Are there any good films about portals?

Are there any good films about portals?

Other urls found in this thread:

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty


>Rick and Morty


Rick and Morty: Portal to the Czech Sauce

Just imagine if the stand the box was on was small enough to fit through the portal. it would emerge from the other gate at a speed equal to the sped the portal is dropping.

Congrats, you're the first idiot.

being john malkovich


Can't tell if this is serious or not.

i don't know if this is correct. it's written in a condescending manner, that I feel like it's mocking the reader for some reason and that i shouldn't take it seriously

It's not correct

>Since the cube has mass AND velocity
It doesn't have velocity


box emerges very quickly from blue and goes flying

The question is invalid since portals cannot be on moving surfaces. I assume they designed the game that way because of this physics issue.


any good money kino

the portal has velocity and transfers it to the box

why though

explain like i was too busy selling weed and my parents bought my diploma on graduation day

in real life portals can be on moving surfaces.

A, obviously
The cube itself does not have any momentum

>applied physics degree
>don't know the answer


Well you can't actually answer it, unless you know that the portal affects the Newtonian laws of physics or not.


Dude consider the portal just a hole. It's A.


B is right when you consider profit margins

Yes though

>10.2 cm
Soooo, A is the correct answer

Assuming no gravity it's just stay there

>literally making threads about 9gag content
get the FUCK out

Why are people forgetting that portals in the game (excluding a few sequences with scripted events) ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON MOVING SURFACES

essentially the reverse effect of an atomic bomb, likely with the same outcome.

it's a Sup Forums meme newfag

except half a hole is never moving while the other half isn't


All portals are always moving because the earth spins.


Anyone else could have bought that $70 worth of shit with a $100 bill, it being the same $100 bill doesn't matter

All that matters is at some point someone swiped $100 from him


>because the earth spins
prove it

does it not spin for you? following the sun and the stars at night are the only constant I have in my life.

i'm really curious, do you really have no frame a reference that you would doubt the earth is spinning? what does *real* mean to you? are you jim carrey? can i see your cock?

Short version:
The question boils down to whether or not the force of the orange portal is transferred onto the cube when it hits the platform. A suggests it doesn't, B suggests it does.

if the earth doesn't spin, that means that both the moon and the sun spin around it instead. that's twice as many spinning objects to be explained. occam's razor thus says that the earth spins.

The platforms would probably both stop when they touch the cube.

This And Stargate.

this makes no sense to me.

what is the sun doing


Moving relative to what?
Also there are moving portals in the part where you have to cut the neurotoxin tubes.

> says A is wrong
> proves by math how A is right
is a art

C is the only correct answer and you're an idiot if you think anything else.

It stays in the middle and the portals can't touch one another. Each "alternate" cube is pushing on its neighbors, keeping the cube in place.

Shut the fuck up sage

People trying to apply logic to fictional physics....

The entire frame of reference is moving though, not just a hole. It's an entire world coming at you at a certain speed, so if you're stationary relative to that speed, when you're on the other sidde you'll be moving.

Why not just show the cube doing it?

>Owner has $100 + $70 item = $170
>Lady has $0

>Owner loses $100 -> $170 - $100 = $70
>Lady gets $100 -> $0 + $100 = $100

>Owner sells $70 dollar item for $70 - > $70 - $70 +$70 = $70
>Lady buys $70 dollar item for $70 -> $100 + $70 - $70 = $100

Owner lost $100, C


how does the cube "hold on" to the portal?

that's not how the mechanics of the game worked


related captcha: straight CAMUS

The game doesn't have any portions where an object goes through a moving portal relative to a stationary one. It's ambiguous. That's why it makes a good shitpost

In the game, portals would disappear if the surface they were on moved. The question is null

that's the fakest img i've ever seen

This video was taken by Hubble, dude.

A, the "space" behind the orange portal isn't given velocity just because it's on a piston

wats wrng w/ it?

it was taken by cassini, dumbfuck

This video was taken by MIR, faggot

A obviously. Pretend it was simply an open window in place of the portal.

It was taken by Fox News

He gives her the change for her giving him more money than necessary, which makes it neutral

neither a or b as the object needs to be moving, not the portal.

retart take a science class

$130 cash
$70 produce.

200 dollars then? That's a lot of cheddar

he lost 130 in cash, the produce is not bought at the same amount sold,because then there would no profit so the lose is greater than 130 but less than 200

Glad to know I'm too retarded to work this out myself

i took this video

its A right?

the cube is at rest. the portal just teleports it to a different location. the portal doesnt apply any forces to the cube. so the cube remains at rest

that doesn't sound right
respectfully, do you have downs?

No he's the first Rick and Morty fan tos ee it

It's a

The relative velocity of the cube never changes, the portal vector does

>Reverse effect of an atomic bomb
Literally what

Either the box is crushed or the platforms halt, that's it

The middle state cannot exist if there was a cube there. They would jam with the cube at the center and the cube left face against the cube right-face.

So each opposite side of the cube would implode into itself?

it's really interesting, filmmakers pushed to the limits every sci-fi concept like time travel and cloning, but not portals. I think there are some wild interesting shit you can do with portals

Youre all a bunch of fucking idiots. Let the reference frame of the stationary platform be called S and moving portal be called S'. Because S' and S have relative volocity (we have ignore relativistic effects here), the cube (stationary in S) has relative velocity in S'. By Newtons Second Law: F=mdp/dt=mdv/dt; where F, p, and v are force, momentum, velocity. So, the motion of the cube is determined by the sum of forces or it, and the only real force on it is from the earth's gravity. Solving this differential equation will lead you to believe B is correct. HINT--THAT'S EXACTLT QHAT THE SOURCE ENGINE DOES.

Goddamn it, I meant to say F=dp/dt.

You might be retarded

and here i thought this was copypasta from some old Sup Forums thread

look at my man

newtons first law. the cube is at rest and the portal doesnt apply any forces on it, so it remains at rest

Finally, someone with common sense. Or is it uncommon sense these days...


What are some good films about difficult conceptual questions?