Tfw that one friend is suddenly acting like an expert on whichever character has just been greenlit for a series or...

>tfw that one friend is suddenly acting like an expert on whichever character has just been greenlit for a series or movie but clearly just wiki'd them or watch some youtube spoon feeder videos

Is there any more annoying person than "that guy" when it comes to capeshit? And do you feel like a dick if you call them out?

Yeah, you.


I sometimes do it because my normie friends will ask me shit about it but I always admit I haven't like for example
>"I haven't Old Man Logan but I heard he kills Red Skull using captain america's shield so that sounds pretty fucking metal."

>I learned about something and now I know about it!
What's the problem, fag?

you just ask them what they thought of X relatively popular comic involving the character and they'll admit they haven't actually read it, then you just say "oh too bad, it's pretty good" while smiling condescendingly on the inside

most of the time that guy is the one making the spoon feeding youtube videos

>was that the one where his clone brother jacked him off for DNA samples or the one where his girlfriend was impregnated by his arch nemesis while in Europe?
>or maybe it was the one where he traded his marriage away with a demon
The problem with being condescending about reading comics is you open yourself up to the reverse

>ask him about a good comic involving the character
>he replies with shit comics
then you can openly laugh at him

"learning" about something this way is about the same as reading the back of a VHS tape and saying you watched the film, and are now an authority on said film because you know the summary

Or even worse, you just heard what somebody else had to say about it and are parroting their words

Are you saying you didn't read the shit comics?

The problem with sewage and wine is an ounce of wine in a gallon of sewage is sewage, but an ounce of sewage in a gallon of wine is still sewage.

If it only takes one gay genie sex scene or scene where a woman's vagina eats a dude to ruin a good book. So how many full retard issues does it take to ruin a good character?

>actually defending the act of talking out of your ass in any context or on any subject

Sup Forums has entirely been invaded by normalfags with scarcely any geeks left.

are you saying American Gods was bad

because I'm afraid that means I'll have to fight you

Except unlike with wine and sewage it is entirely possible to fully divorce shit comics based on a cape character from good comics based on the same. One just doesn't fucking read them, it is that simple.

There are certainly good parts, but I can't actually defend the book as a whole.

The child sacrifice bonus plot went was completely superfluous to everything else. All the Anansi parts are terrible. The book itself is like 1 act of a 3 act structure. And the romantic undertones between him and the chick actually cheapen both characters and go absolutely god damn nowhere.

>casuals need the concept of runs explained to them
I ain't got time for this shit

>this book is good, just skip the chapters with the man eating vagina and gay genie sex scene
Yep, cause that's totally how stories work. You can judge their quality based solely on the parts you like because your can just read around the parts you don't.

have you ever touched a comic in your life

Spider-man was raped by Skip in every run.

I just want you to know that. It doesn't unhappen because it's not mentioned.

>assholes need the concept of continuity explained to them

Fuck off. Sup Forums has been shit for the past 2 years, newfag

Yes. Just not cape comics.

With good reason.

Pretty sure that's what he was getting it

>admitting to be a normalfag by being offended by normalfags getting slammed
You're the problem

I don't believe you at all

and Liefeld's shitty 90s Image-verse is canon to Brandon Graham's Prophet, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the best comics of the past 20 years

People who act like just because they watched the adaptions, they're experts on the character from the adaptions alone

Then why are you acting like you know better than the people who do read them?