When Kino comes calling


why does the sky looks like a gay flag?


>All In
Holy shit this is cringe. If you are excited about this and above the age of 12 you have problems.


>current year
Marketers please go. Don't forget to sage.

>t. Sup Forums gold user


>this kills the nu-male


>still liking capeshit
You're a complete pleb

If they'd stuck with the book version of It, "All In" could also have been the tagline for that.


Now I want to see the porn parody more.

>Batman holding a machine gun

Now that's the Batman I remember!

Not even 20 posts in and the marvelpajeets have already started their shilling invasion.


What will Sup Forums's reaction be when this gets panned?

You got a problem nu-male?
Guns bother you?


absolute kinoism

>I googled Batman holding a gun. I'm a real DC fan

>This WB installment will crash and burn
Said Sup Forums for the 4TH time this year

You lost the argument

>doesn't even remotely look that bad

So if Batman use guns in fake stories still canon, right?

not an argument

Jesus Christ that's terrible


Remove Whedon the Buffy molester

Bring back Zack, king of capekino.

It’s a canon, yes.

Pro tip: the batman in the dceu isn’t the same batman from your Morrison comics.



Jesus fuck, this makes me angry.

>Joss Whedon
is he really writing this? this is a meme right?

Don't let it make you angry. Laugh at it, because it proves literally everything about what gullible, manipulable sheep people really are. Snyder is proving to be the modern example of what the disumbrationist artist Pavel Jerdanowitch taught the world nearly a century ago.

If you're not familiar with the story, I encourage you to look it up, as I refuse to spoil it for you here, but basically Snyder's own life and career mirror the themes of many of his films. People only see what they want to see.

I want to track down these nu-males and bash their skulls in.

remove Whedon

remove nu-male Marvel director

remove Whedon

>Believes in family, truth and justice

*levels city*

*snaps neck*

>nu-male still doesn't understand why it's important to portray Clark sacrificing a part of himself to become Superman
If you're so much of a sheltered manchild to think that justice means dealing with black and whites, you're sorely mistaken. Clark makes a hard decision - that Zod cannot be saved but those humans can- and he takes that decision. He takes full responsibility for Zod's death but it's a price worth paying to protect mankind. At this moment, the boy becomes the man. He makes the sacrifice and he makes the decision that puts him past the point of no return.

>*levels city*
When Zack levels a city, he shows the disastrous consequences of it.

When Marvel levels all of New York, they downplay it for 10 movies and only bring it up again when they realize DC is making a film all about living with consequences. And even then they make it disingenous and fake with a casualty number that is so utterly implausible one might wonder who they thought they would fool.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Is this some meme I've missed out on?


>mfw messaged Charles pierce, cussed him out, then left a picture of Zacks storyboard of the exact scene he claimed was Whedons touch, then called him a faggot and exited

Feels good

There is hope.


Seriously, i just wanted you to know that you made someone happy with your outbust.

They are legally not allowed to change those names due to guild rules. They will call it a Zack Snyder film even if Whedon ends up reshooting everything. If they didn't they would face a lawsuit from breaking contract.

Fucking awesome.

Jon Berg and Geoff Johns are the real villains here.

Geoff Johns is. He's been doing nothing but shit all over Snyder behind his back to smug liberal journalists. He thinks he created gold with Wonder Woman not even realizing the film was going to get its dick sucked by the liberal press no matter how it ended up. Rumors say Joss Whedon was his idea.

You realize that works both ways, right? They could just as easily be waiving the requirements and giving Joss a writing cred out of simple appreciation and to acknowledge him stepping in due to Zack's family tragedy.

>Being such a brand loyal fuccboi that you're vision is being impaired

The things Johns added to the Wonder Woman script are very minimal. They don't go beyond the moments like the ice cream bit.

Literally fan faction tier

I always felt like BvS doubled as a meta story on the isolation Zack felt after his life's works were being destroyed by critics.

I thought so too. Also, his entire life is like a performance art interpretation of "The Fountainhead."