Rick And Morty Fans Bring Sauce Back Through Sheer Autism

So this...is the power of Rick And Morty...

This was either a horribly handled promotion that they're making up for in earnest or one of the greatest corporate trolls in decades.

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Imagine all the nerds who commit suicide since they paid 500 dollars on eBay today for the sauce

It was obvious that this was the plan.

haha btfo fuckin nerds haha

I figured it would be, but the whole "25 packets" bullshit gives me pause. They know how popular R&M is and how autistic the fans are. Why would they stir up SO MUCH of a shitfit for a one-day promotion that they knew they couldn't meet demand for?

I dont think buying into pop culture consumerism and product placement schemes makes you autistic, it makes you a rube

Man if this was the plan then Mcs are truly as evil as they say. If not they are fucking special ed.

Rick and Morty fans managed to harass a company into accepting more of their money. Incredible.

uh looks like I have to take another trip to Urban Dictionary!

Why do they treat their customers like children?

Someone that autistic probably wouldn't even care.

>- Your friends at McDonald's

Anyone else want to burn places to the ground when we're supposed to be familial with a fucking corporation?

This fawning over some old slop sauce for the bone and cartilage pink sludge to be dipped in is fucking retarded.

$16,000 for a gallon jug used to fill packs at the factory

>Someone spent $200 on a pack of sauce that you can have all winter

Absolute lel

How autistic do you have to be to think this way?

>They know how popular R&M is and how autistic the fans are. Why would they stir up SO MUCH of a shitfit for a one-day promotion that they knew they couldn't meet demand for?

It's almost like artificial scarcity increases the perceived value of the item and lets you turn the one day promotion into a months long anticipatory ongoing news story AKA free million dollar ad campaign.


them stiffs just saved this weak as movement!!!

Well to be fair...

But user, we must worship the Job Creators otherwise we're Not Making America Great

McD's always wins baybee

>Rick and Morty
>Red pill MRAs

What in the goddamned fuck? It's just more liberal garbage. How is it any different that the other tens of thousands of shows?

>This was either a horribly handled promotion that they're making up for in earnest or one of the greatest corporate trolls in decades.
It's McDonald's making money off one of the easiest demographics: manchildren. They used Economics 101 to trick people who claim to have a IQ of 130+ and to hate corporate greed into giving money to corporate greed.

uh no. Team /BK/. Fresh never frozen beef, dude.

What has this show done to people?

Now people feel superior because they don't have a superiority complex?

Who wants to see a video of people eating the sauce? I sure do.


t. plebs

Artificial scarcity, they did it on purpose

this is a worldwide corporation that can ship frozen shitty beef patties to any restaurant on any shitty corner of the earth

every shitty tiny town in the USA has at least one mcdonalds somehow, even the ones you pass at 2am while driving on a road trip and you're like "how the fuck does this tiny town have a mcdonalds"

this is a company that handles short-term product launches a dozen times a year, with different seasonal pies, mc rib, different shake flavors, etc

they 100% had the capability to meet demand

they didn't on purpose to drum up demand for the inevitable actual short-term run of the sauce

Nigga that's Wendy's claim to fame.

BK's burgers taste a fuckton better though.

This is the dumbest timeline

And you know what?

It works.

>people honestly don't see the 4-d marketing at work
Well played McDonalds. Milk those idiots for all they are worth.

Fuck the mcmeme sauce and redditmorty

Scarcity is the cornerstone of our modern day economy. Hence why they destroy diamonds to increase rarity and price.

Lol nihilist big brain rick and morty fans literally do the heavy lifting for mccorporate's new mcrib promotion.


>countless threads about this
>every thread is scoffing in disdain at this autism

Meanwhile 4chin has been responsible and holds the record for countless consolidations of its collective autism to raid children's video games, raid suicidal rostie tweet pages with shitposts, as well as sperg when its mascot frog becomes mainstream and so forth...

What I'm getting at here kiddo is...the allocation of both your time and autism is equal. It just happens one side is blindly driven by popculture bandwaggon and the other by self loath (debatably remedied by self-therapeutic ironic humor).

If you unironically think you have a moral high-ground and are doing anything other than for 'teh lulz', than my sweet summer child, lurk moar and maybe...just maybe kys or volunteer at a soup kitchen.

t. self righteous roody-poo

The reason they "destroy" those diamonds is because they're of such shit quality that a synthetic gem would be worth more

>'we got a meme sauce in a restaurant by being quirky :>]'
>Sup Forums: ' we trolled the outcome of the presidential election of the most powerful nation on earth '

Literally 0.2% of these crumb bums have ever tasted the sauce and less than that even cared about it until Harmon went "LOL MULAN SAUCE"

>Marketing opportunity done right

this. I feel like a fucking slave to this sauce, im so curious about what it tastes like.

>fucking around on the internet vs making a fool of yourself in real life


>Creating this much fucking overblown hype out of a fucking condiment
Id understand if it was an actual food item like the McLobster but this stupid. It's like the NES classic on roids

>making a fool of yourself in real life
You mean like existing for the average Sup Forums lurker?

I hope it tastes completely different to what it did in 1998 and then all the kids will be memeing how much better it is

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

I think this is kinda cute and I wish I was younger to enjoy the craze.

>corporations are inherently evil

I laugh at everyone who believes this.

And Harmon comes and says how shit this new sauce is.

that would be fucking shittty fuck godddd well at least not as bad as Half LIfe3 never coming out shit



It's the newest strategy post "artisinal"

Hey u I'm ur friend open your wallet !


Here's the original statement submitted to the editors:

To the fucking mouth-breathing faggots who fumigated our stores with their B.O.,

We were truly amazed by how many of you autistic retards showed up for some shitty soy and wheat-based dipping sauce for our McNuggets™. What the fuck is wrong with you freaks? Why can't you just buy food in our restaurants and not embarrass everyone involved when you don't get your LIMITED edition sauce? We already made boatloads of this shit and now that you faggots are psyched up and butthurt about not getting to eat our trash, we're going to bring it back in a month or two. But please, don't wear the gay fucking costumes. Please.

-Your business-minded friend, Ronald McDonald

based Ronald Mcuckold

>bring back sauce but only distribute small amount of it
>require people to buy nuggets so they can get the sauce
>the people who didn't get sauce probably bought something else to eat just because they were there anyway
>bring back sauce permanently at a later date after artificially creating a demand
How do people still fall for this shit? You would think after the New Coke fiasco 30 years ago people would realize how these corporations market and operate.

Based clown man

>hitting on 17 y/o is creepy
Whats it like in burgerland, the land of the free? Its called laying pipe. not all chicks are concede bitches, some are sluts and want that older D.

Nintendo just did it with Classic NES and SNES

Ooowee, what did you do this Saturday? Hope you didn't stand around in a McDonalds all day because of a cartoon and waste your life

McSpanky's would've never stooped this low.

got dam, no sauce
been waiting in line for many many hooourrrs

Why are you still trying to push this stillborn meme, man?

Nope' no sireeee i was getting my GEEEEED

Just pure cancer...all over

Not your SN EE D?


G-guys? What if this is the beginning of adult happy meals? You know they've been wanting the "cool" youth crowd. They've spent a lot of time on the black demo and this could be McDonald's in to the 13-25 year old group. Adult happy meals (give them a tongue in cheek name like munchie box or something). Have more adult themes around comic book movies, adult cartoons, etc. The first will be a Rick and Morty Theme. Comes with the sauce. Comes with stickers and a desk toy too. Sell them for $5 each. Then they move onto to other things. In 10 years it's pretty common for teens and young adults to eat happy meals.


>being a retard
what next you gonna claim monopolies only exist under governments

>the fans did anything
This was a planned promotional campaign from start to finish. The endgame was not to add another sauce packet to the choice of options. It was to generate a news buzz and consumer hysteria focused on McDonald's.

Fuck you cunt

god damnit time to drive to my local mcdonalds® and buy a cheeseburger. yeah, im fricken lovin' it alright

yes, the sauce

Imagine getting so hyped over a stupid joke on a silly cartoon that you make such a fool out of yourself, and actually establish violent protests because you didn't get your meme sauce you had never even heard of 6 months ago.

>How do you do fellow kids?!

I think the big thing is that people dont know what the word corporation actually means

If this is real and i hope it is that means

I heard about it back in 98' I just never remember caring.

Our population is heavily treated towards favor ability of marketing. A show that only averages 3 million live viewers managed to flood hundreds of mcdonalds across the country to make a limited sauce run a news event. That's funny.


>13 watching

Literally having to talk to adults like they're five years old. "Sorry you're not happy! There was a mixup on the space station and our space ship couldn't get here on time!" The only thing missing is that patronizing voice you use to talk to kids.


I bet the google analytics show absolute butkiss on searches for this sauce prior to April 1st, as far back as Google has existed

*tips fedora*

You've truly called out the sheep my intellectual friend!

What are some movies about hoarding treasure?

But OP it's not about the sauce, it's about what the sauce REPRESENTS

The real fucking kicker is that the people who pretend to be above marketing fell for this shit the hardest. Absolute pseud monkeys

>not everyone is insane, just the people who acted insane
he needs to go back himself


>"smart" show that modern intellectuals and geeks have latched onto
>running out to buy sauce because a cartoon told them to
Is this the Jews plan? Was humanity doomed to this fate regardless?

Plebbitors are crazy.

Only proves Rick and Morty fans are a bunch of children that were born too late to experience Szechuan sauce back in 1998.

>a guy who was at OWS is literally being a SLAVE to corporate marketing
I totally didn't see that coming.

Fucking creep

>Literally having to talk to adults like they're five years old. "Sorry you're not happy! There was a mixup on the space station and our space ship couldn't get here on time!" The only thing missing is that patronizing voice you use to talk to kids.

Yep, this is why I'm going evola

The sauce truly is magical

You literally couldn't make this shit up. You could stick a billion shakespeares in a room with a typewriter and they would never be able to make this shit up.
THIS is the state of people. THIS.

look at this chad over here. He fucked sauce packets you wouldn't believe. A real human bean, and a true hero.

t. taco bell employee