Is democracy a sham?
Is democracy a sham?
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True democracy is, yeah. That's why the US is a republic
Can we just bring back the law that says the only people who can vote are the ones who own land? We can even change it to having a mortgage on a house or always making payments on rent, and add a law that says you have to also pay taxes to vote. Why should people who bring nothing to society have the ability to influence it?
I would like to add that though being armed is actually good justification for giving the man on the left the right to vote
Yes in today's day and age democracy does not work. We should move to a starship troopers style of authoritarian government where you have to serve the state in order to have a say in what the state does.
if you can buy elections, yeah
because most of the postgraduate have a degree in breakfast snack science
Democracy as it is in our time is degenerate form, closer to Ochlocracy, the mob rule, than to actual democracy that was practiced in ancient Polis.
Personally, I believe that a Meritocratic Aristocracy would be the best option, a society that will be educated to love success, love virtue, love excellence and will aspire to go higher and further in every field of life. Wishing to overpass the accomplishment of their ancestors and become better to win a seat for themselves.
Of course I am dreaming and this is as realistic as a communist utopia.