He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can confirm. I can see more intelligence in rick and morty fans than anywhere else in the universe

>I'm willing to excuse the crimes of my people because someone did something good

That's what Hitler said about the Nazis too.

Okay, sure. Is the guy trying to reassure himself his fan base isn't a breeding ground for bad people?

To be fair....

It's true, ignoring the problem and focusing on the nice is the way to progress.

Progress to genocide.

Wtf I love R&M now.

Must suck for Roiland to watch his fanbase turn into a bunch of mini Dan Harmons

Justin Roiland an HERO when

The show deserves its fanbase.

this meme is mainstream now pack it

but forreal, are the fans really like this? I'm a yuropean so all Ive heard is people say it's good and really dark cartoon, should I watch it?

So he's basically admitting his fan base are faggot man children Redditors.

Someone post the screencap of roiland hitting on young girls

See, Roiland this is when you slap your audience. You won't lose them, they are addicted. You shame them and call them stupid idiots for what they do. Throw in a nice fuck you or kill yourselves to get that controversy going and it's free advertising of your condemnation.

RLM knew this. There needs to be a healthy contempt for your audicence. Keeps you and them honest.

New Bronies confirmed.

Prepare the containment board.


Imagine if all of Reddit wrote a show together and Rick and Morty would be that show.

women were a mistake

He's willing to condemn the "racist right wing nazi's" watching but when it's a actually relevant amount of people terrorizing Mcdonald's and being faggots online he's silent.

These people do it for the meme. They want to be known as the super fan who makes the news

You can watch whatever you like, but lol if a cartoon becomes a major part of your identity. Double lol if you adopt that identity irl and not just on the interbutts.

I'll start the fire

It's a good show for non-retards, if you think characters can't have opinions then the show isn't for you.

>I have personally seen more good than bad

Why is he straight up lying?

No need, it's already started in California.

Reminder that RnM fans are authoritarian pseudocommie larpers who benefit directly from capitalism but hate the society that benefits them youtube.com/watch?v=XKvsLLfRpLs

I dont think you're being ironic in saying that is the weird thing

But whiteys can still be nuked, for all I care.

I hate Dan so much

Praise kek am I right?

Do you faggots still fall for it?

>McDonald's does food promotion, limited locations
>runs out of stock, lets middle aged managers deal with the bullshit
>free advertising from media, from fans bitching about you, from the hilarious viral meme of nerdy faggots having autism fits over your sauce.

And for anyone saying this is bad publicity tell me how it's bad publicity to have news of people committing crimes and knocking down doors for your food everywhere. They are bringing it back again later. 2 events in 1.

But muh Nazis!

R&M doesn't hate women and minorities enough

Individuality is dying. Everyone is becoming an archetype. Their race politics and media interests will be the only things differentiating one another soon.

is this the end for drumpf?

>doesn't support demonizing everyone who disagrees with me with an extremist label
>lmao memes

this. they are joking around the same way people here spammed all that pickle rickers in the house bullshit

just as planned

I don't watch the show but hate being out of the loop on anything, what's the rundown on this?

muh russian hackers eh friend?

>Fuck ALL straight white males and FUCK Donald Drumpfh!!

Where's the good in the Rick and Morty fanbase?

Where the fuck are the rick and morty watchers claiming to be geniuses? OTHER than the facebook cap. I've seriously never seen it, I see people claiming that's what happens 1000x more and it's getting annoying as fuck

I've been waiting for a new Foam Adventure

Jesus, even trekkies have more self respect than these people.

It's just a silly sci-fi cartoon in the same vain as Futurama. It just so happens that some retards take it way too fucking seriously. I say check it out and form your own opinion.

The people who like Rick and Morty are the same people rambling about the singularity and popsci articles. You can SEE what the people that retweet Rick and Morty on twitter write and it's not a pretty picture.
A bunch of low achieving stoners and teenagers who think they're above average intelligence because they like the "I fucking love science" page on facebook.

fan creations and tributes like a morty plushie and whatnot. I think he means well-meaning enthusiasm as opposed to entitled neckbeardery

This was not the dystopia I had in mind. I was hoping for more of a Mad Max situation.

>fan creations and tributes like a morty plushie and whatnot
those actually annoy me more than the riots

The thing that makes me most angry is that McDonald’s ALWAYS manages to profit from these crazes, and nobody else gets in on them.

Remember Beanie Babies in the 90’s? Some of the shitty miniature ones at McDonald’s were “worth” dozens of dollars.

Makes me mad at humanity that these people would go nuts over some “sauce” that is 95% corn syrup and corn starch, with probably some garlic powder, vinegar, and red pepper extracts.

Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube comments. Facebook seems to be the main source of it, though.

It annoys me as well but at least it isn't misplaced WHERE IS MY SAUCE?? bullshit

>fan creations and tributes like a morty plushie and whatnot

Having not seen a fanmade "morty plushie" before, I looked it up on google. This was the second result on Google Images. Fuck you and fuck the fans.

Lol I love seeing these.

I’m actually an R&M fan myself. Sometimes I get bummed out that I don’t have any friends to do fun stuff with. But if they types of friends whom I have something in common with think that it would be “fun” to drive to a fast food restaurant at 6am, then I’m actually glad I’m a friendless NEET.

I’m actually old enough to remember the sauce, too. It’s good enough for McDonald’s shit, but let’s just say you wouldn’t be putting their bbq on a nice rack of ribs either.


>have a bad dream where I go on the computer and see a cam show like on chaturbate where justin roiland is using some sort of fucking machine with a dildo up his ass, nipple clamps and some sort of cock milker thing
>the image became so ingrained into my head that it may as well be real and I feel uncomfortable every time I see justin roiland or hear his voice
I can't watch rick and morty anymore but I'm not missing out since this season was shit anyway

They literally scrape their meme sauce off the pavement and eat it. There will be no redemption for Rick and Morty fans.


I put on one of those 24/7 Rick and Morty streams and happened to see the episode with the giant space heads and the get swifty song
The rest of the show isn't like this, is it? It seemed like a discarded Futurama idea.
What's more baffling is the reviews online were praising it for it's groundbreaking views on god and religion, as if the Simpsons hadn't done that a gorillion times in the past.

Show makes elongated joke that Rick's entire motivation over the series is a discontinued Mcdonald's promotional asian chicken nugget sauce in conjunction with the movie Mulan like 20 years ago called Sezchuan sauce. He would do anything to get it. It's dropped for rest of season.

Fans make piss about it and Mcdonald's bring back the sauce for a limited promotion. Fans throw autistic fits when they run out, buying packets for hundreds of dollars.

From there this happened.


No he's not. You're all the kind of garbage filth who would pitch a fit at a fucking McDonalds over sauce. Every single one of you.

Watch from the beginning. It's a unique show. Edgy Futurama with character development(sometimes bad).

If you don't like it by episode 5, quit. Personally, I only watch it for the jokes which are great usually.


It's milquetoast pseudo edgy. No one is actually offended by it. Bland people think it makes their humor dark and edgy by like it, but the fact that they like it makes it not edgy.


Rick and Morty is a decent show (I saw the first season and enjoyed it, but would never call it the smartest show). But, seeing these adult men, some of my friends included, freaking out about selling a sauce from a cartoon at a fast food chain has really made me queasy. This is the definition of manchild behavior

He's definitely our guy, but he's lost his way.

>Bad can be found in every sample group of humanity. I have personally seen more good than bad in the National Socialist party. I'm gonna focus on good.

what did Justin mean by this ?

Wait until the resources really start to run out and urban people who don't know how to make anything without machines start dying en masse.
Massive viral outbreaks are inevitable in Africa, Asia, etc where people keep pumping out babies and getting packed in tighter and tighter.
We're in the last century of civilization as we know it, and this time there will be no coming back from the fall. There aren't enough resources left to ever get our society back to where it is today technologically if it collapses now.

All the violence and psych 101 nietzche is edgy you retard. No one has to be offended for it to be edgy nor does it have to be effective edge.

I remember when people on Sup Forums got flamed for posting lol.

I kinda feel bad for Justin, it's clear that he only wanted to make a goofy cartoon with a ton of toilet humor and Dan shoehorned melodrama and political bullshit to give it a more "serious" side.

Sorry, I obviously meant "vein". But thanks for being an asshole about it.


He's a fucking creep, that's what he is. He belongs in jail.

he has trouble understanding how samples work.