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That's how Zeb would look like in the movies?
And yet he's probably still someone's fetish.

Daily reminder that the Prequels are just bad movies

Oh will you fuck off you miserable shit. Stop trying to start arguments.

Daily reminder there's nothing bad about the prequels that isn't also prevalent in the original trilogy.

>yfw Disney buys the rights to Star Trek.
>yfw they make a one-off but still canon story
>yfw it's about a Federation Starship getting sucked through a wormhole and spat out in uncharted territory.
>yfw their warp drive is fucked an they have to land on the nearest planet.
>yfw they colonize the planet and call it Coruscant.

Daily reminder that TFA is quite possibly the worst Star Wars movie in existence.

Found this ship when I was digging through some old toys for my nephew. What is it? Something from the EU?

Why is the empire the most iconic thing about SW?


Don't recognize it at all. Are you sure it's Star Wars?

Its a decent movie when it tries to tell its own story

Unfortunately thats 5% of the movie

I think so, it was in with all my old starwars ship minis. There were some other EU ships in there, like that cone shaped one that blows up suns

Will best boy ever return

Is there a copyright stamp on the underside anywhere?

literally me in the middle of watching TFA for the first time

That's how Chewie was originally supposed to look.

That's also what Lasats are modeled after


because it's 'super cool and dark vader has a nice voice xdd'
'lol i love clones'

It never looks this bad though
I mean look at the "door" they're walking towards

And the dialogue was better than "I don't like sand" or "So love has made you blind?"

And there was a plot that didn't get so tangled up that it gives up on itself mid movie

Hey here's the thread.

Right so everyone is liking RO for the most part and everything is fine with lots of fan service and new characters and all that. But I have this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I haven't been able to shake for years. Every time a new installment of a popular series gets released I wonder if its the start of something potentially bad. Like is this the Mass Effect 2 of the series? Everyone loved that game when it came out but when Mass Effect 3 came out people realized that ME2 was the game which started the major change of writers at the studio. Everything bad that was to come in ME3 was hinted at within the good of ME2. The founder of Bioware later apologized and said they spent too much time listening to the wrong fans on the forums and lost track of the original vision of the series. This has happened countless times in other games and I just chose that one because its another sci-fi series so people in the thread might understand where I'm coming from.

So for RO do you think they'll see the strong positive response of their references and fan service and double down on it for each new movie until it becomes the most obnoxious wankfest? Will it become something like the quipfest of Marvel movies? Maybe I'm just being a negative Nancy, I hate seeing things I like get worn down. Every time I see something from ME1 I have this pang of nostalgia mixed with disappointed annoyance. I don't want it to happen again

I couldn't find one. But the patterning, build and paint are consistent with other starwars minis.

Does Rogue One have Bothans?
I don't Sup Forums, sorry.

They stole the Death Star II plans.

I'd rather have a new bottle of piss than the same piece of shit.

Then why do people like Jedi when it's also just a rehash of ANH?

looks Vong

yes. R.I.P Mr. Bothans

Except when it isn't. It includes some of the same locations but the plot is completely different. TFA has 'new' locations but the exact same plot as ANH.

It gives up on its self in the first 15 minutes when it decides its just gonna be anh

Also every set peice looks boring as shit

>the plot is completely different

>there's a Death Star
>we need to blow it up before it blows us up


But user me1 was shit.

muh practicool effects

I have no problem with this

It's better to risk and fail than play it safe with CGI

What's wrong with the bird again?

I consider boring ass set pevies tonbe more "playing it safe"

I'll openly admit I both love ME1 and hate the gameplay. It was mostly the very logical and thought out universe that interested me. But by the time ME3 came out every single cool thing in ME1 was completely and utterly dropped in favor of 'epic moments' and individual character development. The game was called "Mass Effect" for a reason.

>And there was a plot that didn't get so tangled up that it gives up on itself mid movie
It kind of does, it drops the search for Skywalker plotline a little over halfway in to deal with Starkiller Base, with almost everyone completely forgetting this was the original plot (even Kylo stops caring about the original reason he took Rey when she resists him and he and Snoke instead focus on that and forget the entire reason he was trying to get into her mind in the first place) and then having it wrapped up in the most rushed, convenient way possible when the movie finally remembers what it was originally supposed to be about.

>Using CGI in a movie where the "fan"base has a vitriolic hateboner for CGI would be playing it safe

You were on to something
Apparently it's a ssi-ruuvi ship from the yuuzang vong war. How the fuck did I wind up with a toy like that?

Difference is that Bioware is cancer, and the mouse is different. The mouse pursues only money, and tend not to over-compensate.

At least it does remember to wrap it up

AotC never concludes the "Who is Sifo Dyas" plot that is the basis for Obi-Wan's story line

A better question is why did they make a toy of that in the first place? It seems pretty obscure.

The EU was a moichandizing machine

The mystery was never who was Sifo-Dyas, though. He already knew who he was. The question was who was really behind ordering the clones- the movies never get into the details the way Labyrinth of Evil and TCW did, but the answer was still clearly Sidious.

Wait at this angle I recognize it let me find the book for it so I can get the actual name...

According to the old Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels its a "Ssi-ruuvi Shree-class Battle Cruiser."

>clearly Sidious.
Yeah, especially since it was originally "Sido-Dyas"

But George threw it out the window for a "Oooo that sounds mysterious"

Is this actually a twist or have I just been that inattentive?

Weren't Vong supposed to be threatening? I never read anything about those guys but this just looks like a flying head.

Imagine if George went through with naming him Sido-Dyas. What a coincidence that would be, his name ends up getting used by a Sith Lord named Sidious.

I don't think it will, SW fans are pretty obnoxious and vocal, RO was a success but it didn't come out unscathed

Thinking about buying Battlefront now that the Ultimate edition is out, any of you guys have it? How's the content now? I know they've added a ton.

You've been inattentive. ROTJ tells us the Bothans were the ones who gave the rebels intel on the DS2.

>but the answer was still clearly Sidious.

But TCW pretty much said that Dyas actually did place the order. He was just killed shortly afterward and everything else was handled by Dooku under his Sith name.

Back when it was Sido-Dyas, he wasn't a real Jedi- it was an alias, and Mace and Yoda confirm to Obi-Wan that there was never any Jedi by that name.

That was the point though
It was suppose to be a dumb "pseudonym"
But then George made a typo and went "Hmmm... Sifo-Dyas does sound better. I'll make him a whole new character!"
And then didn't change any other part of the script

I feel the prequels are not good movies but at least they tried to do something different. It's clear Lucas felt he had something to say in those movies. If Lucas had written the story outline and passed it on to a different screenwriter (as he did with Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back) I think they would have turned out very good. TFA however is derivative at its core. It has nothing new to add and no reason to exist, except to cash in on nostalgia. Sad.

Yeah, but Sidious was still behind the plot. Whether or not Sifo-Dyas ever actually placed the order isn't as important as the fact that Sidious co-opted it and it's part of his plan.

How did TCW deal with Mace saying "There has never been a Jedi of that name"?

the Ssi-ruuvi showed up a long time before the vong books. Like in the Young Jedi books and other places.

I remember one of them having a profile in my old character guide.

I had that too. I think it came in a pack with the Sun Crusher, a Luxury Yacht 3000 and that triangular carrier they canonized in Rebels. I had toys of the others from the same line, at any rate.

Then why bother with creating the "Sifo-Dyas" character?
Why not just have Sheev do it?

It's not a Vong ship.


Oh, and a Skipray.

He never said that in the movie, just the earlier version of the script. In the movie they confirm Sifo-Dyas was real and that he'd been dead for years.

The consens seems to be to wait for Dicefront 2 given that this one is kinda meh. I wonder if they finally added more modes for the bots though, at least on PC it seems to have a really low playercount.

The prequels did a lot of worldbuilding from what I remember, which is something absent from TFA. Which is what I feel SW was always kind of about for me.

Perhaps that's why Rogue One was alright with me, because it presented a lived-in world again with some cities and stuff that didn't feel like sets.

Well that and TFA felt like it just tried to one-up the OT again. Still no clue why they had to give them a super Death Star instead of just an Eclipse or something if they really needed a planetkiller for what little was left of the Empire. Or why it had to be remnants of the Empire at all.

It was part of the book collections. One had Ackbar and his B-Wing along Clone Luuke and Booath

Oh I guess you're right.

I was using this script as a basis

The new maps and game modes are fun
There's a ton of old EU weapons they added (A few from Dark Forces)
The new Heroes/Villains really makes the HvV mode fun AF

Personally, it's a fun game and captures what I like about Star Wars shooters.

Probably as a way to better cover his tracks- if Sheev is using the name of a real Jedi it throws the Jedi off, since now they're looking in the wrong direction because they're focusing on this Sifo-Dyas guy. The fact that it was a real Jedi raises a ton of questions for them in a way that a simple false alias wouldn't.

So this is what Kallus sees in his dreams every night.

Dear god, that man is damaged.

Rank the canon Darth names

Its reason to exist is to explain what happens after Vader and Palps falls just like the PT was to explain what happened before. You haven't even seen the next two movies, which coincidentally ARE passing it on to someone else, to see what direction it takes the series. Luke's in exile, Han is dead, his son is unstable and trying to become Sith, there's a crazy fucked up looking alien pulling strings behind the scenes, one of our main characters is a defected Stormtrooper, the villains are an off-shoot sect that worshipped the Empire. It's doing plenty new but it also had the job of setting up the new trilogy.

Your complaints are literally copy pasted from every armchair intellectual criticism of this movie. I'm surprised you didn't throw in there that Rey is a mary sue to really bring it home.

TFA isn't the greatest Star Wars ever but people need to get over themselves and stop trying so hard to be counterculture. Star Wars isn't meant to be high art.

It's okay, he also sees Ezra

Odd way to spell Attack of the Clones.

>How did TCW deal with Mace saying "There has never been a Jedi of that name"?

They didn't because no such line exists in canon. Even in AoTC, Kenobi acknowledges that Dyas existed because he knew of Dyas's disappearance. There's an entire arc in TCW that goes into re-opening the Jedi's investigation of Dyas' fate. We even see the fucker's face.

That's the in-universe answer
But I'm talking about for a outside storytelling one

They're all edgy/10

Too bad people hate on Legacy because of Cade. He had a potential, but was just too edgy

Do we know BF2 is coming this year for sure? I thought BF1 still had DLC coming. And any idea what the playerbase is like on PS4? That's probably what I'd end up getting it for.

I played the beta and it felt nothing like Battlefront but felt so fucking cool being a Star Wars fan.

Tell me /swco/

Who is your all time favorite character in star wars?

and why isnt it Jango Fett

There is a counter on a website, just look for BF2 playercount. PS4 is the livliest of them all IIRC.

I'm such a pleb, but I can't deny it.

I'm a retard, obviously you look for Battlefront.


That said I found it.

It works out of universe, too- it makes it more believable that the Sith would try to cover their tracks with a false lead. The story has Obi-Wan discovering a lot of false leads that don't quite come together for him, though we as an audience do learn most of the truth. The only really important part of the investigation plot is that it's ultimately a giant Sith plot, Dooku and Sidious are working together, and the characters in the story are fooled.

I'm not saying it has to be "high art" and there's nothing "intellectual" or "counterculture" about the criticism I made. Everything new you talked about could have been established without also imitating A New Hope as much as they did.

Luke, his development from farm boy to Jedi Knight is the best thing in SW for me

This nigga is the series mascot for a reason

My cute husbando of course

I've been a Fett fag all my life, doubt I'll ever stop

>and why isnt it Jango Fett

Actually, it is Jango.

Not even shitposting. Jango actually is my favorite.

I play on PS4 and can find full servers of any game mode every night of the week.
All the DLC packs for BF1 came out already, with the Rogue One Scarif pack being the last one.
But they could pull the same thing that DICE did with BF4 and continue to support the community with free update packs (DICE released 3 more DLC packs. 2 new maps, 1 redesigned map and a few more weapons)

bug is for fug

I... I mean the DS2 bit.
This whole time I thought they were nicking the plans for the original from A New Hope, which IIRC is the heist the Bothans played into.
I've had no interest in seeing this movie if you can't tell, I just really liked Battlefront

I liked Poggle before but it's kind of amazing what one ruse cruise did for his popularity around here

If old man Fett came back tp get revenge on stealing his quarry. I would be okay with that.

>PC: 7,857
That's much more than I expected.

It helps that it was hilariously spiteful. He wasn't even just tricking Krennic, he flat-out trolled him.