This woman's a little too employed for my liking.
This woman's a little too employed for my liking
Writers are protected from punishment.
>the whiter the dumber
>is white
>Ugly af white woman is self-hating
what's new, I'd hate myself too if I was her
this is what perplexes the most about liberals. lots of them are white
lol remember when you guys pretended to be opposed to trying to get people in trouble in their personal lives over their politics?
wtf, she is being straight up racist
Liberal women just hate their dads, so they hate all men that look like them.
>tfw you realize women have always been this way
They are retarded and should be euthanized.
Unlike most people that post here, I really do want to live in a society that rounds up leftists and exterminated them.
Yeah I remember when Sup Forums was a bunch of libertarian faggots who thought these people deserved fair treatment.
I can't stand to read too much of twitter feeds like that. It's nothing but Guardian links, whites racist against whites (only white men though), and indistinguishable feminists.
> Socialist and Feminist who gets fierce over disability rights. Pro equality and pro cake.
The leaf has the correct answer.
Seriously wtf happend along the way that made our own women ten against us? They piss me off more than the niggers
Media with one message: hate heritage.
Literally who?
>I'll buy you a pie sometime
So she's asking for a creampie? Women sure are subtle.
"I feel guilty about things that happened hundreds of years ago that were out of my control, so I'll hate myself in the hopes that I can relate and make black and brown friends so I can brag about being more cultured because I never had any growing up in my sheltered community"
she wants the bbc
Remember when this board has more than doubled in users in less than a year?
Really? Is this the result of trump's campaign?
>The whiter the dumber!
>Lol those racists
shit man
Collect all the names and make backups of the photos. It'll make it easier to find them when the purge begins.
you ever think we could meme the purge into existence through massive ritual?