You racist whites and Drumpf suckers thought your movie would do well?

You racist whites and Drumpf suckers thought your movie would do well?

HA HA HA no sweetie

But what did she think of

At least I'm white.

Women and black peoples opinions are a plague unto us all

how did such a racist comment make it onto RT?

>criticism has nothing to do with the film and interjects identity politics again
why are burgers so obsessed with race?

People are too busy right now having an uprising to get some more meme sauce.

Who the fuck cares?

Plenty of minorities want to see Blade Runner and won't give a fuck who's in it.

Just dumbasses fighting this stupid ass "identity politics war" care.

It actually makes me mad that people who review like that are allowed to give a score

Why do you ignore the fact that it has a 4.3/5 on SJWboxd? Are you actually a secret lib?

>Read Jewish articles about how awful white people are constantly
>Feel fatigued by it all
>Go outside
>Everythings great because I'm white
Feels good man

Somewhere sometime two people are discussing what movie to watch, and the 1% difference this review made on the tomatometer changed their decision. How do you not get banned from RT for such a biased review. She's not even reviewing the movie, just the casting.

>Be American
>Go outside
>Get shot

>I don't like this movie because there's too many white people in it

which side is actually racist here?


>white people have never been slaves

t. liberals

I wonder what Abby's review of Black Panther will sound like...

Hey Reddit

its a white persons opinion so ..

Disliking a movie because of it's racial makeup is so lazy

I don't shit on Ran because it's just Japs

>le lazy "you're reddit" accusation.

It's not the same, white slaves had rights