It occurs to me that with Marvel Studios now calling the shots for Spider-Man on film...

It occurs to me that with Marvel Studios now calling the shots for Spider-Man on film, there's an opportunity to give the symbiote/Venom storyline a treatment that's not retarded and spiteful.

How do you think they'll do it?

I think building up the Sinister Six is a higher priority than trying to do Venom again. Since Marvel Studios does whatever the hell it wants, they might do Eddie Brock Agent Venom for all we know

retardedly and spitefully

Cancer suit from ultimate

They didn't even get Peter right and the movie isn't even out yet, what the fuck makes you think they could possibly do Venom justice?

Cancer suit from ultimate thats made of alien dna from a meteor/intercepted space flight


Ideal game plan is that knfinity war part two is called secret war, or is a conflict off world, heroes team up/get assisted by collector

Peter being a dumb kid/cuious asshole finds the symbiote in his collection and it bonds with him

Next spiderman opens with him shedding the suit, fighting a jobber villain till venom shows up in act 2 they fight, venom is locked up

Venom breaks out, they fight, Final battle ends in stalemate, spidey and venom make the deal that they leave each other alone they will be ok, venom leaves for sanfran

post credit is carnage origin

what was wrong with it last time? anyone have a hi def of him with his teeth? it was made with practical effects right?

>what was wrong with it last time?
Have you ever read a Venom comic? Or even the Spider-Man comics Venom first got fleshed out as a character in? The movie was nothing like Venom at all, the only similarities were blonde hair and disliking Parker/Spider-Man

>there's an opportunity to give the symbiote/Venom storyline a treatment that's not retarded and spiteful.
>not being retarded and/or spiteful regarding the black symbiote

Topher was a mistake

>what was wrong with it last time?
build was wrong
showed eddie's face too much
completely evil rather than warped morality

There's potential for a very long explanation explaining exactly why he was wrong, but pretty much this is the short version. He also didn't get enough screentime and they really messed up his overall mindset, his relationship with Spidey, and Eddie and the symbiote's relationship with each other.

>not retarded

Lmao nice one OP.

the only thing I liked from civil was spidey. he was how I always imagined him to be from the early comics and cartoons

only a few stories but not like full runs
he supposed to be like obsessed/hate/love Parker
is that not how it is?

>only a few stories but not like full runs
>he supposed to be like obsessed/hate/love Parker
>is that not how it is?

Not that user, but they really rushed it. (Rami hates Venom &Arad FORCED him to include him so he just wanted it over with.)

The movie's motivation falls vastly short.

Eddie was the focus of a TON of attention for getting an "exclusive" on the Sin Eater story. Despite being a seasoned journalist, he didn't properly fact check so it cost him.

Later it was added that Brock had serious issues with his father due to his mother dying in childbirth. He was always distant with Eddie (Eddie only found support with the house keeper and after getting the symbiote, may have become obsessed with Aunt May as a parental stand in due to the suit's memories via Pete), but with the ongoing coverage of the Sin Eater story he finally was coming around.

The truth hits, it makes Brock's paper (the Daily Globe, not Bugle) embarrass itself, they in response fire Brock and his career is so wrecked that all he can do is write for trash like Weekly World news and gossip. He's blacklisted from all legitimate papers.

The strain destroys his marriage, so he and Ann Weying divorce. He eventually decides he's got nothing left and tries to kill himself, but goes to church to ask forgiveness.

Some retcons have it that he also discovered he had cancer and so that was another layer of crap he was dealt.

The movie has him awkwardly pining for Gwen (there's was more of this in cut scenes) and overall he's not DESTROYED as he was in the books.

Brock wasn't a typical super villain. Despite his depression and hatred for Spider-man, the symbiote fed his hatred to manic levels. Even with this, he wanted to protect the innocent and respected other heroes.

In one issue after being forced to team up with Spider-man, the Human Torch gives them a lift from a deserted island to NYC, but Brock, earnestly praises Johnny and the FF but in the same breath hates Pete.

Also, the movie lacked this pivotal element

>Peter being a dumb kid/cuious asshole finds the symbiote in his collection and it bonds with him

Have his suit get trashed and he ends up bonding to the symbiote thinking the machine its in is some clothes making machine he was told about.

On a more serious note, they missed this element in the movies. Brock knew EVERYTHING about Pete due to the suit, so he would make use of that and stalk Pete and get close to his loved ones to taunt him.

Canonically, the reason Pete stopped wearing the cloth Black suit (after he lost the symbiote) was Brock tracked Pete's home and waited for Mary Jane till he scared her nearly to death.

It led to her always being extra afraid of the look.

Brock was the classic stalker enemy. Pete would never know when Brock was just around the corner, watching and waiting for Pete. He genuinely cares for May and wouldn't hurt her, but Pete, in no way can see that.

If they built up Brock instead of doing his entire arc in a movie we could have seen Pete frightened and paranoid in a way few villains could.

He knows his identity, who he loves, has access to memories and important locations. Combine that with the fact the symbiote can turn invisible and he blocks the Spider-sense, it was hell for Pete each time they fought, since he'd never be sure if he was safe.

Venom is defeated by the power of friendship and hard work.

>Venom is defeated by the power of friendship and hard work.

Too bad most people wanted Spider-man, not your head canon version of him.

>Rami hates Venom
How? I can see not liking Venom as maybe an over exposed villain, but how can you hate Venom?

Also I hate it when directors let their personal bias and feelings ruin things in their movies

Start with Space Knight Venom, have him meet the guardians, and then when he meets Spider-Man, make it be spidey that goes after symbiote power, then bring in miles morales as peter becomes corrupted.

make eddie a hero, peter a villain, and then do Venom Peter.

When did Venom become Godzilla?

ooh! I know, have this eb the start of the clone saga where peter is tried to be saved by the avengers, it fails, venom becomes anti venom or carnage, and then the other peter, goes off to resume peter's legacy, then when peter really gets out of the symbiote, the replacement becomes known as ben reilly, and peter goes about with the future foundation (who by then should be a thing, because marvel will have the f4 family again by then)

>Ideal game plan is that knfinity war part two is called secret war

Needs more Morlun.

We dont speak that name here

>How? I can see not liking Venom as maybe an over exposed villain, but how can you hate Venom?
>Also I hate it when directors let their personal bias and feelings ruin things in their movies

Not sure, but I just seen that it's been stated numerous times that he doesn't like him. Never heard why though.