Movies you like more than anyone else


Other urls found in this thread:

Shattered Glass


Is dis good?

It's very good and never gets talked about. A lot of good performances.

The entire Saw franchise

I will defend to the death that it's kino and the gore actually takes away from it

when the fuck did this happen in the movie?

The Delicate Art of Parking

I bet none of you fr*cks have even seen it

Power Rangers 2017
The Great Gatsby 2013

Hated this

At the end with the halloween stuff

Seems funny


hey! thats me!

Hitchcock (2012)

i dunno bruh i love the guest and i've probably watched it more times than you desu

Chris Cooper is sooo good


Abel Ferrera would have had to be french or something to get the respect he deserves


Comfiest movie in years


is this the most american movie of all time?

Oh look! A deli meat


I honestly thing that the director of The Guest was one of the reasons why People watched the Death Note US movie rather than the license.


Sicario. Nobody likes Sicario more than me my 27th birthday is going to be Sicario themed my mom already bought me the cake

I forgot I wanted to watch this, thanks user


My dad loves this movie and I don't know why.


I actually like this more than you, sorry user

Nice try but you're no match for my aikido technique



This post is a gem

I just love how absolutely preposterous and cheesy and optimistic the story is. There's no way such a movie would get made today.

Tfw bought this from Blockbusters after my old friend recommended it. Bretty gud

Congratulations Mr. Sims, you are the fattest boy in camp.


Pure Mindgame Kino

This. K-Pax is one of my favorites for this reason


This was like two hours of Clive in a raincoat underacting. And an awkward Malcolm McDowell gay rape scene he probably shouldn't have agreed to.

Yes. Check out pic


For me it's Jennifer's Body
Underrated camp

>Jennifer's Body
could have been a classic if they had pushed it a little farther. It's really tame for an R rated movie.

I started to watch Croupier, but I had to do something and never came back to it. I remember being on a business trip in Pittsburgh and Jennifer's Body was on HBO. It was the only time I watched it, but it wasn't too bad.

I couldn't stop Jennifer's Body once I started it, great movie imo. So good.

>when you love two movies independently of each other and find out the same guy directed them

literally started downloading this 10 minutes ago

Am i the only one who liked it?

I like it more than you, actually.

I don't care if it's historically accurate or not. It's like an inverted '12 Angry Men', and brilliantly shot entirely at seated eye level.

I don't remember a single thing about it except for this scene

Most of the people I recommended this to didn't care for it. I watched it more for the dialog and Strong. Same with Revolver.

I thought the first Jack Reacher was highly underrated, especially the opening with the sniper W E W

What happened to Gerard Butler? He was like the next big guy after 300 and was in a ton of movies now he's barely in anything. He literally had one role in 2014 and that was a small voice acting part


Maybe he decide to quit. It happens.

He has a few things in pre and post-production. He slowed down, though.

Most underrated kino of this decade,

It has to wear a person down. It would be the constant flying all over the map that would do me in. I had to fly all over the U.S. one night and couldn't hear shit for the next 24 hours.

Has anyone seen Battle of the Sexes yet?

fuck you it was good

he's in... geostorm...

That Supa Hans guy has only had one memorable role, and it was Supa Hans


If the academy has any sort of respect for art and artists, mia should get an oscar in a couple years

yeah I realized that after I posted. Hardly a movie though. That seems to be the only thing he does now, shitty action disaster movies

dude I fucking love this movie. Like off?

Action kino.

I liked it.

His jacket makes me wanna take my pants off.

It's not possible that you like this film more than I do.


hate neveldine and taylor with their shaky blunt action scenes.
works in crank. doesnt work in anything else.

No one ever seems to have watched this movie. Like, ever. I love it so much, even with it's inconsistent plot.

Rare footage of an actual cuntpunt, and against Xena's Callisto
no less

i forgot this existed

Pic related is my fav nic cage movie

Easily my favorite comedy. I've watched it at least 50 times over the years

is this even real with that cast downloading now

How young are you?

You're in for a treat


Is Norm good in it?


old as fuck i don't know how i've never heard of it i thought half baked was the only early chappelle kino

no really, even before 4chins

scratched an itch I'd had for a dark fairy tale-ish movie. Even Hemsworth was good in this


All the subtlety of a brick

I really have no idea how often I've watched this.

my nigga

I fell out of my chair in the theater at one particular point in that movie. It's the only time I can remember being in physical pain from laughing.

Which part?
I always lose it at
>"JESUS CHRIST..... We kidnapped a terd!"

for why

He was just in a great movie called 'London Has Fallen'

The half of the movie with the wife being in the fucked up Sims/Second Life thing is absolutely goddamn amazing.

The rest of the movie is absolutely fucking abysmal, the WORST of the worst shaky cam 5billion cuts """""""""""""action""""""""""" sequences aside from maybe Quantum of Solace and Taken 3.

And in his next movie he's fighting the weather dominator from GI Joe

>you are now manually remembering Rick Rape

not enough people have watched this