Is Netflix a bubble?
P/E ratio: 242.59
Is Netflix a bubble?
P/E ratio: 242.59
No idiot, this is sustainable growth.
tough question. my general opinion is that all stocks are in a bubble, but that assumes interest rates will some day return to "normal" (i.e. pre 2008) levels. This is unclear.
It's also unclear whether Netflix itself has the best content or ability to maintain subscribers. I've never joined any streaming service because none of them seem to fulfill the promise of "all the content you'd ever want."
i'd rather pirate
It's not a bubble, it's just not the only game in town. Others are catching up.
Teach plebs about streaming and it will break down.
If there are anything resembling SJWs in the decision making process then yes, it's a bubble for sure. There isn't a single industry they gain the reins of that doesn't end up being one.
Netflix is not but streaming subscriptions by and large are. See Disney pulling out of Netflix for their own streaming service. Normal people aren't going to want to maintain multiple subscriptions per month.
netflix IS streaming you mongo. illegal streams are free but also pretty shitty for average users. unreliable as fuck, shitty quality, annoying ads. most people wouldn't bother with this if they knew how.
P/E is not a viable metric for stocks like nflx
Just watching an "illegal" full HD stream, no ads because a good adblocker and finding them isn't really an issue. Only elders and tech illiterates use legal streaming. And yes, it is a big market but not one with infinite grow. And the more hooked plebs become the more they will come in contact with "illegal" streams. That shit is not even an S curve, it will collapse at some point in the future.
not if they keep pissing away money on shitty series like STD its not.
It really contradicts netflix appeal of bringing new content not recycling hot garbage like STD.
It's not a stock you're going to want to hold for 20 years but it's still a good stock to hold and dump a few years from now.
Reminder that literally 60 year old retired schoolteachers are using Quasar with full Trakt and library integration to stream torrents by voice command and you're sitting there with your quaint little Netflix subscription thinking to yourself "it's OK that they keep cutting back the library over and over again and adding fewer and shittier things as time goes on, because this is the moral choice, I'm supporting the artist with a tiny, tiny fraction of the 10 dollars I pay per month"
Reminder I use all the cool leet streaming and torretn shit but I also still have a Netflix subscription that I've had since 2005. I don't give a shit about $10 a month and sometimes, very rarely, I like to watch stuff on my phone. Frankly I hardly even use Netflix but I keep it anyway.
>finding them isn't really an issue.
What do you google for a quality stream?
You can get Kodi on your phone man
Yeah my buddy got me some other streaming app for my phone with new movies and shit but I'll use Netflix out of convenience some times anyway.
Yes, coming to Sup Forums for stock picking. An excellent idea.
Still better than /biz/
it's shit like this that amazes me. I can find websites with 1080p streams, no ads, good buffers and toggleable subtitles easily through google, yet for some reason it seems like most people can't. I suppose that's a good thing though since it means the websites I watch on probably won't be shutdown anytime soon.
Lmao. Can’t wait to watch the crash.
>I suppose that's a good thing though since it means the websites I watch on probably won't be shutdown anytime soon.
It also means the content will still be created because people pay through it indirectly through using Netflix, you fucking parasitic pirate.
Just kidding. I wouldn't use Netflix either if my parents didn't subscribe, but I have to say that it's pretty convenient.
If interest rates go up in any meaningful way and/or if the country slips into a recession at all, people who are buying companies like Netflix, Nvidia, and Tesla at these levels are in for some bad fucking times. U.S. markets are so unbelievably fucked and everyone knows it, but there are almost no decent alternatives without going into more complicated instruments or shopping off shore. The bust is going to be surreal this time around.
not really a bust, just more a leaky bubble. It's not like everyone is buying crap they can't afford and leveraging themselves to the hilt
Oh sweetie, Amazon is the most impressive company in the world at this moment. They're not going anymore
Tesla will level out in like 5 years once other car makers catch up and compete for the electric auto market
I think amazon will stay relatively ok but man tesla and netflix are going to be worthless
Everything is a bubble
It's not like people are going to suddenly reevaluate Netflix. It doesn't have a ton of speculative value to it, it already has 104 million paying subscribers and has kept pretty steady linear growth. Obviously it will slow at some point but it hasn't yet.