>unlikable personality
Was anyone surprised?
>unlikable personality
Was anyone surprised?
Who is this and what did he do
What did he do now?
absolutely not, take a shave you freak
He raped an 11yo girl.
He's literally our guy
An the name of that girl?
Link to proof
Once again, who is this guy?
He didn't. He said some creepy things to female coworkers and fans, trying to have sex with them using his position. He's a loser but no rapist or anything like that.
April Dawn alleged he "took out sex toys and tried to force them in me."
Guilty until proven innocent I guess. Anyways that's more like sexual assault than rape.
I can't believe he would rape an eleven year old girl, but reading it here really puts things in perspective. I hope they hang this rapist of eleven year old girls! That son of a bitch! I hate him so much!
Is this slowbeef?
Based cinemasins gets the last laugh
He and Kevin Smith raped an 11 year old girl. She was crushed to death from having both of them on top of her.
her family was appropriately compensated with a gift basket of cheddar cheeses
They don't release the names of victims dummy.
That's a different incident from the 11 year old. Lern2google
Oh my God! How horrible! That poor girl that they abducted and drugged was killed when she was raped by both of them. I was shocked when I learned he and Smith were into crushing rape. The police have already linked them to other rapes and crushing murders.
LITERALLY did nothing wrong. At least not enough to get suspended. Screen junkies is just an SJW shitshow
Typical rape apologist.
Provide a source or kill yourself.
Same things apply to Justin Roiland, who would have thought?
I thought fags didn't mind a little butthurt.
I don't know, most of that description applies to me as well and it would never occur to me to sexually assault someone.
>liked capeshit movies
Can we all finally see that "men" who like to watch comic book movies are a risk to society?
at least they're easily identifiable in society which makes them easy to avoid. Usually fat or really skinny, gross beard, and a pop culture t-shirt
Fuck off with the victim blaming. I believe her.
This is tough, but based on the arguments he's definately a rapist
He was just Sterning it up a bit
I thought that guy was homosexual
Not a working link
I always hated this fat fuck and was the main reason I stopped watching Screen Junkies
The ultimate definition of a try hard nu-male. He was literally Sup Forums in human form
Who would've thought she lied about her age, but then kick herself for not going out with him, and want sugar daddies to backroll her gofundme to start a new life in Japan? Oh I agree.
Albert Einstein
Sorry. Here you go.
Fuck him
doesn't matter, andy's victims were adults and it's still sexual assault and creepy as fuck. Justin Roiland belongs in jail along with Signore.
Huh? Bitch is legal, fuck off with your fag-ass shit, nigger.
he is literally me if i never started working out and going to college
even his hair is 100% copy of mine, or since he's probably older mine is copy of his
Roiland's a creep. Nothing more. He's a golddigger. Facts are there, undeniable, and they speak for themself.
The chick's story about the sex toys didn't happen. She's leaving out a ton of information there. If they were getting too rowdy at a party, and you decide later on to cherry pick parts that make you look good and the other bad then you're full of shit.
The real question is, will he kill himself? He lost his friends, job, and probably wife in the span of 24 hours.
why is Sup Forums obsessed with white people so much?
Everything you said. It's all shit. Pathetic.
I get drunk and hit on girls through text all the time. I'd be fucked if I were famous at all.
Either he'll kill himself or go off the radar and become a buddhist like Faraci
Nice bati
because they are the only kind there is.
>the virgin Andy
>the chad Dan
Adolf Hitler
a fat guy trying to flirt with a girl is basically rape these days
I believe all of it
Except for sex toys part
He's a creep in safety of text messaging
Guys like that don't "pull out sex toys" on some broad
To be fair he wasn't licensed for that level of Flirting
He's only a level 4
You're posting on board that loves capeshit and talks about it 24/7
What's wrong with /r9k/ tier losers
I keep hearing that Max Landis is next. What did Max do?
Lol, upvotes to you sir!
Sexual harassment is literally just an ugly guy (sub-8/10 in looks) trying to have consensual sex with a woman.
Only good looking men and girls should exist. I can't wait for us women to take charge and force ugly men to their own ghettos. It sucks that I have to live an work around them just to survive, literally rape.
He only likes Marvel
when will the numale rapist epidemic be brought to an end?
>its a red letter media max landis gang bang episode
>the twist is max is the one receiving
>jenny brings her mlp themed strapons
haha yeah those white men sure are the criminals in America. I mean, let's forget for a moment that black people, while being 13% of the population, commit half of the violent crime. no, it's really the fucking white males we need to worry about, haven't you read the news?
love this new meme.
Don't forget that blacks are the perpetrators of most of the interracial crimes. For some reason they seem to commit no hate crimes at all though. Strange.
I'm okay with Kevin Smith raping 11 year old girls as long as it keeps him from directing another movie. Then we'd all have to suffer.
They should make a Nerd Crew episode with her