So Replicants are not androids ?

After seeing 2049, i'm trying to understand what replicants are supposed to be.

They're not like terminators on the inside right ?.They're made of flesh and blood,but not born naturally. They have no real childhood and their memories are manifactured correct ?

But why are they so strong ? Just part of the genetic modification ? They're like, enhanced copies of humans ?

In K Dick's book they're genuine androids though right ? But not in Blade Runner, correct ?

But then, how come Rutger Hauer's character (in the original blade runner). Was "programmed" to live a certain amount of time ? how does that work ? do they mean by "programmed" do they mean "genetically modified" ?

Also (spoilers)

In 2049...Why did Luv kill the Rachel Clone ? Maybe she could've also become pregnant no ? ....Or am i missing something ? Was it only a look-alike ? (but not an exact copy)...

From what i understand her data was incomplete because of the black out right ?...Or is it just a plot hole ?

Also, how the fact was that serial number written on her bone ?...In other words how are these replicants created ? in 2049 we see how these "angels" (as Wallace calls them) are born... But it begs the question...If they're souless copies (without a real past/childhood...Not androids, how was that serial even put there in the first place ?...

Are we to believe that the skeleton is somehow artificially grown? (then the organs etc..)

Not trolling just very curious.
When i first saw the original blade runner i thought they actually were androids...But after seeing 2049 i'm kinda confused...

One final thing...
If Deckard is himself potentially a replicant, why is he physically weaker than other replicants ? (then again Rachel also seemed weaker with no apparent super strength).

So let's say that he is...That would mean that he's just a different model like Rachel.

So Gosling's character is made of flesh and blood but was genetically modified to be a mental midget/slave correct ?

Replicants are indeed flesh and bone, but modified physically or mentally to fit their task/purpose.

Lifespan on certain models was programmed in as a safeguard and seemed to be irreversible to reverse when attempted.

Rachel clone was killed because she serves no purpose if Deckard rejects her. She was just a lookalike and did not share the traits that allowed the original to give birth.

One more thing...


About Gosling's character...I don't know if i'm correct...but the way i understood Gosling's charatcer Arc, (if i'm correct) it has to be one of the most depressing and cruel story for a sci-fi character i've seen in ages...

So the poor guy's girlfriend is a fucking hologram. That hologram seems to feel something for him. (the A.I learns to love somewhat)... And right before Luv Steps on Joi and destroys her ...Joi says "i lov.." then gets killed... It seemed genuine...

But then K looks at an add of Joi...she calls him Joe etc...That's whe he realizes that everything about his fucking like is fake....

The poor guy thought he was "the one"...Then also realized his memories were implanted...

And near the end, when Deckard asks him "what am i do you"'...He doesn't answer, but clearly he wasn't just doing this for greater cause but also because he thought Deckard was his biological dad... Then the poor guy dies in the snow...

That guy's life is complete misery.

Test tube babies

grown in labs
hell, there's even a scene in 2049 of a replicant being "born"

"to die for the right cause is the most human thing you can do"

denis has stated multiple time that the movie is about broken dreams

yeah.... i definitely see that

the number of normies now asking stupid questions like this is truly astounding

Basically, yes. The paralels between him and Roy are awesome, this movie is pure kino, my mind is still in the cinema

I think K had an understanding of what love was and realized he had an oppostunity to reunite a father and daughter and because he got a taste of love with Joi he did his best to at least help someone else because he realized his own life was beyond saving

Replicants are humans that are born outside of a womb and genetically modified to meet their purpose. In the original, the only thing that was artificial were their eyes, which was manufactured seperately.

how new you have to be to not know how to use the fucking spoiler tags

tv is so fucking dead wow. read the fucking rules

>and because he got a taste of love with Joi he did his best to at least help someone else because he realized his own life was beyond saving
That's even more depressing..

Yes, they were Androids in the Novel. I mean, the title is "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?."
It seemed like they were Androids in the first movie two, but now it's genetic modification retcon.

They were never robots. They're bio-engineered people designed to be appliances.

so great, they've been retconned to be like cylon skinjobs?

I can't remember if the androids in the first movie bled real blood etc. (as opposed to white fluid in Alien)

>Then the poor guy dies in the snow...
Pretty sure as well here, the way he was reacting to the snow, was also just him again living the memories of the daughter. She was simulating that scene inside, wishing she could experience it for real. He got to experience what she wanted to, but his enjoyment was based on memories that weren't his.

They weren't androids in the novel either. It's just the term Dick used. They were biologically indistinguishable from humans.

They're biological but labgrown.

Said this in another thread.

I loved how pathetic K and everything about his life was and he still came out as one of the most heroic figures in movie history.

He also died on the metaphorical stairway to heaven, as his 'soul' ascended

real blood

It IS true. Androids DO dream of electric sheep.
t. android

They're people grown as a product with enhancements to fit the buyers desired roles, this includes termination dates. Pris was a pleasure model, Roy Batty was a soldier.

You takin' the piss?

Replicants are biomechanic robots, they are synthetic flesh and bone designed to look like a human but they are still machines made on assembly lines... they key here is "they look like humans" and that is pretty much their intended purpose in life.

And only the Voight-Kampff machine can tell them apart from humans.

But here we are at the problem with BR2049, its not really interesting to "know more about the replcants", just like its not really interesting to "know how or who created the xenomorph" in alien.

Both the replicants and the alien are just devices in a story, just a device of the world. They shouldn't take center stage and be the main leading force of a movie.


they started out as robots, became flesh and bone in the nexus phase, but still manufacture. people still think of them as machines
