Is Rey a virgin?
Is Rey a virgin?
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>is this attractive adult female a virgin?
You'll hear a lot of nerds come in here and defend Rey's slutty past on Jakku. They'll tell you “she had to do it" for food, water. resources, protection...
The truth, and this will be revealed in the next two films, is that Rey NEEDS cock. All sorts of cock: Ithorian cock, human cock, Zabrak cock. droid cock. prehensile Hutt cock. cock of all kinds. Rey needs them in her pussy and in her pink little asshole because she's depraved.
In her training with Luke on the magical island, we're going to hear all about what she did on Jakku. Glory holes, aliens runnin‘ trains on her by midnight fireside. Jawas probing her ass with metal instruments, even luggabeasts bustin' fat gallon-sized nuts on her pert little body.
She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.
As a child she was left alone and defenseless on a world run by ruthlessly exploitative criminals. You tell me.
>is this child actor in hollywood a virgin
pussy=200 portions
I am stealing this pasta.
Probably not. Luke was definitely a virgin in the original trilogy tho
Every child with mental problems has been abused at some point in their lives.
don't forget to attach the picture as well
>thinking unkar plutt didn't pimp her out for years
how the fuck do you think she survived so long on her own user?
One look at her blackened ovaries would be enough to put any man off.
No. If you read the Episode 7 side comic she was raped as a tween by a pack of thugs and imprisoned with a wookie, who apparently taught her the language so she has a basic understanding of chewie
Why didn't Kylo just threaten her with rape? He is familiar with the dark side and it's canon that the Sith thrive off rage, suffering, and yes, lust. So why wouldn't he just outright rape her or use it as a bargaining chip? What the fuck was he trying to do by trying to mindtrick her like a jedi cuck? This is a guy who has no qualms with murdering his father in cold blood and genociding billions to get what he wants, but rape is suddenly off limits? Even Vader tortured Leia with that weird rape ball and killed her family in front of her just to prove a point. Had he not been confined to his suit, he probably would have certainly raped her himself. So why is edgy conflicted Kylo, in his sexual prime, not fucking that tight orphan jakku pussy? Explain this star wars cucks.
She was...once.
>Is Rey a virgin?
He is definitely a virgin. His companion is a rolling ball with no sex organs.
She's already been ravaged by space Weinsteins.
Because as an inexperienced Sith he was still conflicted about his emotions. He didn't just want to terrify and dominate her, he wanted her to want him. He planned to torment and mind probe her until her spirit broke and she accepted him willingly.
Plus he's a fucking virgin autist. He didn't know a high status male can just rape a woman repeatedly until she gives up and falls for him.
>with no sex organs
Just like Rey
rey has jawline and sex organs of a male
No, she lost it at a young age most likely and it holds a different meaning for her.
Mainly serves as a way to barter on occasion when the opportunity comes around, which isn't very often. She's not seen as attractive on that planet, she's an ugly girl there, another worker. Pretty much one of the guys. Other more desired species of female origin might see sex as something more, to her it's no big deal
Barren cunt
no, she's a woman, but she doesn't have sex organs because they're full of cysts and rotting
Are twi'leks the stacies of the SW universe?
She probably is but we know that Jyn Erso was not. She enjoyed dominating males.
No you fucking idiot
If only I was into Star Wars more, fortunately I'm just a casual.
If I wasn't my posts on this subject would be long reddit tier essays
But the answer was no
>Since female Twi'leks were regarded as graceful and beautiful beings, many of them were forced into a life of slavery at the hands of the galaxy's wealthy and powerful.
Wookiepedia says she had to resort to prostitution from time to time
Perhaps stacie is the word you're struggling with
If I got my star wars lore right twi'leks are naturaly subservient to a fault, this coupled with the famed beauty of their females makes them excelent slaves, as they don't have it in them to say no. So no, they aren't stacies, anyone could get with a twi'lek, just ask a bit forcefully and before you know it you got Aayla Secura herself slobbering all over your knob.
>anyone could get with a twi'lek
not a virgin like you
Well duh user, Twi'leks don't exist in this reality.
>implying she didnt give it up to this guy for a Quarter portion
>Several people, mostly human males, have tried to have their way with her over the years, but she fought them all off. Rey is a pure woman, that wont submit to anyone
-Kathleen Kennedy
>Is Rey a virgin?
Canonically she's traded sex to survive numerous times.
She probably sucks the best dick (alien or human) in the Star Wars Universe.
Depends on how young and naieve the twi'lek. He could probably get with a twi'lek teen by awkwardly faking it.
>dropped off on a planet full of hardened gangsters at the age of six
>fought them all off
I know she's a Mary Sue and everything, but my disbelief can only be suspended so far.
now that is some luscious /cos/
waist is clearly photoshopped as are her thighs.
goddamn, harvey weinsteins fucked everybody!