He's literally raping her


>My sides when

Polls don't matter yet.

Looking forward to 8 years of Hillary.

this poll is trump leaning

Polls are all jew

graph looks like Hillaries EKG


They'll never matter. The only polls that matter are the Election Day results.

>"Haha, Drumpf btfo! Look at the polls, he's losing!"
>Trump starts winning
>"p-polls d-don't matter y-yet"

One poll

Romney went neck in neck and still lost by 5 million

true but they're fun when we're winning

He only won that poll because Sup Forums and reddit brigaded it. In reality Trump is losing by close to 10 pts.

How in the fuck did Sup Forums and reddit brigade a random phone poll?

Between the meme kids online, the shy trumpers in real life, and the united media narrative against him I don't what the fuck is going on anymore

Most Hillary supporters are:

1. working
2. have a fucking life

Of course no one is going to sit there waiting for a call so they can endorse Trump.


they don't just call home phones though, they call cellphones too.

So that's bullshit.


>Anal sex

Disgusting. May as well fuck a man

>Trump is equal to Romney and Clinton is equal to Obama.
Just fuck off you stupid fucking shill

How comes none of the previous polls were affected by this?