Ok Hillary supporters. I have a challenge for you. WITHOUT using "she isn't trump/bigot/racist/etc." can you tell me either 10 ACTUALLY good reasons why anyone should vote for her. If not, then 5 things about her plan when she gets into office and why this will benefit our country? If you can't do that. Don't vote.
This Is all assuming she's still alive at that point.
Nobody here actually supports her here, it's all memes man
Jason Lee
I just woke up from a 35-year coma and what is this
Thomas Butler
I don't plan on voting at all personally, but from an outsider's point of view I can genuinely see some positives to passing the TPP. Curbstomping China's economy while it's weakened for the most part.
Noah Cox
Jace Howard
Go back to sleep, bro. The world's alot more comfy in your dreams.
Kevin Reed
Ok nanite user
Aiden Ortiz
There arent any.. Just like there arent any for Trump.. They are both shit. This fued between the left and the right is decaying human intelligence at a rate of knots.. All the stupid shit spewed in this war is sad.. Its sad what weve come to.. The niggers are probably laughing at us because they realize we are in the process of becoming subordinate to them and below them. Its really pathetic to see niggers making whites less intelligent. Divide and conquer.
Joshua Jones
Supreme Court judges won't be some anti abortion, religious fundamentalists
Juan Sullivan
Are you kidding me!!???
It's 2016 for God sake, time for some girl power in the white house!
Adrian Clark
Since the nigger thing worked out so well, why not try a woman next right?
Charles Rogers
This is the worst reason anyone could possibly give. Simply voting for a candidate because of their gender is retarded. The whole point of this post was to call out anyone who is able to actually make an educated vote on their candidate. If you cannot do that, then please do some fucking research or stand aside and let those who actually took a few seconds to look into their candidates decide who they want because you obviously don't care enough about your country if you're blindly picking who the media tells you to. Wake up.
Isaiah Robinson
10. More then 0 experience in government 9. She will protect our economy from Trumps plan of eliminating all inheritance tax 8. She will protect our economy from Trump and his advisors' 18th century style tarrifs plan that would destroy all global trade and kill most of the earth population over about 10 years of famine 7. she just isn't an america hater. I want a president who doesnt say negative things about our country that its terrible and everything is shitty when its really great to be here. Call it optimism. 6. Gun control. Everyone wants more except a tiny vocal minority of social outcasts who want their guns for the exact wrong reason: to use on normies! 5. National Security. The secretary of state is more qualified than a TV clown who was fired because he cant get along with anyone outside of his Jewish blood haplo group (race is a social construct) 5. Guaranteed Paid leave. People who are not alt right who actually can hold down jobs are often saddled with supplemental insurance costs in order to have a baby or survive an illness 6. Immigration Reform. Only a democrat is going to be willing and able to protect us from GOP style blanket amnesty 5. New tax on high frequency trading. Jews mainly use robots/computers on wallstreet these days but our tax code hasnt adapted. 4. We need a federal law to stop Republican Governors form draining high education like jewish style vampires. Research Universities are the crown jewel of our national economy and the envy of the world yer the average Republican Governor has defunded State Research Institutions by 95% of their typical state revenue in the last 2 decades. 3. Student Loan interest rates must be capped and Fanny/Freddie must allow people to refinance at reasosable rates 2. Digital Infrastructure Improvements. Clinton is embracing the new economy and wants to increase investment in IT... thats 2000 characters I guess its my fault for debating twitter zombies who expect buzzwords only.
Colton Cruz
Jaxson Reyes
That's just an underhand way of saying "At least she's not Trump / she won't do what Trump might". OP specifically told you not to do that, you failed.
Jose Gomez
Gonna need credible source on that
Isaac Torres
Come on, son.
Julian Collins
>Post Income level voters
John Williams
You know, the irony is that the only reason why Trump even has a chance in this election is because elitist leftist shits have completely abandoned the working class.
Lucas Carter
10. More then 0 experience in government In the NFL, teams often start a rookie quarterback with zero experience because they know the one they have is backup material at best. Experience doesn't always translate to being good.
>7. she just isn't an america hater. I want a president who doesnt say negative things about our country that its terrible and everything is shitty when its really great to be here. Call it optimism. Trump doesn't say the country is shit either. He just knows it can be better.
>6. Gun control. Everyone wants more except a tiny vocal minority of social outcasts who want their guns for the exact wrong reason: to use on normies! Gun control isn't the problem. There was a lengthy Facebook post from Mike Rowe about it a while back that summed up what the problem is very nicely. thefederalist.com/2016/01/18/mike-rowe-explains-why-obamas-gun-control-push-wont-stop-bad-guys/
>5. National Security. The secretary of state is more qualified than a TV clown who was fired because he cant get along with anyone outside of his Jewish blood haplo group (race is a social construct) I will trust a guy with no experience over the person who wants to bring in millions of people from the one race on the planet that commits exponentially more terrorist attacks than any other.
Too lazy or don't care enough about the rest of your points to refute them
Austin Morris
Obviou bait is obvious
Julian Hernandez
>Be me >Have Master's Degree in Education. >Be High school English teacher. >Voting for the greater good. >Trump 2016
Michael Moore
Colton Robinson
1/10 shill for getting me to reply
All you are doing is proving that the alt right are mental midgets claiming the NFL would just draft someone with no football experience and you think all laws are just stupid because mike rowe said heroin addicts are addicted to heroin.
Chase Mitchell
Did you get your masters from Trump University? You know that shits a scam, right?
Michael Cruz
Benjamin Murphy
>calling out hillary supporters on Sup Forums profiles in courage alert
Robert Gutierrez
literally... what?
Bentley Cook
1.To stop people using Nixon as the generic corrupt president 2. She might be so bad as to undo suffrage 3. To have a president that has more severe health conditions than either FDR's Polio or Reagan's Alzheimers 4. To beat out Harrison's 30 days before dying. 5. To make even more people vote Republican in the swing after 6..... Sorry Hillary supporters. I tried.
Mason Robinson
How's your high school political science class going?
Dylan Jones
>10 Fair enough >9 Inheritance tax is absolute garbage, there's no reason why a father can't give his hard earned money to his son, but yet the gov't is entitled to it >8 We actually have been getting pretty shitty deals from other countries, we've been in huge debt for a long time and passively watching won't fix it >7 and I don't want a sugarcoater that'll keep everyone's head in the sand >6 Fair enough, that's your stance on the issue >5 Hilary is more likely than Trump to start a war. Ignoring anything you can brush off as a conspiracy, Trump will have decent relations with Putin; whereas Hilary has been shown to be rather ill. >5 (again) Fair Enough >6(again) Fair Enough >5(third time) Fair Enough >4 >no source >3 >muh student loans >muh free college >2 I doubt her competence among all of the evidence in the email scandal showing her technological negligence >thats 2000 characters I guess its my fault for debating twitter zombies who expect buzzwords only. rude B+ I respect your opinion, but am not fully convinced. Still, good job. Really made me think as the kids like to say these days.
Nolan Perry
Nicholas Reed
she will die in
1 hour
22 minutes
8 seconds
Chase Hernandez
oops try again
Liam James
How is it being a high school English teacher?
Aiden Robinson
I'm not trying to imply all black people steal or anything......but Obama stole her turn!
Jaxon Gray
David Lopez
>plan of eliminating all inheritance tax is somehow bad >inherit stuff that's already been taxed >silly goy! you gotta pay tax AGAIN! Why the fuck do retardsu consider inheritance tax a good thing?
Jaxon Gutierrez
Why people vote for Hillary >she's not Trump >she's a woman >she's not a republican
Why people vote for Trump >because he's not a democrat >some people are easily swayed by buzzwords >calls out fears (rational and irrational) of people, knows how to relate to fears >he's a man
Jonathan Powell
>most highly educated people vote Democrat Most indoctrinated more like. Having a higher level of education does not always mean you are smarter. Think of all the marxists that come out of academia. Like how 'higher educated' people wanted to vote to Remain in the EU referendum, despite the fact that from an economic standpoint it was a stupid idea. Once again, higher educated does not mean smarter.
John Gomez
>implying there are any hillary supporters except for subversive jews kek
Angel Reyes
You left out that part where Hillary would likely involve us into a likely nuclear conflict with Russia whilst stripping us of our Constitutionally-granted rights in the homeland.
Easton Reyes
This. The only Hillary supporters that exist in real life are brainwashed leftist students or subversive Jews. She has to pay people to go to her rallies and even then you could hear a pin drop in there. Watch her coughing video. The 'cheers' that go up after she speaks are nothing compared to the resounding applause that Trump gets every single rally.
Sebastian Sanders
1. First female POTUS 2. Was there for us on 9/11 3. Even with pneumonia, she went to remember the victims of 9/11. What a strong woman. 4. She's against islamophobia 5. She's against xenophobia 6. She's against sexism 7. She went to Wall St. and told them: "Cut it out!" 8. She will stand strong against Russian aggression 9. She's the most qualified candidate EVER running for POTUS 10. She beat Bernie Sanders, even though Berniebros ran a violent and sexist campaign against her
There you go, Drumpf idiot.
Ayden Nelson
pretty gud
Oliver Parker
damn, true
Jayden James
>National security >Hillary Clinton
David Ortiz
Forgot 11: Not A SINGLE American life lost in Libya!
Nathaniel Cooper
ITT: German cuckold faggot first says
>there for us on 9/11 then says >most qualified candidate EVER running for POTUS
because apparently being a completely incompetent secretary of state that leaks classified documents and gets American contractors killed makes you qualified, or being a pathological liar who's been caught stealing millions of dollars by selling out US interests and embezzling charity money while people starve makes you qualified, or I guess defending a rapist and threatening his victims while simultaneously convincing the dumbest groups of people that you're standing up for the victims of sexual abuse makes you qualified.
And then there's you two. You two make me fucking sick. This is why the Nazi's happened, because Germans actually think like this.
Thomas Ortiz
I don't think you know what a knot is
Michael Robinson
HAHahaha great post, you almost convinced me that there are really people that are this fucking stupid living in the greatest country in the world.
Parker Reyes
>WITHOUT using "she isn't trump/bigot/racist/etc." > 10 ACTUALLY good reasons why anyone should vote for her.
I'll admit that I can't.
I'm voting for Hillary because Trump is obviously an emotionally immature, pathological liar who's not only shockingly ignorant, but has also demonstrated an unwillingness (or inability) to fix his ignorance problem. As for his one claim to expertise -- that he's a "businessman" -- it turns out that he has a fondness for cheating people out of money whenever he can get away with it.
I have no problem with the idea of a candidate who wants to kick some serious ass and tear down our current idiotic 2-party system. But the guy needs to have SOME redeeming quality.
So I'm voting Hillary simply to cockblock Trump -- no other reason. But that's a good enough reason.