Still comsuming the carbjew pol?

>Sugar industry today exposed as having lobbied governments and mislead consumers around the world on the effects of sugar since the early 60's. The myth of blaming 'fat' now exposed.

>Thousands of year humans comsumed fat and meat and fish, everyone had heathly body
>somehow it is bad for you
The carb have been exposed, did you quit it already?

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Another reason to kill yourself right Lithuania?

Wait Til you find out the what the meat/dairy industries are hiding from you.

i would do it, but im much to pussy to do that
So just because meat industry is hiding something we should continue to consume sugar, which was proven was one of major reasons, earth population got fatter and fatter?

Carbs in general or just sugar?

The largest population of people on earth, the Chinese, eat carbs as the centerpiece of their dietary habits and only had an obesity epidemic after the introduction of Western food.

>inuits eat nothing but solid masses of disgusting fat and are ok
>chinese eat nothing but solid masses of carbs and are ok
>murikans are morbidly obese no matter what due to corn goo in everything

th-thanks corn lobby

Non-native americans ain't built for corn consumption.

iifym faggot
Just have some self control and eat whatever you want

Native Americans have much higher rates of obesity than whites.