What's Sup Forums opinion on Andy Signore?
What's Sup Forums opinion on Andy Signore?
no opinion. looks like a fag.
Has no game.
a beta that flew too close the alpha sun and got burned. He was a beta and always will be. Its why chads are able to get away with what he did and he cant.
This is tough
She has a bold and hot look. She looks very sexy in her movies. She is a sex symbol and style icon for American girls. She never fall in love with anybody. She is too younger yet. She is a cute actress. andy signore Latest HD Wallpapers Unseen Hot Images
> haha i know this is wierd but its not haha
Honestly, his texts / facebook messages are primo cringekino. I wish there was video of the supposed dildo incident because i cannot imagine the spaghetti pouring from every orifice as he tried to make his move.
It was always funny seeing him try to keep the spaghetti in his pockets around Alicia Malone on Movie Fights. He let her win almost every time she came on, even though her arguments were limp and lifeless.
Youtubers are subhumans.
Especially fat fedora neckbeard liberals like him.
/r9k/ tier loser