Webm Thread
Webm Thread
Damn, knowing the other chick is a dyke makes this even hotter. Gal really went for a proper make out kiss.
Why is Gal such a lesbo for other women when she's married to a man?
Look at her fucking forehead ha ha ha
>literally sexually assaulting him on air
*reads cue cards*
Thats My Boy
did she have a fucking hair transplant?
To the Wonder deleted scenes?
shitty wig for SNL skit
How is this little Dyke categorically different from Weinstein? She's just using her ability to promote other actors to gratify an exhibitionist fetish. These skits are all colorless and uninspired. They're merely masturbatory celebration of celebrity. SNL may as well be doing "parodies" of casting couch porn.
A girlfriend and a go pro? So rare.
imagine if it was Antje doing that. and instead of some jew it's young boy.
Kate McKinnon looks like she's going to age horribly
There are a lot of lesbians that you can see were simply born with enough T to make them masculine, and the Dyke is biological. This type of woman ages horribly as a rule. In fact they start looking old and busted in their late teens.
so is this just a lesbian webm thread?
appears so
I need a jewish woman like that, our children will be the butchers, not the meat white bois.
t. no-white user
>dem hard nips
hot damn she's into it
Quick rundown!
Thats My Boy
that hip cleavage jesus christ
>Thats My Boy
I thought the boy was Latino, but by the way it's an Adam Sandler movie and it's another COMMON CHAD JEW
why did she think that was what she needed to do?
I ain't your boy, pal.
so what did gary oldman do when he came out, rub his dick on jimmy's face? suck the stand ins cock.
>being gentle
white ''''''''''people''''''''''
Rachael Taylor is an underrated hottie
what's this from?
stop posting you're trash waifu. She belongs in the garbage, as do you
Cruel Intentions 2
damn she has a plump rump
hey at least it's not the ratposter
sup /user/half-bloodprince
source pls
Cruel Intentions 2
>lets do a bit about two real lesbians going to the wonder woman island.
somebody post the Rooney eye contact scene from Song to Song
God I wish that were me
Who's that guy she's kissing?
what happened?
Is she being fucked by a demon or something lol
it's a woman
she was shot by the police
>fandango movieclips
What were you thinking?
>some people unironically consider this thing a waifu
where's this from?
Kate McKinnon, real life dyke. The events depicted in that webm probably made her pathetic life ahahahahaha
stream it if you're so great
who is other girl?
Rose Byrne
i just did