-Glad you could make it, Dahnald. -Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be a true conservative, but I'm still your superior as the republican nominee. -As if I could forget. Listen, Dahnald, there's something about the election you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These polls are all rigged. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before everyone votes Hilary. -What? -I must become the nominee - How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way - Damn it, Dahnald. As your future president, I order you to hand me over the delegates. -You are not the nominee yet, lyin’Ted. Nor would I obey that command if you were! -Then I must consider this an act of treason. -Treason? Have you lost your mind, Ted? -Have I? Dahnald Trump, by my right as the republican nominee and next president of the United States, I hereby relieve you from your delegates and suspend your campaign.
Michael Martin
5th for 5th amendment
Mason Brooks
press 5 to plead the fifth
William Reed
> do you intend to use the fifth > I use the fifth and dodge the question about me using the fifth
Liam Brown
Wait a minute. If Pepe led us to Kek, then who will wojak lead us to? What is the god of wojak?
Matthew Roberts
>5th Amendment Constitutional Privilige
Carson Lopez
>not "The fifth" edition What are you doing.
Alexander Turner
Michael Rogers
>are you going to keep pleading the fifth? >I plead my fifth amendment rights
Ethan Taylor
muh fifth
Cameron Diaz
Last digit determines what amendment I plead
Lincoln Turner
Lord Pence.
Carter Gomez
Hey, that's a pretty good one. One of my favorites.
Tyler Myers
Ffth amenvmnd :d privlge
Adam Russell
lmfao this is actually sad. This pic shows how truly sutpid trump supporters are.
Landon King
Hark, who brings the good news?
Jace Robinson
Da Fiff
Jordan Hill
I told you, it's all Nyarlathotep's work. He has many faces and works in mysterious ways.
>Do you plan to plead the fifth amend? >I plead my fifth amend
Brayden Harris
Blake Johnson
Blake Robinson
These people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Sebastian Harris
I'm watching it on my TV, yeah
Adrian Smith
Blake Johnson
Brayden Baker
Just watched Kellyanne's full interview on CNN this morning lads. It was awesome. The shitty host and Clinton's campaign got totally unequivically BTFO!
Isn't it beautiful how they are so fucking desperate and losing so so badly?
Kellyanne Conway has been a godsend to this campaign.
Caleb Gomez
It's real. Check the previous thread.
Benjamin Rivera
Charles Bailey
>Shalom >Foreskin's Lament >WORSE than Hitler >WaPo I can't think of another time when Poe's Law was invoked so heavily, yet turned out to be true.
Luis Rodriguez
>us history >nazis I wish
Ethan Mitchell
Worked with Clinton's computers for 15 years, actually answering questions... Is this our guy?
Brody Watson
Without bringing up Clinton explain why Trump hasn't released his 2002-2008 tax returns?
They've already been audited and settled with the IRS.
Parker Edwards
Angel Murphy
Did you not see the article titled "IF YOU DON"T VOTE DEMOCRAT FUCK YOU REEEEEEEEEE! yesterday?
Julian Mitchell
Citizens of the USA! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our country's destruction has been averted in defiance of our globalist masters! Hillary Clinton, herald of Soros, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the city of Washington DC. Hillary was sent here to judge the fate of our world. She found a country who's people had deviated from Soros' blueprints. A country where not everything had gone according to plan. Cold Logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold Logic, however, does not account for the power of meme magic. It's up to each of us to prove this is a country worth saving, and that our lives...our lives are worth living.
Dylan Hill
>Total access >No security clearance
Fucking BTFO'd
Oliver Powell
I'm still curious how she got Trump to start using the teleprompter when even Manafort couldn't do it.
Eli Evans
I wish the hat quality wasn't so bad. That's a cute awoo edit.
Gabriel Wright
Is that not incriminating enough?
Jaxon Miller
The media wouldn't be satisfied with eight year old returns
Carter Flores
Christopher Clark
He'll win the election without doing it. No reason to rock the boat. Gg ez
Joshua Richardson
>you have enabled sticky keys
Fuck, now I gotta disavow windows XP
Christian Nelson
Rewinded to the time of the 5th (metered internet be damned). You are completely right it should have been the 5th edition. I fucked up.
Hudson Lee
Nathan Torres
Who is this Cooper fag?
Dominic Anderson
>we almost lost pepe to the normie horde
Justin Walker
>trump is a boogeyman who lives u der your bed and will eat your children, don't vote for him plz
we already memed pepe into the msm, now let's make msm autistic. The shit some of these scumbags are saying, your average normie won't be surprised to hear that cuck joe, mika or don lemon are special in the head. Who the fuck talks about cartoon nazi frogs on national television, anyways?
Kevin Young
Carson Hill
Because nobody gives a fuck.
Leo Rodriguez
KEK wills it
Praise KEK
Juan Perry
audited and settled no they are never really dont when you are being audited
plus why would he hillary is fucking walking dead how is she gonna win??
Brandon Cooper
He smashed Hillary's blackberry with a hammer.
William Miller
David Parker
Cooper going to get sniped near end of hearing
Press F for respects
Josiah Bailey
some fag who helped Clinton set up her emails i think
Andrew Reyes
Kek. Let's hope this happens.
Evan Wright
>T...trump supporters are dumb!
>C....can someone help me pay my student debt pls?
Leo Wright
>Isn't it beautiful how they are so fucking desperate and losing so so badly?
clinton is still in the lead you fucking retard
Aaron Gomez
was going to an hero but now I am going to live to see Trump get elected Feels amazing.