who writes like this?

She is destroying the union with her refugee plan.

Merkel is the real nationalist and hero we need.

Was it all apart of his plan?

Holy shit, but what if this was her plan all along?

Sink or swim. Merkel either destroys a country that no longer deserves to exist, or creates the 4th Reich.

>who writes like this?

I miss the days when news articles were written by professionals. Everything reads like a fucking blog entry now.

am I the only one that immediately read it as beheading?

really makes u think...

Of course

Funny is that she's the reason for the brexit. Without her refugee bullshit nothing of this would ever have happened.

We finally got also an electable right wing party which will take power in about 4-8 years.

Her stupidity will create something good again. It's actually Weimar all over again.

You really think AfD will be able to take power in 4-8 years?

This is true. If she wasn't obsessed with refugees and destabilizing economies with them, this wouldn't have happened. I can only hope it all burns down while she's in office so she can fully own her legendary failure.

what are the chances of the afd deporting the mud? will the be another solution?

They won't if the 2+ million Muslims and Africans that broke into the country all get together and decide to not break any laws or attack any ethnic Germans constantly, and if the German economy and social structure doesn't go tits up because of Brexit and the massive spending that said 2+ million poor starving niggos are going to need.


The ARYANDIED is on the cusp of fruition, fellow ANGLOS.

Soon victory will be ours at last! HUZZAH!

Tumblr. Who else writes random words capitalized?

i dont even need to read the article, i already know how to feel about this!

From now on it will only turn worse. Everybody I talk to is absolutely pissed about refugees & Merkel. It's not like they magically will vanish, thus from now on it will turn worse and worse especially with the EU crumbling.

It took the NSDAP 10 years before they reached a noticeable amount of voters. Afd managed that only after 3 years.

Germany will go the way of Austria.

>implying the Germans care enough

Sauce on this? Or is this just a shoop?

They were told from birth that they are inherently evil and guilty forever. I wonder how many of those people are waking up to the reality that their culture of hard work, success, and community is not shared by their invaders. It might make a man more willing to defend it.

I hope so, but dont settle for anything less than total AfD control. The tide has turned here atleast and as it stands SD is becoming the biggest party in the next election. with almost 2.5 times improvement since last one

God that's depressing if true.


So will we see liberal student fucktards crying about how UK killed the EU in a few years time? I can't wait.

What are YOU talking ABOUT?


So, what they are saying, is that Britain needs to stay in the EU, because Germany needs the money, right?

In order to pay for the importation of refugees that will further destroy Europes economy, land, people, buildings, heritage, etc?

forgot my trip again...

Just goes to show how much the UK was propping this shitty mess up, and how good it was for US that we left THEM.

Rejoice, brothers -- a return to European normalcy is nigh.

Pretty happy Germans will get back their country then.

biased question. for most of the civilized world "fight for your country" means to be forced to stand around in some shithole desert while your wife sleeps around. in most of the top percentage countries "fight for your country" means defending your family from murder in rape by a foreiner because that is a reality

germany / japan have been mentally defeated in WW2. The graph is proof


>tfw Hitler actually killed his country because everyone's too scared to engage in nationalism now.

damn fiji

>Not KNOWING how to EMPHASIZE English.

and when you are an elderly man, you will get to gloat over the salt mines from liberals blaming UK and Brexit for World War 3 which killed over 1 billion people.

>blaming brexit instead of uncontrolled immigration from islamic third world shitholes

That's definitely something I can see them doing.

1 billion dead continentals and niggers isn't a particularly horrifying number. The British war of independence wont be fought on UK soil.

>So, what they are saying, is that Britain needs to stay in the EU, because Germany needs the money, right?

Sad isn't it?

soon Germans will be selling their young daughters to migrants for cash.

unlike now where they just give them away for free

the BBC


Liberalism has destroyed our country.

Is this why the German government asking their citizens to stock up on water and food, and a draft for their citizens?

One thing about Germans. Do not let their economy go down when they are the 4th largest economy when all send and done.

The 4th Reich is something we all should be worried about.

Fuck off GCHQ!

if EU economically collapses I can see them sending refugees back
now that would be a shitstorm


>first reich was abysmally decentralised feudal society
>second reich was Prussia 2.0 with the Nationalism expansion pack
>third reich was ultimately a natsoc failure

>fourth reich scheduled to be the globalist tyranny once called the Soviet Union, now European Union

Germany will fuck over Europe one way or the other, if not by war than by politics.

This can't be real.

>1 billion dead
Literally triple that and we'd still have a higher global population than 1965. Add an extra billion to give us room to grow.

>Britain plz help

Based Nige.

>caps lock in the headline
Nice clickbait