Walking Dead

Why did they kill Glenn instead of Maggie? Nobody likes Maggie and the only thing that's special about her character is that she fucked an Asian guy. Plus they don't need TWO fucking babies on the team.

Also, how about that Walking Dead Robot Chicken Special?

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you can chart the tv viewership ratings of TWD of when it started to drop like a rock. it was when they killed off Glenn.

I still don't know why Tara is still alive other than to lead the others to that seaside community

>implying anyone was watching for Glenn

By the time Glen died, he, Daryl, and rick had all basically become the same character. Realistically, the show only needs one of them, but they won't kill daryl.

fuck off Chang

Glenn was kick ass as shit, Maggie literally does nothing but be a baby machine. Especially now that Sophia isn't in the show, she's essentially useless.

the reason why TWD was so popular was because it had a large female fanbase. You dont get to become the #1 show in the US (yes, it is even bigger than Game Of Thrones) with just dudes watching.


And the Glenn + Maggie relationship was the primary reason so many of girls watched since it was the only real romance on the show.

Who even gives a shit about Glenn? He barely had a personality and hadn't done anything interesting since Atlanta.

Walking Dead as a whole should be a little more cavalier with how they kill characters. Fucking Daryl should have been killed three seasons ago but I guess they need him around to keep selling action figures and Dixon-brand vibrators.

well they killed two relationships with negan
latino/black(chick) triangle with the redneck dude

Well now they have Michonne+Rick, then again it's not as cute a relationship because it's featuring a disgusting black woman.

>Nick and Troy slather themselves up in walker guts and whisper in the middle of a zombie group
>"No, the Fear the Walking Dead characters are not the Whisperers"
Who are they trying to fool

Everyone I know who watches TWD loves Glenn.
Maggie is annoying as fuck, acts like she's on her period in every episode and has that stupid accent.

That was the last episode I bothered to watch.

What's the point of FTWD if it's literally the same as TWD? I don't watch the show but I've been told that FTWD doesn't really show how the apocalypse started since it fast forwards into after it started, same as TWD.

>Everyone I know who watches TWD loves Glenn.
Then they're idiots. Describe Glenn's personality. He's....nice? Name one interesting action he performed in the last three seasons. He was dead weight and nothing more than a sacrificial lamb the writers kept around just for Negan (an actually interesting character).

People like him because he's badass and he seems nice and like someone you'd like to hang out with I guess. And because he's Asian I suppose. People just need a character to have "cool" points to love him/her I think.
To be honest I didn't like him that much and the only characters I cared about were Shane and Andrea. Idk why I still watch this shit.

Honestly, Glenn had outlived his character and was reduced to fake death bait past season 4.

>they dont need two fucking babies on the team

thanks alot i have coke nose and not the good kind

Read the comics retard, Maggie is better than this chink

i never could quite figure out what changed and why i didnt like it as much, thanks for pointing it out.

>read the comics
im sorry what?

>nobody likes maggie


Yes, she's better in the comics, but in the show she's annoying as fuck bitch who's always PMSing

No, she really isn't. Andrea is better than everyone (RIP), except for pre-gay Jesus.

Why does this happen with shit characters like Glenn and not with GOAT characters like Shane?


>Read the comics retard
Go back to your containment board, manchild. We are talking about the actual TV SERIES here.

Best post

Jesus is about to meet his maker tho. Unless didn't du Negan comes out and dues ex his ass.

Shane was literally around for like 2 seconds in the comics.

Wow the comics sound like complete shit if the best character is only in it for two seconds.

Just a cliffhanger. If he was actually going to die, it would have happened in the final panel.

The comics are better up until the GOAT Andrea dies.

Glenn has pulled off most of the impossible feats in the show and you're purposely ignoring those in favor to scrutinize his baseline personality

Yeah he's boring outside of his action scenes, but his action scenes were the best throughout the show compared to most of the main cast

Shane is a whiney bitch, especially in the comics. The only good thing that comes out of him is butchered in the show; which would be when Rick learns that no matter how you die you come back, leading to him going on a solo developmental journey to dig up and kill Shane.

But does it have memes? Please do not mistake me for someone that treats shit like this seriously

>Yfw Eugene is one who finds the cure

>Glenn has pulled off most of the impossible feats in the show
Name one since Season 1

the nigga carried the team at hershel's farm

>the comics are better

No, that was Shane. Glenn at the farm was the one they lowered into the well because he's such a wimpy manlet

going into the well was one of the best parts of that season

>Nobody likes Maggie

What's the point in the comics to even keep Negan alive? He is out there alone killing zombies, then what? Just kill him, he is no longer any use to the plot.

>hating on Saint Negan as he drives all of the zombies out of his homeland



Well he's obviously going to fall in love with the new girl, since she is a female Negan. Would make sense for him to run into Michonne's group.

It has no white boys.

Who is tara?

The big tit lesbian

has this ugly waste of space been killed off yet?

here's a comprehensive list of all the important female characters in TWD

everyone else except Rick's wife and to a certain extent the black samurai is pointless

Yes, probably so that she could work on STD

The fat lesbian is a more fitting name.

Oh shit it's Skeletor

there's only one skeletorfu

I know it's what happens in the comics, but why Abraham? To circumvent the backlash from how the prior season ended?

It's like they had him act out of character and had him sleep around just so the audience wouldn't sympathize as much when they bashed his head in.

He just wanted to mix the bisquick and possibly make pancakes

ill be honest, it was after that premier that i stopped watching
Not because I was upset that they killed him but after the blue balls climax of the last season and this over the top attempt to get your viewership back i just gave up

She's dead, Jim. Apparently, she got killed off to work on STD. I sure hope that works out, since not everyone can springboard off like Shane did.

Apparently, the audience was supposed to feel for their WM/BF romance, even though they were at the "we're going to bang soon enough" phase before he got killed.

>Negan somehow figures out exactly who he last had a romantic relationship with just by watching two women crying
I fucking hate this show, the writing is as lazy as lazy gets

Thank you Mr.Skeleton

I watched it for Glenn

Can the man get some work in Hollywood?
He's hanging out with some fat white dude in Korea now.

People bitched about them taking there own liberties with the source material, so they decided to make everyone who cried about them not following the source material cry by actually doing something exactly like the comics. Many LOL's were had.