When you think about it wubba lubba dub dub! is basically Bazinga!, but for smart people.
When you think about it wubba lubba dub dub! is basically Bazinga!, but for smart people
doesnt wubba dub dub mean like "im sad and i want to kill myself" in the show? why did it become a retarded catchphrase.
because people who enjoy rick and morty are sad and want to kill themselves
>you will never pay $10 to get your nuggies ordained by the sperg minister dipping it into meme sauce
if only they'd all act on their suicidal thoughts
>implying nihilism needs to be explained.
If you ever wanted proof of how retarded ram fans are, this is it.
The joke was he had a retarded catchphrase that was later revealed to mean "I'm sad"
Like most things rick and morty, it was an OK joke that idiots think is deep.
Idiots including the writers, it should be stressed. They're high on their own supply.