Rick and Morty and Steven Universe

YOU DON’T GET IT MORTY you know when a dog fucks his sister and then she gives birth to inbreed pups Morty? And those stupid fucks can’t even eat or stand right? This kid is DOUBLE INBREED Morty! . I think his mom must have had to have some kind of human fetish that got her killed while she was fucking a human-shaped dildo SO HARD MORTY she gave life to it and killed herself in the process. I think there’s like not even a nick of the poor Greg fella in here Morty. And he is full of bullshit Gem propaganda Morty we have to save him, save him and his bellybutton gem.

Add the burps with your mind

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R: Hug that cannon and believe in yourself Morty
M: Wwwwwwhat?
R: That’s how gem stuff works Morty they are fuelled by emotional turmoil and life changing decision. Now be resolute about being a lesbian so that we can shoot some kind of fat woman shaped death ray Morty.
R:WHOA MORTY OH MY GOD you just shoot a triple obese death ray Morty, that's like a entire gay pride of emotional release kid.

I met your mother once Steven she was a great warrior kid really she had a mean two tonnes right she could break any shithead from homeword who tried to touch her turf. She was also really, REEEEEALY perverted Steven like she was four hundred years old and chased human adolescent Steven. I met my share of cougar in my life but she was the first one to go after guys one GEOLOGICAL ERA younger. Can you imagine what an 18 years old hobo rock failure looked to her in gems term? That’s like lusting to an EMBRYO kid t-t-t-that’s mess up I tell you. Still you look like a fine kid Steven look out for the Perl bitch not to go in heat like her boss and you will grow fine.

they would only visit the Steven dimension to see dogcopter the movie.

> Kidnap Steven
> Clone Steven
> Put space meth in the bellybuttons
> Horribly butcher the harvest for easy drugs
> Get high with ametyst
> Have some kind of freaky moltimorph sex
> pass out
> watch netflix dogcopter

Why the hell would Rick feel sympathetic to some kid who lost his mom?



R: Shoot their gem Morty
R: He is a brainwashed puppet Morty. They control him through their gem Morty .QUICK, free his mind

It'd still make more sense than the uncle grandpa crossover.

It would be pretty amusing for either steven to walk into rick's universe and solve shit how morty generally does it (without fucking up), or have rick just walk into the su world as a sidestop and kill a diamond nonchalantly.



>you know when a dog fucks his sister and then she gives birth to inbreed pups Morty?
nnnno? that's like, literally how we make dog breeds. they do get inbred sometimes but it takes centuries.
we're more susceptible because we started with two and got whittled down to eight once

Crystal Gems can be preggo?


How could a Crystal Gems get high?

>Gems are treated like an interdimensional plague
>they start off as low-level Type 2 planet-eaters, not really a big deal
>if they're allowed to evolve past a certain stage, though, they basically become unstoppable reality killers that devour entire universes and then launch seedlings into neighboring dimensions to start the process anew
>the Council of Ricks actively searches for freshly seeded Homeworlds in other Dimensions to nip that shit in the bud before it can become a problem, but they're very rarely able to catch it in time
>usually they just have to seal off that dimension from the multiverse and hope for the best

Just so happens that the only way to really stop Gems is to breed them out. Steven and Greg have a lot of work ahead.

Rick and Morty season 3 preview out yet?

A week ago there one of Adult Swim's streams aired an animatic

He's reminds him of Morty. Good kid, bit insecure, would be horrifying to have as an enemy.

i meant to substitute the Gem with other kinds of gems (drugs) since Steven has proven that it's possible to have a living organic organism coexist with a Gem.
It's a magic and scientific process

what if the gem's gems were actually really intense hallucinogens, and Rick has killed several gems by grinding them in to dust and then smoking them like crack?


Oh, no. This ain't good, Morty.
>W-what is, it Rick?
Gems, Morty. Dimensional par-uuuuuurp-asites. They rape planets, Morty. They fuck all the... all the little flowers and squirrels, all of that. They eat everything. This whole dimension is fucked.
>O-oh jeez, Rick. Can't we, you know, can't we do something?
Maybe. These -urp- these fuckin' Gems, they ain't all bad, Morty. Most of 'em are assholes but you can... if, if you play your cards right they're okay, you know? You s-burrrp-ee those big ones? Those are Quartzes, Morty. They look mean, Morty, but they looooooove the meat rod. Starved for physical affection. They got big fat asses, just like your grandpa likes 'em.
>Oh jeez, oh no...
Ha HA! That's right, Morty. We're gonna take these... these jello shots over there, and we're going to plow some soil. Gonna till those fields. Gotta screw Gems into submission, Morty! It's the only way! Then they'll get pregnant, Morty, and turn into babies, and those babies will grow up and get other Gems pr-uuuurrrrp-egnant, and the whole system comes tumbling down!
>Wow, is that really going to work?
Probably not, but at least we'll get some orange pussy. Wubalubadubdub!

Ok ok Morty maybe they can grow to the size of a galaxy and destroy an universe or two buuuuut you know who is the best underground crystal drug dealer in the universe ? Also the Cluster is the best whore you can ask for Morty. Imagine a lego of your favorite whore-parts and a insatiable lust for connection in one pack. I used to go down to the earth core to have some fun but now there's some kind of magic condom all over my playground. Who the fuck would do that?

>Crossover episode
>Cluster is about to explode
>Rick and Morty are watching the whole Dogcopter movies marathon in a local cinema
>They absolutely have no kind of interaction with the main cast at all
>Leave after the movies with a happy smile in the middle of an horrible earthquake

In some horrible way I wonder how those two would react being there.


Anyone have some old greentext? Some of them where way too good

Ametyst would already know

fuck off

>Geez rick i think i got space aids! Look at me i'm all spiky and shit

he's not a real magical girl like mah anime.


>Rick and Pearl have a heated discussion about child safety
>Pearl snatch Rick's portal gun to check where they have been
>Rick finds out that even hologram bodies can puke

>Transform and fuse
>Magical power


MFW Rick is floating naked inside the Cluster screaming at morty to throw him some more legs and hands


She's THIIIK not obese

>Sneaple are reeeeeeal Rinaldo
>They live among us
>You have to lick the balls of a person to find out their true identity

It's double inbreed. She fucked herself according to Rick to make Steven