You laughed at this skit Sup Forums, I watched you do it

You laughed at this skit Sup Forums, I watched you do it.

Other urls found in this thread:

You tripped her

I was laughing at YOU


was it kino?

I can't find any version where Sam says "I tripped you." Why do you all keep saying it exists?

>exempts the fact that he was describing a self-defense situation
Typical jewish behavior

What's the fucking joke? that it gets so tense that Sam breaks character? Anti comedy is so fucking stupid, get a fucking life fucking comedy nerds.

The way he smacked her in the head with the glass when he tripped her made me laugh.

This is one of MDE's best sketches. Absurd and edgy is what they do best. Why does Sup Forums want to meme it in a poor light?

sauce it you faggot

the joke the joke is that Sam is a numale too spineless to defend his wife and Nick is a typical modern american psychopathic narcissist who thinks its justified to assault someone because they're taking away from time he gets to spend with his brother

I'd honestly like it more if he wasn't an idol for the alt-right

user...what's going on, big guy?

with my own two eyes

with my own feet

The joke is that these kinds of arguments normally happen about something very minor like forgetting to do something or spilling a drink, but here the woman got full-on glassed in the face

I watched you with my own 2 feet

Are people really still throwing this term around?

yeah, this was fucking genious
the sketch on the policeman on power trip was great too

you really want to go through the whole rigamaroo?

The alt-right isn't real. Reform your categories, society is more complicated than that.

They've been throwing the Nazi-word around for 70+ years.


>t. alt-right pussies trying (and failing) to fit in
It's hilarious how obvious you pieces of shit are.

Trying to fit in? This is our home.

Do you really wanna go through the rigamaroo

>this is what alt-right pussies actually believe
No, your home is
There's a reason why you're shouted down in virtually every thread you show your ugly faces. Admit the truth to yourself for once. You're hated by all, and you deserve to be. wife's laying there bloodied and bashed...

wtf im a snowflake now
oh how the tables have turned

You were always snowflakes, you just lack the self-awareness to realise it.



Just realised that the full line is "Nick, we're talking about my wife here for Christ's sake, you just tripped her, I watched you do it with my own two feet"

That show was art. Why did it had to be canceled?


triggered, snowflake?

Triggered xD

chapo is also cancer however


>being triggered that you're a leftist from re_ddit

yes actually, gtfo


>>t. alt-right pussies trying (and failing) to fit in
Yes because you DEFINITELY belong here and are not cringy and awkward every time you post this image.

>There's a reason why you're shouted down in virtually every thread you show your ugly faces.
Why do you leftists get mocked in every thread?
Why are you so mad?
Just go back to redddit already.

Hey Nick

I don't think its working out

Anti anti SJWs and SJW enablers are fucking annoying shitting up every thread accusing everyone of being Sup Forums

Fuck off to reddit.

>reading threads

Hey, that's your problem

>t. alt-right pussies trying (and failing) to fit in

this is only sam was a black male then he would not worry

>Anti anti SJWs and SJW enablers are fucking annoying shitting up every thread accusing everyone of being Sup Forums

/r/ShitRedditSays needs to leave


>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
>Sup Forums has always been left wing

People that are butthurt over Sup Forums need to leave honestly.

Nobody ever brings up Sup Forums or the alt right yet you angrily spam your butthurt against them in every thread.

Now this mad me laugh, fuck the politics

>being this obsessed

Fuck off with your obnoxious american politics bullshit back to Sup Forums both leftists and rightist

Jews are a global problem.

Ah, the radical centrist. I was wondering when you would show up.


literally get paid to post here denigrating boogeymen about pol and ''''alt'''' right

God that was funny, love that episode, no idea who the other dude is and don't care

Who funds shareblue?

Is this the skit where he shoots all of those people from a hotel room in Vegas?

I can't believe he keeps getting away with it, you'd think they'd shut him down by now with all this offensive material.

No i am not american and I don't care about your shitty politics. You have a dedicated board just Fuck off for Christ's sake.


>Why does Sup Forums want to meme it in a poor light?
Who the fuck is doing that you retard? People are making these threads because they genuinely find the scenes funny.

That was actually pretty fucking hilarious. His delivery got me.

This skit was good but the show needed more funny stuff like this and Moms and less avant garde commentary. Poorly balanced in terms of entertainment value.

Stop replying, posting about the alt-right is the easiest, bottom of the barrel tier (you) generator.

You think that cuck actually gives a shit?

Even everything leading up to the tripping was funny. Them laughing like idiots while smashing their glasses together. Talking about plans (seemed adlibbed). Absurdism at its best.

Hey big guy

Shes educated

I really didn't, there's no joke

I enjoyed the office sketch and the one where the chad throws the football against the wall in the girl's bedroom

However most are just shitty student abstract short films with no punchline


Can he BE any more pathetic!?

>caring about what others think

check out the goyim everyone

doesnt even know what chutzpah means

>I must defend Sam HYde's honor

I guess you can be more pathetic.


warra fucking cuck

well people are still identifying as alt-right so yeah

>this image
>fitting in

Come on

I don't get it.

>t. brainlet

What is this haircut called? I wanna get it.

The Hurgen.

The beta cuck

The leak/preview was funnier than the show version

What did he mean by this?

>men yet again proving themselves well beneath the women they criticise

What am I supposed to be surprised by again?

kill yourself Sup Forumsscum

So Trump can just make up a term and you all start using it?


nah I think I'll stay here

kill yourself Sup Forumsscum



kill yourself Sup Forumsscum

>You cancelled my show Tim, I watched you do it

>I c-can't afford Health Insurance, Tim!

Sup Forums posters have no place on Sup Forums
This board is for everyone!

pic related, it's you

Is this this month's boogeyman? Have we moved on from CTR/shariablue/Soros shills?