Crossover thread?

Crossover thread?
Crossover thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dat Nito
>them dubs
This is now a Skeleton Thread, post rare Skeletons

>dubs too

Just got the English releases of the first two volumes today. They're a lot better than I was expecting, given that particular publisher's tendency to pick up licenses based on what gets popular from fan translations and promptly shut those down with C&D's.

Overlord is a load of fun in general, as silly as it can sound on paper. There's no better series starring an evil skeletal lich out there, that's for sure,

expect for Heroes of might and magic 3: SOD

I will look into this.

> have pugna but no boner king


>no Lady Death (marvel)

>Lady Death
Not a skeleton
One per franchise

So how's that Fanfiction coming along Sup Forums ?

>One per franchise
Sans and Papyrus are both present

they count as one, cause its impossible to have just one
bone king take too much space and he isn't a skeleton anymore

I'm looking for a similar crossover picture, but only featuring those who have a skull for a head but an otherwise regular body.

I can made that


get that bumbling retard away from ed

Please do!


Crossover Thread! I missed this!






Robocop gets two crossovers with Terminator but none with Judge Dredd. How?












But why




Hey add me to the screenshot.


who is this?



>dat revenant


>Robbie is there
>neither Danny nor Johnny are there

I'm partially triggered.

>No SkullGreymon but instead Duskull.
#@$%ing Pokefags.


next year

I would pay to watch this show

Although Jake and Ben have pretty similar personalities

Overwatch and ?


Karthus from League of Legends.
Boni from the Trap Door.
The Reaper / Main character from the Game Deadbolt
Kulta, the Skull Grinder - Leader of the Skull Warriors from Bionicle
Vashta Nerada Skeletons from Doctor Who.

Asterix and Obelisk


Karthus is a mummy now
I will add the rest next year

Why the fuck are they killing all their skeletons?

Who's the guy between Papyrus and Skeletor

Chinese taboo, no skeletons

Asterix and Obelisk you uncultured swine

Mystery skull Lewis

I assume you're talking about the black one with scythe hands and not the huge meme that paved the way for Sans to rule Tumblr as its God-Daddy for half a year until the combined efforts of the entire cast of Overwatch finally threw him in the trash, in which case, I have no idea.

>Chinese taboo
>Overlord is released in China
>the Chinese editions are what get translated into English online


The only character Saitama wouldn't be able to beat would be an even sillier gag character. I love it.

Fucking kek




As in the Team?I don't know if the guy's still working on the comic. I hope he does. We've been had this concept floating around since 2014, and now that a comic's being made things are going somewhere.

>Raven as GoGo

yes please

How does the idea of Vexus going back in time to the present in order to stop the creation of Sky Patrol which is an offshoot of the Plumbers sound to you? Im working on merging all universes together and its coming along alright but I need feedback


LN or manga?

LN. .

Posted too soon, pardon me. The manga isn't really necessary, it's like an even slimmer version of the anime, but it has the benefit of going on at least one volume longer than the anime.

F for not including Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch, Horned King, or most importantly Lord Death Man

You listed three humans and a fleshy demon.

I dunno, I like Jenny and her friends being in the same time period as the other characters. I mean one throwaway line about a future Super Bowl game doesn't have to dictate when the series takes place. That way you don't need a storyline for Jenny having to worry about getting back to her own time, and that way Nora Wakeman, Brad and Sheldon can be there with her.

Not Sup Forums, but

>Arguably most popular Shoujo/Shonen series'
>Premiered around same time
>Both return with new series after 20+ years
>DBS dealing with multiple universes as plot
>0.9% chance of a crossover

I'm still hoping

Where do you think Jenny is based at?



DBZ isn't really crossover-friendly because if the weakest Z-Fighter so much as sneezed, the entire other universe involved in the crossover would disintegrate. Krillin could solo almost any other fictional world, if he were a boodlusting psychopath.

Normally I'd agree, except DBZ's already had crossovers with One Piece and Toriko, having the three MC's in a tournament fight (that ends in a draw). Now, I love me some Luffy (and know little of Toriko), but even I know Goku's higher-tier and would win.

If they can nerf the DBZ characters for that, they can do the same with Sailor Moon (who DOES have characters that can destroy worlds if need be). Hell, the powers are different enough, they can make it an oil-and-water deal where their powers affect the other universe's characters differently.

I could see that working out. You'd have to do something like that. Power levels are way out of fucking control. Goku was the strongest being on Earth (excluding the hidden Buu) after killing the first Piccolo, and then became stronger than God himself. That's an RPG player character who can easily beat the final boss and the hidden superbosses, who has no challenges left in the world. That is already the highest tier a main character can be on, conventionally speaking.



Skeletor and Robbie Reyes are there so Your argument is invalid



Skeletor is a skeleton in a blue muscle suit

>Yosemite Sam
>not Red
Otherwise a perfect work of art

No barragan
Oh well it's almost perfect


That sad jobber is in the top center.