to fuck it up in the later seasons, but it was still salvagable. Hell, the mystery could have allowed them to show many different related stuff, instead Cocksucker Carter choose to fuck it all up, because he wanted to make it modern.
That's how we got this fucking cliche story we have now.
This is just sad. Even the super soldier storyline was somewhat interesting, no one knew the truth about them. There was a lot of gaslighting/falseflagging there. Everyone would have believed a sane conclusion, but CC fucked us in the ass.
Those two clowns can better fuck off though, that woman is extremely annoying and the guy looks like a sub 90 IQ supermodel. I somehow can't imagine him as an FBI guy.
If I remember correctly it was more convoluted than anything and it dealt with Mulder's lack of information rather than reality within the show.
It also did a pretty good job of explaining how humans can still believe in shit despite evidence to the contrary.
I mean what?
Mulder's sister is taken by Aliens and other Aliens later take her again, because of shit.
He later has closure by having a vision of her.
SpaceAlien baits him into thinking she is alive for the lulz.
Cancerdude false flags him with a clone.
Mulder's retardation still causes him to search for her in the latest movie.
Hang on can someone explain what that mini series was then? The weird one they did like last year or something? What the fuck is this? A movie or series?
it was season 10. this is season 11.
Season 10 is a 6 series mini-series.
The problem is it doesn't deal with 2-3 stories like a proper miniseries would. Instead they choose to retain the usual format: 1 ep at the beginning and 1 at the end deals with major mythology points, the rest are usual stories with one having (probably) some connection with the (new ) mythology (Founder's mutation).
It should have been 10 ep long. They had no time to express anything and it shows. They rushed it in a bad way.
I just watched it. What the fuck is this shit?
Are they talking about William when she says Mulder needs to find him? Is William the bad guy now?
I saw this nigga's skin melt of his face and his skeleton explode and he's still alive?
Maybe they'll explain it this season.
That would be interesting.
Did they ever explain what happened to that one Alien with the infection that was locked up underground in that X-Files movie in the desert?
>Maybe they'll explain it this season.
X-Files really is back!
wow can't to find out the conclusion of the alien dna storyline, not to mention see what our new frriends einstein and miller have been up to
The actor that plays Miller should never work again. The casting director that hired him should also never work again.
they just write whatever they feel like
the past ten seasons are immaterial
>everyone complains that the mythology is convoluted and thungs arent explained
>Twin Peaks gets a free pass
This is the last season gillians doing so i hope that means their storylines will finally be over.
>This is the last season gillians
Twin peaks is coherent and convoluted, X-files does a lot of retconning and all that bullshit.
>Carter was drawn to actor Jerry Hardin after seeing him in 1993's The Firm.[5] Hardin believed his initial appearance would be a one-time role, although he soon found himself regularly commuting to the series' Vancouver filming location on short notice.[6] Producer Howard Gordon has spoken of the elusiveness of the character's allegiances, stating that during production, it was often left ambiguous whether he was "ally or foe".[7] After filming the character's death in the first season finale, "The Erlenmeyer Flask", Hardin was toasted with champagne, and told by Carter that "no one ever really dies on X-Files"
>Gillian Anderson: I don’t know. You may need to talk to me in a few years about that once I finally shut the door. You know, there’s always been this “maybe one more” thing hanging over, but when the door is finally shut, call me up and ask me that question again.
They've both have been said they weren't gonna do anything anymore several times, and here we are.
At any rate, how great would it be to get a season 12 of Mulder/Doggett?
Of course it won't happen, 'cause they're two white CIS males, but even if they're old and fucked up now, I'd love to see it anyway.
wouldn't mind,maybe william would work well in that dynamic too.
Could help to have a super mutant by your side while you chase after monsters.