SWAT Kats thread

Swat kats thread?

Is the reboot ever gonna come to fruition?

Did you know aliens stealing resources in that one episode were originally supposed to be humans? (independece day took the plot)

Zombie island was a reporposed swat kats episode?

What ever. Just discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


has there been any goddamn news even

Speed of heat!
Speed of heat!
Speed of heat!


No they just stole the money from that kickstarter: kickstarter.com/projects/1820796125/swat-kats-revolution.


>Zombie island was a reporposed swat kats episode?
Wait, the zombie island of scooby doo?

That is correct, friend.

It certainly was. Pretty crazy, huh?

Remember this is all Ted Turner's fault.

Ted Turner did nothing wrong


Show developer/writer Glenn Leopold original wrote a zombie plot for SWAT Kats. Things didn't go well (Most likely because the show got canned.) so he rewrote it for Scooby-Doo, which he has written for in the past.

>The "Sexy Cat Lady Show", sir?

Anyone got that comic?

Last news I heard from them was that they'd sold Warner Animation Group on doing the show but Cartoon Network turned down the proposal.

It isn't; the decision to cancel the show was made at a lower level because of how expensive it was compared to the money it brought in. Turner himself liked the show.

Got you senpai

Thanks fampai!

Posting best cat.



It's not a reboot, you fucktard, it's a sequel.

operator as fugg

I'd chopper backup her so hard, her uncle Ulysses would feel that.

From the grave?


Why no, while alive.
>He'd wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, sensing the sheer power of someone chopper backupping his niece...

I'd like to have everyone know that this exactly what happened.

Yeah Ted did this! Which eventually gave birth that one atrocity!

>Due to Ted Turner's incompetence to come to turns with his own sexuality, swat kats was canceled
>the creators, Yvonne and Christian Tremblay, were devastated
>The Tremblay Brothers, in their tiny basement in Quebec, loaded a 38 special revolver with two rounds. One for each brother
>before they killed themselves they did a shit ton of bath salts and a rail of pcp
>in next morning they said "wait I got it... Babies. Babies that can shit through roofs."
>and thus mega babies was born.

See? Tis the fault of Ted Turner once again!


>sequel animation won't be done by a Japanese studio
Fuck this.

what a shame

This thread needs chopper backup

We got plenty of chopper.








No enough to make the Kickstart promises come to life.




Okay boys, listen up.
Callie or Felina.

Choose one. Only one.



Good choice



Felina Feral was stacked

Imagine user...


Fuck it, Im buying this series. Got some holiday money to burn

>no parachutes
What a bunch of lazy animators.


A-user I dont know how to tell you this but, theyre dead...


They're cats. They get 8 more lives.

I'd actually like to see that be a part of their religion.

>the aliens were supposed to be humans
Deepest lore


Callie was also (inconsistently) stacked. Compare and .

I like to imagine she's wearing a minimizer bra with the suit to stop men from staring too much.

A what now?

Does that even exist?

>"And lo, Garfield was killed 8 times, slept for 2 days, crucified on the following day, then rose again. He forgave the John for his betrayal on the 12th lasagna supper, and we should follow his teachings, forgiving our fellow cat. Let us rise and express our hatred for Mondays

All the urban sprawl fades away to a massive temple complex the associated attendents wating at some sorta sarcophagus as the designated feline emerged ready to live again.






I feel like Superman should do this more often with Lois.

Considering they had actual magic and undead lichs and mummies i wouldn't be surprised.

Also hungry vulcano god.

I bet megakat city is built atop hundreds of miles of catacombs and a necropolis, it is a medieval city after all.



That's like coffee and tea, for me. I actually enjoy both greatly, but I can fuck with tea a lot more than I can fuck with coffee. I now how to brew different types of teas, and what the go best with. Good iced teas, good hot teas, all that shit. But with coffee, it's mainly utilitarian.

Callie. If I wanted someone riding my ass about discipline and duty I'd join the army.




Looks like Major Kusanagi, inb4 Evangelion references.

Ann Gora best cat

we MoKato KusaNyagi now

Never forget!

>call of booty

That's great, is it new?

Ann doesn't get enough love.

>Have you heard the Bad News?

Google it, user. Big-breasted ladies don't always want it all hanging out.

>Ann doesn't get enough love.

She tends to get overshadowed.

I know, right?

I can't tell what's happening in the last few panels of that.

She went and had a bunch of work done and is trying to show off/intimidate Callie with it but she's too oblivious to even notice so the whole thing just amounted to some expensive back pain. You can't one-up somebody who doesn't consider you a rival.

Will be still waiting for ANY news on Revolution.

And yeah, knew about that part with the humans.

Hoping they'll salvage that idea in Revolution along with the idea for Succubus.

No. It was the fault of some lower level no-names which should've been thrown to the Giant Bacteria.


To be precise, the Curse of Kataluna (originally called Succubus!) was what was salvaged for the movie.

In that episode they had an actual Succubus that fed on men and was gunning down on Feral (who was to her liking because she liked buff males and Feral is BUFF).

It and a few other episodes actually got fairly far along in the production cycle; enough so that the episode titles and descriptions used to pop up on DirecTV's Boomerang feed.

So is it safe to say the succubus was replaced with the werecats in Zombie Island?


They even had ideas for Rex Shard to return. This time with weather control powers to try to kickstart an ice age in Megakat City and a obsession to defeat the SWAT Kats.


I never asked for this.

Hoping that the animation will be at least decent.

>MoKato KusaNyagi

