Is he the last funny comedian?
Is he the last funny comedian?
He's not funny or a comedian.
I mean this guy is a real jerk
the steven merchant episode was ok. funny actually. to bad it peaked, had potential.
but 9/11 was a national tragedy
he was. he hasnt been very funny the last few podcasts and if the guest is no good then I find it hard to finish them.
>funny comedian
Sill haven't gotten around to season 3, huh?
I'm convinced season 3 is meant to show tv producers that he can handle his own talk show without being too wacky and he can keep things on track. Also he's taking the adverts seriously and not fucking around there.
I wanted to buy the shit more when he was just fucking around
Then he's doing a poor job because the show is boring as shit and I can't imagine anyone liking this including normies.
In a few years he will have fallon's position
Why does he not care about comedians being political as long as their politics agree with his?
I like it
what? he has both far left wing and right wing comedians on the podcast all the time
least funny maybe
If you don't find Norm funny, I fail to see how you're possibly not a fedora or otherwise retarded.
You mean "Was he"
His brain is a Xanax addled mush now
Stop oppressing Republicans
>without being too wacky and he can keep things on track.
that was the selling point of the fucking show, why watch it without this stuff?
we wouldnt have that glorious mangrate compilation.
He never brought it up like that. Mostly it was norm poking it out of Tim, surprisingly. I think they both wanted to talk about the current climate of PC culture in comedy.
That and "candy man" made it a fucking great episode
That's pretty much exactly how he brought it up.
Does he ever say"Republican"?
yeah it's barely distinguishable from WTF with Marc Maron at this point, and that shit got old five years ago
>please fossilized comedian recount your stale anecdotes with absolutely no humor at all
He says "conservative"
every time a marc maron interview is posted the most voted comment is always a time stamp skipping most of maron's bullshit.
it's my favorite running gag
>show is literally a success
>gets canned because of political views
How would you go about talking about what happened? He seemed pretty easy going about it, actually.
It didn't get canned because of political views. It didn't get "canned" at all, it lasted 6 seasons and went into syndication. The network stopped ordering new seasons because it was developed by an outside studio instead of in-house at ABC so it was more expensive to make. When ABC passed on new seasons the show was shopped to CMT (one of the most conservative networks on cable) who passed also because of the high price tag.
Be sure to keep up the victim complex though.
Was going to make this reply
I'm not American, and I'm not emotionally invested in American politics. What you say may be true, but obviously Tim Allen, who was directly involved, thinks things happened differently, and since that's his perspective on events, he expressed it in the most contented way imaginable.
Your silly comment about a victim complex, though: you're assuming I'm a Sup Forums idiot, and the irony is in your quickness to assume I'm one of them, you're behaving in the exact same knee-jerk manner. No, John -- you are the demons.
>Tim Allen, who was directly involved, thinks things happened differently, and since that's his perspective on events, he expressed it in the most contented way imaginable.
Holy christ talk about saying a lot without saying a thing
Man you sound like the biggest fucking loser
You -- I assume it was you? -- criticised Tim Allen for talking about the cancellation of the show, expressing his view that it was due to his political views. You seem emotionally invested in the politics of it, to be honest, and you refuse to consider Tim Allen's point --denying it of any of its validity and insisting it was for the reasons the network say it was for. Funnily, you demonstrate Tim Allen's point that there are strong biases against people of a certain political persuasion.
What I am saying, in brief since reading comprehension is something you struggle with, is stop being such a narrowminded shit.
Was it autism?
no bo burnham is
Do you always post such funny and insightful comments, mummy's special little winner boy?
CMT didn't pass, Allen said no.
Also, the network said
>There’s a lot of news, and I think that people are definitely looking to television as a place they want to feel, they want to laugh, they want to cry … the mood of the country has told us that television is a little bit of an escape … What people want to do now is connect and experience and to feel … that did frame a lot of our development thinking this season.
>CMT didn't pass, Allen said no
Source? Every article I’ve seen about it said CMT passed because it was too expensive to produce
The views espoused by the show aren’t that conservative compared to a lot of other stuff on the air. If you lined it up with other series on American broadcast networks, it would probably fall somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum. Mel Gibson is also a conservative working in Hollywood. He was even caught on tape using anti Semitic and racist rhetoric, yet he was just nominated for an oscar. There has been no public or media outcry against tim allen’s show that would lead to its cancellation. The only mention of this correlation is tim.
>How can God not exist if you don't believe in him?
>*tips crucifix at teenage daughter*
yeah but did you?
>Mel Gibson is also a conservative working in Hollywood. He was even caught on tape using anti Semitic and racist rhetoric, yet he was just nominated for an oscar.
This is your proof that Hollywood isn't biased against conservatives? We're on television and film and pretty much everyone reading this thread is familiar enough with Mel Gibson's story to know, in fact, it proves the opposite -- Mel was blacklisted for years. Robert Downey Jr stood on a stage and begged them to forgive him? I've no reason to doubt Tim Allen's side of things, to be honest.
republicans aren't conservative
Whatever you say buddy
in all seriousness what the fuck did he mean by this? I hate when they try to be intellectual, Norm is guilty of this too but at least he's decently intelligent enough to usually avoid embarrassing himself
t. ziocuckservative
Every time I listen to one on youtube I involuntarily scroll down to click the time stamp.
Marc is extremely hit or miss, and god forbid someone from SNL comes on the show.
We don't all speak autism user.